Kids’ Mobility Devices Just Got Cooler
A Fun Alternative to Children's Mobility Devices
Supporting United States Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Why Every Voice Counts!
CALLING ALL SENATORS .It’s time for the U.S. To take their seat at the table In support of global disability rights . RATIFY THE CRPD I have a confession to make: I can only vaguely recall skimming the e-mails that made their way to my inbox in late November and early December last year that called upon the disability community to contact their senators in support of U.S. ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It's not that I didn't realize the importance; I just thought to myself "Oh, I should help.
I Care By
If you care, you act. Do something positive to help a young person with emotional challenges.
Disability Activist Keith Jones on Community
"So let us remember that when we teach, when we educate, we make policy, we make decisions that we do it with a conscience and that we remember that we are leaving fingerprints on forever." Keith Jones
Judith Snow
Judith Snow, MA is a social innovator and an advocate for Inclusion – communities that welcome the participation of a wide diversity of people. Inclusion is an opportunity for EVERYONE!
Much Needed Resource: “We Are Like Your Child”
"We are like your child. Your child is like us. And we may have difficulties, we are disabled--but there is no denying that we are also awesome."
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run by and for Autistic people.
Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
We love Thinking Person's Guide to Autism, a community of autistics, professionals, and parents sharing what you need to know about autism.
Everyone Communicates
One of our favorite resources for all things AAC!
Grit Media
Grit Media promotes the rights and aspirations of people with disabilities by creating opportunities to be seen and heard in a range of media productions. Our productions bring disability awareness into peoples' homes through the depiction of realistic, compelling and entertaining content, that encourages audiences to see disability as a natural part of life. The organisation provides training opportunities for people with disabilities and aims to encourage the wider media industry to join our battle against a culture of harmful misconception and ignorance about disability. Welcome to Grit Media.
Joubert Syndrome Foundation & Related Cerebellar Disorders
Joubert Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by decreased muscle tone, difficulties with coordination, abnormal eye movements, abnormal breathing pattern and cognitive impairment. These issues are due to abnormal brain development, resulting in decreased size of the cerebellar vermis and other brain abnormalities that appear as the "molar tooth sign" on a brain MRI. Although rare, several hundred individuals with Joubert Syndrome have been reported in the medical literature. Mutations in at least 10 genes cause Joubert Syndrome, accounting for ~50% of patients. Subsets of individuals with Joubert Syndrome can also have polydactyly (extra fingers or toes), as well
Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology ( FAAST)
About FAAST Our Mission is to improve the quality of life for all Floridians with disabilities through advocacy and awareness activities that increase access to and acquisition of assistive services and technology. We value each individual's right to achieve their highest potential and the possibilities that can be realized through collaborative efforts focused on the goal of improving life for Floridians with and without disabilities. FAAST has worked with thousands of people with and without disabilities throughout the state to provide: Hands on assistive technology demonstrations and trainings Financing for assistive technology purchases Assistive device lending programs Community outreach to rural and
The National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials
The National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials! This site serves as a resource to state- and district-level educators, parents, publishers, conversion houses, accessible media producers, and others interested in learning more about and implementing AIM and NIMAS. AIM Center at a Glance For students with sensory, physical, cognitive, or learning differences and their teachers, accessible instructional materials (AIM) may open doors to teaching and learning that ordinary print-based materials have closed. Accessible instructional materials or AIM are specialized formats of curricular content that can be used by and with students who are unable to read or use standard print materials.
