Universal Design and Disability Acceptance
by Amy Sequenzia Universal Design If you are reading this, you probably should know that inclusion of disabled students, with the supports they need, is beneficial to all students. Universal Design is a thing. It means one builds things, and creates products that are accessible to all. It can also be used in classrooms, making sure all students have access to the same education, accommodating individual needs in a flexible environment. The idea of Universal Design is not about kindness, or about compliance with the ADA. It is about common sense. When more people participate, everyone wins because human beings
Cheryl Jorgensen
Dr. Cheryl Jorgensen's website is an excellent resource for information about inclusive education, best practices, differentiated instruction, universal design, curriculum adaptation, writing standards based IEPs, facilitating social relationships and much more!
It’s Time to Go Beyond Access
Always Keep in Mind the Learning Goal and Keep the Challenge Where It Belongs
Free iPad Games to Improve Algebra Learning from CAST
CAST released two innovative, research-based educational games that teach essential math reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM)
Great video on Kathleen McClaskey's Scoop It site, UDL- Universal Design for Learning about accessible instructional materials.
The Case for Inclusion Part 3: Sea Change
The longer there is a strong distinction between general and special education the worse it is for students who are labeled with a disability. It perpetuates the language of Us and Them...
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