Ollibean Mama Spotlight
Connect and learn with other parents like Tonya who presume competence and celebrate their children for being exactly who they are. #allofakind
Change Leader Marianne Russo
Change Leader Marianne Russo of The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Talk Radio answers our questions. We talk to her about why she started the Coffee Klatch interactive network and she answers our Ollibean Questionairre.
Change Leader: Richard Attfield
Richard Attfield, a contributing author to "Autism and the Myth of the Person Alone", is passionate about the rights of children with disability labels to have equal access to education and communication supports.
Change Leader Questionairre: Richard Attfield
Change you would you like to see in your lifetime? "The end of discrimination towards children/people with disability labels. And the human right of communication implemented fairly. " Richard Attfield
Self-Advocacy, Inclusion, Communication, and Friendship Roadtrip 2012
Our three week Roadtrip has begun. Syracuse, then on to New Hampshire and the Autism Summer Institute.