2013 Top Ten Signs of Special Ed Advocate Burn Out

Subtitle: Why you may need a trip to a COPAA conference to relax. 1. You thought the OSEP’s MOU on NCLB’s AYP came from CDC and was about another STD. 2. You are were actually able to follow #1. 3. You asked the Advocate Committee to research OCR guidanc

School Says, “No Advanced Classes for Kids with IEPs”

My child has a learning disability. Her teachers want her to enroll in advanced classes. She is eligible based on her test scores and school performance. The School will not let her enroll her because she has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). What

Retention is Not a Form of “Specialized Instruction”

The school wanted to retain my son who has an IEP for OT, PT and Speech. They insisted he repeat second grade. I disagreed. Now in third grade, his teachers want to send him back to second grade. They say his writing is not on par with a “normal” third g

Wright’s Law: Why Schools Usually Say “No!”

My son is going to middle school. Same district, new school, just blocks apart. His 1:1 (same para for 3 years) has been the best thing that has come into his life ever. We want his para to follow him to middle school. The Special Education Director says

IEP Team Member Apology: A Template for “Not Knowing It All – After All”

Have you just committed a real faux pas but find yourself at a loss for words to apologize? Perhaps you are a celebrity who needs to apologize for disability-related comment… A teacher who needs to apologize for outrageous classroom mistreatment… Or, a p

Why Won’t the School Provide Homebound Instruction?

My child’s doctor recommended homebound instruction. The school said they had the authority to override that recommendation. Why won’t the school provide homebound services? Issues of homebound are determined in part by state law and state regulations, i

Sad, But True. Decision-maker v. Equal Participant

My school told me, “You are the expert at home and the district is the expert at school.” I did not agree to my daughter’s IEP. The district refused to allow me to tape record meetings and include my notes with the district’s notes. I filed a state compl

Are These Good Annual Goals?

Is this annual goal written correctly for a high school freshman? Judy will improve reading comprehension skills by using graphic organizers to access the curriculum with 70% accuracy per quarter. 1. Judy will summarize or bullet important information in


Wrightslaw's mission is to provide parents, advocates, educators, and attorneys with accurate, up-to date information about special education law and advocacy so they can be effective catalysts. * Information for parents about their rights and responsibilities * Information for teachers about professional training so they can meet the diverse needs    of their students * Information for advocates about laws, regulations, and advocacy strategies * Information for attorneys who want cases, pleadings, and tactics and strategies

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