Technical Assistance and Dissemination Network
The Technical Assistance and Dissemination Network (or “TA&D Network”) is a network of approximately 45 Centers (this fluctuates as old projects end or new ones begin) funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). These projects provide information and technical assistance to states, schools, educational professionals and families, on topics such as autism, deafness, disproportional representation, dispute resolution, learning disabilities, parenting children with special needs, positive behavior support and transition. The TACC works with the TA&D Network to coordinate and support the work of these projects. ABOUT THE TACC The Technical Assistance Coordination Center (TACC) was formed in 2008 to facilitate coordination, collaboration,
TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of TumbleBooks � animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. TumbleBooks are created by adding animation, sound, music and narration to existing picture books in order to produce an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you. The TumbleBookLibrary is a collection of licensed titles from children's book publishers such as Simon & Schuster, Chronicle Books, Candlewick Press, Charlesbridge Press, Harcourt, Little Brown, Walker & Company, Lerner Books, and HarperCollins Publishers, amongst others. The TumbleBookLibrary provides enrichment to students who are reading independently with a variety of
Fit Kids Playground
Our mission is to decrease the burden of childhood obesity and its associated potential chronic diseases in the Tampa Bay area. Through parental education, early childhood intervention through fun education and community awareness about the simple steps that can be implemented to teach healthy habits for life, the Tampa Bay community will be healthier for years to come.
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) Georgetown University
The mission of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is to promote self-determination, productivity, independence and inclusion of individuals with developmental and other disabilities across the life span, and in all aspects of community life. The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, P.L. 106-402, authorizes the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDD). The University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDDs) are funded through the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) to provide leadership, advise federal, state and community policy makers about, and promote opportunities for people
Kathleen McClaskey
EdTech Evangelist, innovative leader, consultant, presenter and trainer of tools! Truly amazing resources for Founded on the vision that every child should have the opportunity to develop a foundation of 21st Century learning skills, EdTech Associates provides services to empower all students to succeed.
National Primary Immunodeficiency Resource Center
INFO4PI is designed for patients and their families, physicians, researchers, government officials, pharmaceutical companies, industry, and the general public to be able to quickly and seamlessly access information on Primary Immunodeficiency diseases and to realize earliest precise diagnoses, appropriate treatments and sometimes cures of the more than 150 different PI diseases affecting more than 10,000,000 children and adults worldwide.
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at Georgetown University
The mission of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is to promote self-determination, productivity, independence and inclusion of individuals with developmental and other disabilities across the life span, and in all aspects of community life.
Institute on Human Development and Disability
The Institute on Human Development and Disabililty (IHDD) has been Georgia’s University Center for Excellence in Disability Research, Education and Service (UCEDD), and ranks as one of The University of Georgia’s oldest continuously-funded federal programs. The IHDD works with people who have disabilities and others, to ensure that all people can achieve their highest capacity and quality of life.
A D A Audio Conference Series
The ADA Audio Conference Series provides in-depth information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This program is designed to enhance an individual's existing knowledge base or facilitate continued learning regarding regulations and trends under the ADA.
1Voice – Communicating Together
"A world where the voice of every child and adult, however they communicate, is listened to and heard" 1Voice takes a family and social perspective on communication and recognises the great need for adult role models to inspire children and families alike. 1Voice promotes families supporting each other to overcome the isolation that being unable to speak can bring.
Accessible Leeds
Nathan Popple is a 14 year old, self-advocate and editor of Accessible Leeds, this is the description of his incredible site. I have cerebral palsy so I use a wheelchair and I also use a communication aid to help me speak. I am a Whizz Kidz Ambassador and I support the charity 1voice. I believe strongly in fairness and do not think that the world should be able to disable people by not providing access to places.
Williams Syndrome Association
The WSA is the most comprehensive resource for people and families living with Williams syndrome as well as doctors, researchers and educators. The WSA provides resources, support and the latest medical information to help your child today and throughout his/her life. By joining, you’ll become part of the largest organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with WS. No matter the age or stage of your family member with WS, you are not alone. The WSA offers support and will help you navigate the challenges from diagnosis through adulthood.
Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
A society where all people are valued and respected, and where all people have the knowledge, opportunity and power to improve their lives and the lives of others. MISSION The Institute on Disabilities leads by example, creating connections and promoting networks within and among communities so that people with disabilities are recognized as integral to the fabric of community life.
