Accommodations – They Make All The Difference

Accommodations are important and they work. I should not be making a big deal about it. The ADA is 25 years old. Sadly, getting the accommodations we, disable people need, is often the opposite of simple.   If you have been reading my posts, you know that I am very visibly disabled. I am also proud, and I don't try to be someone other than myself. I do require a lot of supports, and once I have them, I can do anything I set up as goals. I have goals, or simply things I want to do, that most people

  • “Disability Visibility Project .A community partner with StoryCorps” Black images with yellow images of Golden Gate Bridge, a Peach, Cityscape of Chicago, and RV “SF, ATLANTA, CHICAGO ,MOBILE TOUR, Recording Disability History, One Story at a Time, July 2104-2015,, @DisVisibility, #DisabilityVisibility, #ADA25"

Disability Visibility Project

Ollibean is very proud to be a media partner of the Disability Visibility Project. Please join us in spreading the word about this important project dedicated to "Recording Disability History, One Story at a Time".

Senator Harkin Delivers Speech in ASL Upon ADA Passage in 1990

Upon passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 13th, 1990, Senator Tom Harkin delivered a speech on the Senate floor in American Sign Language. Harkin, whose brother Frank was deaf, was the lead Senate author of the ADA, which was enacted later that year. His speech is the first in American Sign Language to be delivered from the Senate floor.

  • There is a big difference between HEARING what you are saying & UNDERSTANDING what you are saying. Linda Tossoonian on Ollibean

Deaf Parent Advocates for Communication Supports She Received from Same School 40 Years Ago

Deaf mother goes before Hillsborough County School District Board to advocate for son's necessary services. The 8th largest school district in the country has an operating budget of $ 3 billion. Despite being notified in advance of her attendance, the district was unable to provide any access .

  • It’s illegal for a medical service provider to turn away someone because of physical disability.

Doctors across America turning away patients with disabilities, study finds

by Sarah Levis Disabled people in several American cities are going without specialist care because of medical facilities that aren’t physically accessible, says a study that recently appeared in the Annals of Medicine. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, it’s illegal for a medical service provider to turn away someone because of physical disability. Yet in Boston alone, more than one in six doctors refused to schedule appointments for people posing as patients in wheelchairs. Similar findings were reported in three other cities. The study reported similar findings in in Houston, Texas, Dallas, Texas, and Portland, Oregon. The study

Report: Disabled Face Transportation Barriers

WASHINGTON, DC -- Two civil rights organizations are highlighting disparities in transportation access for people with disabilities. "Equity in Transportation for People with Disabilities," a report by The American Association of People with Disabilities

OT students on reliability of ADA-Compliance Assessment Toolkit

Misericordia University student researchers recently had their findings about the reliability of the Americans with Disabilities Act-Compliance Assessment Toolkit (ADA-CAT) presented at the California State University, Northridge Annual International Tec

ADA Kits for Hotel Guests with Hearing Loss

Harris Communications makes it easy to be in compliance with the new ADA requirements for deaf and hard of hearing hotel guests. Effective March 15, 2012, the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) changed the accessibility requirements for guest

New ADA accessibility requirements took effect March 15

For the first time in history public fitness centers, public swimming pools, recreational facilities, parks, golf and mini-golf courses, detention facilities and courtrooms, playrooms and amusement rides must adhere to the governments accessibility requirements. The rules also clarify issues that have come up in the 20 years regarding bathroom dimensions, reach ranges and accesible routes.

A D A Audio Conference Series

The ADA Audio Conference Series provides in-depth information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This program is designed to enhance an individual's existing knowledge base or facilitate continued learning regarding regulations and trends under the ADA.  

2012 Accessible Technology Webinar Series

All sessions are free and scheduled for 2-3:30pm Eastern/1-2:30pm Central/12-1:30pm Mountain/11-12:30pm Pacific utilizing the ElluminateLive! webinar platform. The Great Lakes and Pacific ADA Centers on behalf of the ADA National Network are pleased to announce the 2012 Accessible Technology Webinar Series. Electronic information and communications technology have become essential tools in all areas of our lives and working environments today, and are particularly important to people with disabilities by providing equal access to the workplace and social media. The 2012 webinar series will explore some of the latest technological trends and their accessibility to people with disabilities. Registration is available

Letter from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali

Dear Colleague: This year, we will celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101-12213.  We at the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the United States Department of Education (Department) recognize the progress our country has made toward ensuring that educational opportunities are provided free from disability discrimination.  As Secretary Arne Duncan has stated, the Department is “strengthening our efforts to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have the tools they need to benefit from a world-class education that prepares them for success in college and careers.”1 Pursuant to a

By |January 24th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, Inclusive Education|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Rights Task Force

The Rights Task Force is part of The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities and focuses on civil rights and protections for people with disabilities, and for enforcement of rights provisions by federal agencies. Issues covered include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504, and protections secured through the Individuals with Disablities Education Act (IDEA)

By |December 28th, 2011|Categories: Advocacy, General, Politics, Resources|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

ADA Portal

The ADA Document Portal Allows users to search a collection of ADA-related documents that have been produced by federal agencies and organizations receiving federal funds.

Charter Schools Excluding Students with Significant Disabilities in Florida

A new report by the Miami Herald and StateImpact Florida – a National Public Radio initiative -  confirms CEC’s ongoing concern that many charter schools are failing to serve students with disabilities, particularly students with significant disabilities

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