• A photograph of a woman wearing a purple shirt and khaki pants giving a speech on stage. TED in bold red letters , and "America's Finest City" is partially visible behind her. On a large screen behind her " Children with disabilities are among the world's most marginalized and excluded children." To the right there is a turqoise circle with white font "Ollibean Must Watch"/ Also in white font " Torrie Dunlap, CEO, Kids Included Together

Isn’t it a Pity? The Real Problem with Special Needs

The Real Problem with Special Needs We love this TEDx Talk from our friend, Torrie Dunlap, at Kids Included Together on benefits of inclusion and the real "problem" with special needs.   Isn’t it a Pity? The Real Problem with Special Needs Torrie Dunlap, CEO, Kids Included Together   Feeling Good about Casting Someone with Special Needs in the Show In the early 90s I was a student on this very campus, and actually, on this very stage. I was a drama major who had a dream to change the world through arts education. The world, however, had something different in

  • "Hey @H&M - #IMREADY for change. We want YOU to include models with disabilities in 2015. We want YOU to be part of the #15in2015 . 15 retailers including models with disabilities in 2015. Represent!"

#IMREADY for Inclusive Media and Advertising

Hey JCREW  #IMREADY for change.  We want YOU to include models with disabilities in 2015.  We want YOU to be part of the #15in2015  . 15 retailers including models with disabilities in 2015. Note: Changing the Face of Beauty quickly met its #15in2015 so now it's #15in2015 x 2! We want YOU to be part of the #15in2015 x 2 retailers including models with disabilities in 2015. We're thrilled to take part in the #IAMREADY  campaign by  Changing the Face of Beauty to promote inclusion in advertising. We believe everyone should see themselves reflected in all aspects of their community

  • Photograph of Jillian Mercado . She has light brown skin , platinum hair and is smiling. She's wearing a black shirt. There is an exposed brick wall in the background with a pink circle with Ollibean Must Watch written inside. Dark blue script. "it’s really boring to see the same people. So if you’re different that’s sunlight in somebody’s world. " Jillian Mercado.

What’s Underneath – Jillian Mercado

Jillian Mercado, the 23 year old model and editor and founder of Manufactured 1987 is featured in  StyleLikeU 's "What's Underneath Project". The "What's Underneath Project" has select individuals remove their clothes to honor how style is not the clothes you wear, but rather, what's underneath. Transcript Off camera. StyleLikeU: So you should just talk very freely, don’t edit. Just, you know, we’ll edit and just let yourself just roll. You’ll, whoever ask the question you can talk to. At the end of each question you’ll just take a piece of clothing off. Jillian Mercado Voice: Ok, I have one,

Doll Diversity Isn’t Just Child’s Play – Dolls with Disabilities

As a little girl, I had a doll collection that took over nearly every inch of toy storage space in my room. I loved them all, especially my two most prized dolls - a My Twinn Doll and a My American Girl Doll, both made to look "just like me." And there was a indeed a striking resemblance between me and the dolls. We had matching brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, and even a matching freckle above our lips. There's just one thing that didn't quite match: my dolls stood upright in their plastic doll stands while I sat in

Pro Infirmis Mannequins Video Shows Bodily Diversity is Beautiful

A trip to the mall bombards me with unattainable ideals of “perfection” everywhere I turn. Mannequins of one standard body shape and size taunt me in each store I enter, all of them wearing clothing that won’t look anything on me like it does on them. Their plastic bodies are tall and thin; I am less than 5 feet with more than my fair share of curves. They stand in casual poses; I am sitting in my wheelchair. To me, mannequins are not always inviting displays. Instead, they’re nothing more than sculptures of a supposedly idyllic body type that I

  • My diagnosis is about who I am NOT and what I cannot do – a measure of my limitations, deficits and difficulties. Being an autistic woman is about who I am – a human being who IS, who CAN and who DOES – measured by living a full life in her own way in this world. Judy Endow on Ollibean

Don’t Define Me By My Deficits

My advice for younger autistics and for those who love and support them would be to look at who you ARE as a human being.

Rion Paige on X Factor

Rion Paige blew everyone away at the "X Factor" audition. This beautiful, charismatic 13 year old has an absolutely incredible voice and exudes such confidence and poise it’s hard to believe she ‘s only 13. Rion has arthogryposis multiplex congenta which causes joint contractures and vision loss. Rion spoke about her audition on the "X Factor", “Ever since I was little I‘d just try to find a way to get to a microphone, put it in between my knees and try to get it in my foot, put it in my mouth. But sometimes I just get really frustrated whenever

  • For us, autism is not simply an add on to our personhood, but is in fact, foundational to our identity. Judy Endow

Person First Attitude Trumps Language

Am I a person with autism or autistic? Does it matter? And why?

The Power of Presuming Competence

"Thasya", a mini film by Dan Habib, highlights the power of presuming competence, differentiated instruction and augmentative and alternative communication. Inclusion works.

We Are Not In Our Own World

We need to be careful about how we think about and talk about people with disabilities. One example is the reference that those who are autistic or deaf or blind or have some sort of movement differences are “in their own world.”

Inclusion is a right not a privilege.

Inclusion is not only socially just, but research shows it improves academic outcomes for all students.

Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow

Awesome ASL version of En Vogue's 'Free Your Mind'. "Before you can see me you've got to learn how to read me. Free your mind and the rest will follow."

ASL Video “I Knew You Were Trouble”

Great ASL translation of Taylor Swift's song!

“We Want Respect”: Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Address Respect in Research

Abstract Respect is central to ethical guidelines for research. The scientific community has long debated, and at times disagreed on, how to demonstrate respect in research with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. To illuminate the v

Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts

  The Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts is the nation’s leading advocate for full diversity as a key to the vitality and dynamism of American theatre, film, and television. We promote authentic dialogue about race, culture, and disability that embraces the complexity of underlying social and historical issues.  

  • Photo of girl kicking with balloons in background. Text reads: RESOURCES we love. Ollibean logo.

Association on University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)  is an incredible resource. The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is a  membership organization that supports and promotes a national network of university-based interdisciplinary programs. The AUCD network includes: 67 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), funded by the Administration on Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) 52 Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Programs funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) 15 Developmental Disability Research Centers (IDDRC), most of which are funded by the National Institute for Child Health and Development (NICHD) AUCD Program Locations and Network

The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies

The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies (CHPLDS) is an expansion of the Center on Human Policy, which was founded by Dr. Burton Blatt in 1971. The Center is a network of academic programs, centers, student organizations, and affiliated faculty whose research, teaching, and advocacy seeks to promote the rights of people with disabilities locally, nationally, and globally, and to facilitate a critical examination of disability as an aspect of diversity in society.  

On Beauty

We are in love with 'On Beauty" the documentary by Joanna Rudnick. She follows the talented Rick Guidotti as he challenges public perception of difference and beauty through the lives of three exquisite women.

The Pearls Project-Teaching Empathy

Students at Ridgewood High School were shown photos of young people with genetic disorders and told not to look away. The unusual lessons are part of a new effort, called the Pearls Project, to promote tolerance and empathy in a school culture where being different can mean social exile. Ridgewood teachers developed it this year in partnership with Positive Exposure, a nonprofit group in New York City founded by Rick Guidotti, a fashion photographer. “Genetic conditions are depicted as images of sickness and sorrow — it’s always a kid up against the wall in a doctor’s office,” Mr. Guidotti said.

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