The Arc of Pennsylvania
The Arc is the largest advocacy organization in the United States for citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families. The Arc of Pennsylvania is the state chapter of The Arc. For more than 60 years, The Arc has been working to include all children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their community. We promote active citizenship and inclusion in every community setting. The Arc of Pennsylvania has been dedicated to the inclusion of children with disabilities in regular education classrooms since its founding in 1949. Parents wanted to raise their children at home rather than institutionalize
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO’S mission and activities. The broad goals and concrete objectives of the international community – as set out in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – underpin all UNESCO’s strategies and activities. Thus UNESCO’s unique competencies in education, the sciences,
Ralph James Savarese | essayist, poet, scholar, and activist
Ralph James Savarese is the author of Reasonable People: A Memoir of Autism and Adoption (Other Press 2007), which Newsweek called a “real life love story and a passionate manifesto for the rights of people with neurological disabilities.” It won the Independent Publishers Gold Medal in the category of health/medicine/nutrition, and a chapter was selected as a “notable essay” in the Best American Essays series of 2004.
Brian Skotko
A Board-certified medical geneticist at Children's Hospital Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham & Women's Hospital, and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Dr. Skotko has dedicated his professional energies toward children with cognitive and development disabilities. He is one of the specialists in theDown Syndrome Program at Children's Hospital Boston. In 2001 he co-authored the national award-winning book, Common Threads: Celebrating Life with Down Syndrome and, most recently, Fasten Your Seatbelt: A Crash Course on Down Syndrome for Brothers and Sisters. He is a graduate of Duke University, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard Kennedy School. Dr. Skotko recently authored major research on how physicians deliver
Trailblazers is a national network of more than 400 young disabled people who work together on a national and local level to highlight and address the issues that are important to them. We aim to fight the social injustices experienced by young disabled people and to ensure we can gain access to education, employment and the services we require. We are part of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, the leading UK charity focusing on muscular dystrophy and other related conditions. Our mission To fight against the social injustices experienced by young people living with muscle disease or a related condition. Our
World Institute on Disability
The mission of the World Institute on Disability (WID) in communities and nations worldwide is to eliminate barriers to full social integration and increase employment, economic security and health care for persons with disabilities.
Don’t Play Me Pay Me
The Don't Play Me Pay Me campaign seeks to: Actively encourage disabled people to follow their chosen creative career path. Remove the barriers of prejudice that disabled actors face in finding work. Provide a forum for all disabled actors to encourage debate and empower them to have their voice heard and listened to. Encourage programme makers to feature disabled actors in all storylines to reflect real life. Encourage programme makers not to use non-disabled actors (even if a “name” means funding) to portray disabled characters. Encourage advertisers to feature disabled people in all advertising.
Partners in Policymaking
Nearly twenty five years ago, the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities created a ground-breaking, innovative training program called Partners in Policymaking® to teach parents and self-advocates the power of advocacy to change the way people with disabilities are supported, viewed, taught, live and work. During the past two decades, important issues have been confronted and dramatic changes have been made.
Aid for Autistic Children Foundation
Aid for Autistic Children Foundation, Inc.™ mission: Reduce the financial burden on poverty stricken and disenfranchised families and caretakers coping with autism, through debt forgiveness, so attention and resources can be focused on creating a proper living and learning environment for their autistic loved one. How the Program Works After thorough evaluation of your completed application and assessment from our board and an independent consumer credit counseling service, the debt forgiveness will directly target the financial burden the family deems most obstructive in allowing them to focus solely on giving their autistic loved one the best tools and skills for
Team Hoyt
Team Hoyt is an inspirational story of a father, Dick Hoyt, and his son, Rick, who compete together in marathons and triathlons across the country. Team Hoyt strives to help those who are physically disabled become active members of the community. .
CEC Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities
The Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities is an organization composed of persons committed to enhancing the quality of life of individuals, especially children and youth, with autism, intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities. The Division seeks to further the knowledge base of the field, thus ensuring the continued advancement of positive educational and life outcomes for those with autism and developmental disabilities.
