Disability Resources We Love

Disability Resources We Love2024-07-18T20:06:24+00:00

Disability Resources We Love

Photograph of girl at lake celebrating. Text reads Have you heard ? disability resources we can't do without . Ollibean logo

Our go to disability related resources–everything from parenting children with disabilities, inclusion, advocacy, neurodiversity, autism, literacy, accommodations, and more.

We’re stronger together.

  • Image description: photograph of light skinned man with light hair using sign language . He is wearing a black blazer, blue shirt, and dark tie. Captioned white text on a black background reads" we work to further equal opportunity".

Meet the Members of the 2013 National Council on Disability

By |Accessibility, Advocacy, Articles, blog, Cross Disability, Disability Rights, Disability Rights Leaders, General, Inclusion, Ollibean Thought Leaders, Politics, Resources We Love, Video|

The National Council on Disability works to further equal opportunity, self-sufficiency, independent living, inclusion and full integration of people with disabilities into the civic, social, and economic fabric of American life.


Disability Resources You Can Count on

Creating Equal Opportunities For ALL Students to Participate in School Athletics

Educators should use the appropriate equipment properly to ensure that physical education programing for students with students with disabilities is safe, effective, and inclusive. EQUIPMENT Appropriate equipment can help children and youth with disabilities participate

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