Understanding Hearing Ability
What does speech sound like to deaf and hard of hearing children? Do deaf children hear anything? Some deaf children do in fact have no measurable hearing, but most children have some degree of residual
Ido In Autismland
We love Ido In Autismland, a blog by Ido a young autistic advocate who types to communicate.
Raising Rebel Souls
We are huge fans of Raising Rebel Souls. Heather is an incredible writer and advocate, and stood firmly with Henry:) Here's a bit about Raising Rebel Souls: Rebel Mommy: I am Rebel Mommy, also known
Sensory/Movement Differences and Diversity
For a lot of people, the most anticipated books each year are about vampires or girls with great archery skills, but the release I waited for was this book by friends, Martha Leary and Anne
The National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE)
The National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE) at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability is a leader in the transformation of schools so that students of all abilities are successfully learning in their
National Federation of the Blind
With more than 50,000 members, the National Federation of the Blind is the largest and most influential membership organization of blind people in the United States. The NFB improves blind people's lives through advocacy, education,
Disability Resources You Can Count on
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
Great resource promoting increased participation in physical activity among people of all abilities.
Autism Acceptance Month
"Acceptance is an action." Autism Acceptance Month from the brilliant folks at ASAN, is beyond incredible. We could read the About page again and again- and probably will. Check it out. Take the Pledge. What is Autism Acceptance Month?
Great Resource: Musings of an Aspie
who and what some things about me was 42 when I discovered that I have Asperger’s Syndrome. When I visit the zoo, I always leave thinking that maybe I was a primatologist in another life. Or
Tiny Grace Notes: Open Heartedness
Because I am a person who prepares special ed teachers and doc students for a living, I meet a lot of people, and a lot of them are parents of kids, and a lot of
We Love Emma’s Hope Book
Ariane Zurcher is definitely one of our favorite writers. She writes with exceptional honesty, insight, and beauty.