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist who experienced a severe hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of her brain in 1996. On the afternoon of this rare form of stroke (AVM), she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life. It took eight years for Dr. Jill to completely recover all of her functions and thinking ability. She is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey (published in 2008 by Viking Penguin). In 2008, Dr. Jill gave a presentation at the TED
Advocates for Children of New York
At Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), we are dedicated exclusively to protecting every child’s right to an education, focusing on students from low-income backgrounds who are struggling in school or experiencing school discrimination of any kind. For more than 40 years, our staff of attorneys and education specialists have successfully helped hundreds of thousands of families by providing free legal and advocacy services, including representation at school-related hearings and appeals, and teaching families what they need to know to stand up for their children’s educational rights. AFC also works to change education policy so that the public school
EdTech Associates
Founded on the vision that every child should have the opportunity to develop a foundation of 21st Century learning skills, EdTech Associates provides services to empower all schools and students to succeed. EdTech Associates was established by Kathleen H. McClaskey, M.Ed., a well-respected and recognized professional and innovative leader in educational technology. Kathleen has almost three decades of experience in educational technology with a firm philosophy that technology is a tool that can improve teaching and learning. In her long career, she has been a computer teacher, technology integration specialist, K-12 technology director and graduate instructor for in online and
Apps in Education
Greg Swanson is a Visual Arts teacher who is interested in Computer Integration, Web 2.0 and engaging students in their own learning through innovative technology and collaborative classroom practices. One of the hardest thing with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. Apps in Education has started to list some of the apps they've found under each of the Key Learning Areas.
SoulTouchin’ Experiences
Keith Jones & SoulTouchin' Experiences SoulTouchin' Experiences is a Resource We Love! SoulTouchin' Experiences is an endeavor founded on the belief that in order to build a stronger community, there must be a heart and soul commitment to those who need assistance in order to begin caring for themselves and in turn caring for others. This is achieved through collaborative partnerships and progressive advocacy efforts, aimed at community empowerment along with systemic policy change for persons with and without disabilities on a local and national leve.l Keith P. Jones, started SoulTouchin' Experiences to bring a perspective to the issues
Children Across Borders
Children Across Borders is a charitable organization that paves the way for children of the world to a brighter future by providing sustained support in the form of education, health, housing, and wellness to under-privileged children while enabling the educational and cultural enlightenment of all children. They create a network of support for under-privileged children around the world by partnering with people and organizations who have chosen to dedicate their lives to helping these children lead healthy, fulfilling lives.Their work is personally driven with adherence to high standards and accountability, leading to a positive impact on our community and country.
Addi & Cassi Fund
Our names are Addison and Cassidy Hempel and we are 7 year old identical twin girls who live in Reno, Nevada. In October 2007, after a two year medical odyssey, we were diagnosed with a ultra rare and fatal cholesterol disease that affects only 500 people worldwide. The disease is called Niemann Pick Type C (NPC) and the condition is frequently referred to as “Childhood Alzheimer’s.” NPC is ultimately fatal in childhood and we are in a battle for our lives.
Jules Gluten Free
In addition to heading product and recipe development at Jules Gluten Free, Jules travels the country speaking to thousands of people annually, teaching cooking classes and educating and inspiring people about her no-compromise approach to living gluten-free.
Disability and Abuse Project
The Disability and Abuse Project focuses on individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities who are victims of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. This includes all aspects of crime, such as crime victimization, reducing the risk of becoming a victim, support to the individual and family members when crime does occur, as well as providing guidance for psychotherapy and legal support. The project works with those who respond to crime reports, including police and sheriff personnel at all levels (patrol, investigators, detectives, dispatchers), prosecutors, protective services professionals, SANEs, victims advocates, and any others. It provides technical assistance, training programs, and training
The Family Center on Technology and Disability
The Family Center on Technology and Disability (FCTD) is a resource designed to support organizations and programs that work with families of children and youth with disabilities. We offer a range of information and services on the subject of assistive and instructional technologies. Whether you're an organization, a parent, an educator, or an interested friend, we hope you'll find information that supports you in your efforts to bring the highest quality education to children with disabilities.
