Inclusion, Communication and Civil Rights

"Learning is easy when the teacher knows you can learn. " Henry Frost

The National Center on Inclusive Education Summer Institute

Inclusive education conference with keynotes by Lydia Brown, George Sugai, Dan Habib, JoAnne Malloy. Cheryl Jorgensen, Michael McSheehan, Henry Frost and many more you will not want to miss!

Autistic Hoya: Ordinary Lives

When I demand equal access, equal opportunity, equal rights, I'm not insisting on my superiority, innate or acquired. I don't want special treatment. I want to see the removal of cultural paradigms about what types of bodies and minds should be valued and what types of bodies and minds should be deigned for marginalization. I don't want a world that advantages me over you. I want a world where oppressive systems that ultimately hurt everyone have been overcome, dismantled.

Breaking News from Autistic Hoya: The End of Torture at the JRC?

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick filed a motion to vacate (render null) the 1987 settlement agreement that has permitted the Judge Rotenberg Center to use aversives, including the notorious electric shock GED devices.

  • Woman with brown hair and white skin holding a painting by Larry Bissonette.

Advice from Someone Who Has Been There

I love Larry Bissonnette- artist and disability rights activist. If you have seen Wretches & Jabberers or My Life as an Artist, or seen Larry present- I'm sure you are right there with me. His paintings are extraordinary, his words brilliant, and his wit and personality beyond wonderful. He is an exceptional person I feel privledged to call friend. We have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with Larry; a weekend at our home in Tampa, a week in Vermont (where we were able to visit Larry's studio and watch him create his paintings) and numerous conferences

Autistic Hoya: End the torture. Make this go viral.

The public must see what the Judge Rotenberg Center is doing. Their experts claimed that the public would not understand the content of this video without "proper context." There is no context that justifies the use of torture against anybody ever. The public has not merely a right but a responsibility to watch this video and share it everywhere.

Autistic Student Advocates for Herself, Other Autistics

“Because we see autism and other neurodevelopmental or neurological differences, conditions or disabilities as a natural variation of human diversity in terms of neurological diversity,” Brown says, “that means there’s nothing defective, wrong or diseased or broken. Therefore there’s no reason for a fix or for a cure.”    

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