UNH Institute on Disability
The Institute on Disability/UCED (IOD) at the University of New Hampshire was established in 1987 to provide a coherent university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of persons with disabilities and their families.
Disability is Natural
The mission of Disability is Natural is to encourage new ways of thinking about developmental disabilities, in the belief that our attitudes drive our actions, and changes in our attitudes and actions can help create a society where all children and adults with developmental disabilities have opportunities to live the lives of their dreams, included in all areas of life.
Association on University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
AUCD envisions a future in which everyone, including people living with developmental and other disabilities, are fully integrated, participating members of their communities. We envision a future in which culturally appropriate supports that lead to independence, productivity, and a satisfying quality of life are universally available across the life span. AUCD's mission is to advance policy and practice for and with people with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and their communities by supporting our members in research, education, and service activities that achieve our vision. AUCD values the participation of people with disabilities, family members, and a culturally diverse
Love and Logic
The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. They provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children. All of their work is based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching philosophy called Love and Logic. What Is Love and Logic? Children learn the best lessons when they're given a task and allowed to make their own choices (and fail) when the cost of failure is still small. Children's failures must be coupled with love and empathy from their parents and teachers.
Fight SMA
Founded in 1991, FightSMA is a US-based international nonprofit organization working to find a cure for spinal muscular atrophy, (SMA), a neuromuscular disease that is the leading inherited killer of children under two.
Foundation for Mitochondrial Medicine
The Foundation for Mitochondrial Medicine pledges to support the development of the most promising mitochondrial disease research and treatments of the many forms of mitochondrial dysfunction. Formed in 2005 and renamed in 2010, their Atlanta-based non-profit organization financially supports the first FDA-approved drug treatments that began in early 2010. Stated simply: they're funding the cures. The foundation's stewards and founders are parents of patients and medical experts. The Foundation for Mitochondrial Medicine was created to accelerate the development of the most viable mitochondrial disease treatments and therapies.
Office of Rare Diseases
The ORDR Web site aims to answer questions about rare diseases and the activities of the ORDR for patients, their families, healthcare providers, researchers, educators, students, and anyone with concern for and interest in rare diseases. The site provides information about ORDR-sponsored biomedical research, scientific conferences, and rare and genetic diseases. It also serves as a portal to information on major topics of interest to the rare diseases community.
Including Samuel
Before his son Samuel was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, photojournalist Dan Habib rarely thought about the inclusion of people with disabilities. Now he thinks about inclusion every day. Shot and produced over four years, Habib’s award-winning documentary film, Including Samuel, chronicles the Habib family’s efforts to include Samuel in every facet of their lives. The film honestly portrays his family’s hopes and struggles as well as the experiences of four other individuals with disabilities and their families. Including Samuel is a highly personal, passionately photographed film that captures the cultural and systemic barriers to inclusion.
Inclusion Network
This wonderful resource provides resources for Training, Consulting and Networking Facilitators.foster the development of inclusion. The focus is the development of future leadership for inclusion through the creation of focused programs, materials and research that will create a world where Everyone Belongs.
The Inclusive Class
We are crazy about the Inclusive Class! Nicole Eredics is pretty incredible, and her blog and podcasts are informative, interesting, and always just what we need. The inclusive classroom best demonstrates that message as it begins with the belief that all children belong. Each child can demonstrate and achieve success, in various ways, according to their abilities, strengths and areas for growth. Inclusive Class' Livebinder has an abundance of resources.
Paula Kluth: Toward Inclusive Classrooms and Communities
This website is dedicated to promoting inclusive schooling and exploring positive ways of supporting students with autism an other disabilities. Most of Paula Kluth's work involves collaborating with schools to create environments, lessons, and experiences that are inclusive, respectful, and accessible for all learners.
Wrightslaw's mission is to provide parents, advocates, educators, and attorneys with accurate, up-to date information about special education law and advocacy so they can be effective catalysts. * Information for parents about their rights and responsibilities * Information for teachers about professional training so they can meet the diverse needs of their students * Information for advocates about laws, regulations, and advocacy strategies * Information for attorneys who want cases, pleadings, and tactics and strategies
Office of Special Education Programs
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21 by providing leadership and financial support to assist states and local districts. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) authorizes formula grants to states, and discretionary grants to institutions of higher education and other non-profit organizations to support research, demonstrations, technical assistance and dissemination, technology and personnel development and parent-training and information centers. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 was signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 3, 2004. As the nation's special education law, IDEA serves approximately 6.8 million children and
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) understands the many challenges still facing individuals with disabilities and their families. Therefore, OSERS is committed to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages. OSERS supports programs that serve millions of children, youth and adults with disabilities. OSERS is comprised of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (OAS) and three program components: the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), theNational Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), and theRehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).
US Department of Education
The mission of the U.S. Department of Education is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. It engages in four major types of activities: Establishes policies related to federal education funding, administers distribution of funds and monitors their use. Collects data and oversees research on America's schools. Identifies major issues in education and focuses national attention on them. Enforces federal laws prohibiting discrimination in programs that receive federal funds.
US DOE Associations and Organizations Resource Page
The Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) contains information on more then 3,000 national, regional and state education organizations and associations. The directory helps you identify and contact these organizations that provide information and assistance on a broad range of education-related topics.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
OMIM is a comprehensive, authoritative, and timely compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes. The full-text, referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all known mendelian disorders and over 12,000 genes. OMIM focuses on the relationship between phenotype and genotype. It is updated daily, and the entries contain copious links to other genetics resources.
United States International Council on Disabilities
The U.S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD) is a non-profit, membership, constituent-led organization committed to building bridges between American and international disability communities and cultures. Through a wide range of projects and programs, USICD promotes the inclusion of disability perspectives in U.S. foreign policy and aid and provides opportunities for domestic disability rights organizations to interface with their international counterparts. USICD’s major initiatives leverage a membership that spans organizations and individuals in more than 30 U.S. states and a number of foreign countries. USICD's Board of Directors includes leading experts in domestic and international disability issues.
World Institute on Disability
The mission of the World Institute on Disability (WID) in communities and nations worldwide is to eliminate barriers to full social integration and increase employment, economic security and health care for persons with disabilities. The World Institute on Disability (WID) creates innovative programs and tools; conducts research, public education, training and advocacy campaigns; and provides technical assistance. The World Institute on Disabilities spearheads initiatives in four main categories: health and wellness, employment and benefits, climate change and disaster prep, and international. The Values of the World Institute on Disabilities are listed below. Working toward Equality The World Institute on Disability aspires to work
United Cerebral Palsy
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) educates, advocates and provides support services to ensure a life without limits for people with a spectrum of disabilities. UCP and its nearly 100 affiliates have a mission to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with a spectrum of disabilities by providing services and support to children and adults every day—one person and family at a time. UCP works to enact real change—to revolutionize care, raise standards of living and create opportunities to ensure the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in every facet of society.
Technology & Telecommunications Task Force
The Telecommunications and Technology Task Force, part of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities deals with issues related to access to telecommunications and assistive technology in education, employment and independent living.
Spina Bifida Association of America (SBAA)
The Spina Bifida Association (SBA) serves adults and children who live with the challenges of Spina Bifida. Since 1973, SBA has been the only national voluntary health agency solely dedicated to enhancing the lives of those with Spina Bifida and those whose lives are touched by this challenging birth defect. Its tools are education, advocacy, research, and service.
SABE – Self Advocates Becoming Empowered
Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) is the self-advocacy organization of the United States. Founded in 1990, we have been working hard for the full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in the community throughout the 50 states and the world for 21 years. Our non-profit advocacy organization is run by a board of self-advocates representing 9 regions of the country.
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) RESNA's goal is "To maximize the health and well being of people with disabilities through technology." The purpose of RESNA is to contribute to the public welfare through scientific, literary, professional and educational activities by supporting the development,dissemination, and utilization of knowledge and practice of rehabilitation and assistive technology in order to achieve the highest quality of life for all citizens.
President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities
The mission of PCPID is to provide advice and assistance to the President of the United States and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on a broad range of topics that impact people with intellectual disabilities and the field of Intellectual Disabilities. Undergirding the Committee’s mission is the goal to improve the quality of life that is experienced by people with intellectual disabilities, by upholding their full citizenship rights, independence, self-determination, and life-long participation in their respective communities.
Office for Civil Rights
The mission of the Office for Civil Rights is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through vigorous enforcement of civil rights. An important responsibility is resolving complaints of discrimination. OCR also provides technical assistance to help institutions achieve voluntary compliance with the civil rights laws that OCR enforces. An important part of OCR's assistance is partnerships designed to develop creative approaches to preventing and addressing discrimination.
NORD – National Organization for Rare Disorders
The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), a 501(c)(3) organization, is a unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service.
National Information Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities
NICHCY serves the nation as a central source of information on: ■disabilities in children and youth; ■programs and services for infants, children, and youth with disabilities; ■IDEA, the nation’s special education law; and ■research-based information on effective practices for children with disabilities.
National Fragile X Foundation
The National Fragile X Foundation unites the Fragile X community to enrich lives through educational and emotional support, promote public and professional awareness, and advance research toward improved treatments and a cure for Fragile X.
The National Down Syndrome Congress
The mission of the NDSC is to provide information, advocacy and support concerning all aspects of life for individuals with Down syndrome.The vision of the NDSC is a world with equal rights and opportunities for people with Down syndrome.It is the purpose of the National Down Syndrome Congress to create a national climate in which all people will recognize and embrace the value and dignity of people with Down syndrome.
The National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education
The National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education (NAPCSE) is a national membership organization dedicated to rendering all possible support and assistance to parents whose children receive special education services, both in and outside of school. NAPCSE was founded for parents with children with special needs to promote a sense of community and provide a national forum for their ideas.
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, founded in 1979, is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities. The mission of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund is to advance the civil and human rights of people with disabilities through legal advocacy, training, education, and public policy and legislative development.
Special Olympics International
The Special Olympics mission remains as vital today as it did when the movement was founded in 1968. Through the power of sport, Special Olympics strives to create a better world by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all people. Mission Statement The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the
Institute on Communication and Inclusion
The Institute on Communication and Inclusion (ICI) is a research and training center that is part of the Inclusion Institutes of the School of Education at Syracuse University. Formerly the Facilitated Communication Insitute, our new name - the Institute on Communication and Inclusion - represents a broadened focus developed over the past 20 years, reflecting lines of research, training and public dissemination that focus on school and community inclusion, narratives of disability and ability, and disability rights, as well as research and training on faciltiated communication. Its initiatives stress the important relationship of communication to inclusion. Led by Director
Kit( Kids Included Together)
Kids Included Together (KIT) specializes in providing best practices training for community–based organizations committed to including children with and without disabilities into their recreational, child development and youth development programs. Utilizing a blended learning style with interactive eLearning components, KIT’s services are provided free of charge to its 63 affiliate organizations representing over 304 sites in San Diego County. Since its inception in 1997, Kids Included Together (KIT) has trained over 25,000 youth providers in the best practices of inclusion. Over 15,000 children with disabilities have been co–enrolled with over 265,000 children without disabilities at KIT affiliate sites. 72% of
National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
The NAD is the nation's premier civil rights organization of, by and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America. Established in 1880, the NAD was shaped by deaf leaders who believed in the right of the American deaf community to use sign language, to congregate on issues important to them, and to have its interests represented at the national level. These beliefs remain true to this day, with American Sign Language as a core value. The advocacy scope of the NAD is broad, covering a lifetime and impacting future generations in the areas of
The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) is a national membership organization representing the 55 State and Territorial Councils on Developmental Disabilities. NACDD is a 501(c) 3 organization with the purpose of promoting and enhancing the outcomes of our member councils in developing and sustaining inclusive communities and self directed services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities.
National Arts and Disability Center
The National Arts and Disability Center (NADC) is a project of the University of California: their mission is to promote the full inclusion of audiences and artists with disabilities into all facets of the arts community. The NADC is a leading consultant in the arts and disability community, and the only center of its kind. Recipients of our technical assistance include museums, performing arts organizations, art centers, film and television companies and unions, universities and colleges, national publications, disability specific groups, artists with disabilities, arts educators, students, arts administrators and government policy makers.
Muscular Dystrophy Association
The Muscular Dystrophy Association, MDA MDA is the nonprofit health agency dedicated to curing muscular dystrophy, ALS and related diseases by funding worldwide research. The Association also provides comprehensive health care and support services, advocacy and education. MDA combats neuromuscular diseases through programs of worldwide research, comprehensive medical and support services, and far-reaching professional and public health education. With national headquarters in Tucson, MDA has more than 200 offices across the country, sponsors some 200 hospital-affiliated clinics and supports more than 330 research projects around the world. MDA supports more research on neuromuscular diseases than any other private-sector
Institute for Community Inclusion
The Institute for Community Inclusion offers training, clinical, and employment services, conducts research, and provides assistance to organizations to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in school, work, and community activities. For over 40 years, the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) has worked to ensure that people with disabilities have the same opportunity to dream big, and make their dreams a fully included, integrated, and welcomed reality. As a leader not only in Massachusetts, but also nationally and internationally, the Institute for Community Inclusion strives to create a world where all people with disabilities are welcome and fully included in valued roles wherever is a federal government website that provides an interactive, community-driven information network of disability-related programs, services, laws and benefits. Through the site, Americans with disabilities, their families, veterans, educators, employers and many others are connected to thousands of resources from federal, state and local government agencies, educational institutions and non-profit organizations.
TASH- Disability Advocacy Worldwide
TASH is an international leader in disability advocacy. Founded in 1975, TASH advocates for human rights and inclusion for people with significant disabilities and support needs – those most vulnerable to segregation, abuse, neglect and institutionalization. TASH works to advance inclusive communities through advocacy, research, professional development, policy, and information and resources for parents, families and self-advocates. The inclusive practices TASH validates through research have been shown to improve outcomes for all people. TASH is governed by a board of directors and is supported by a network of members, volunteers, committees and chapter organizations. The TASH membership includes a diverse
Council for Exceptional Children
The Council for Exceptional Children is an international community of professionals who are the voice and vision of special and gifted education. CEC's mission is to improve, through excellence and advocacy, the education and quality of life for children and youth with exceptionalities and to enhance the engagement of their families. The Council for Exceptional Children is a premier education organization, internationally renowned for its expertise and leadership, working collaboratively with strategic partners to ensure that children and youth with exceptionalities are valued and full participating members of society. As a diverse and vibrant professional community, CEC is a trusted
The Council on Quality and Leadership
The Council on Quality and Leadership is leader for person-centered supports and services for people with disabilities, people with mental illness and older adults. Through our services, publications and public presence, we establish real connections between theory and practice and help organizations and systems take the important step from innovative ideas to everyday action. Our goal is to be partners and mentors to our customers, showing them how they can become even better at ensuring that all people lead lives of dignity and quality.
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities is a coalition of approximately 100 national disability organizations working together to advocate for national public policy that ensures the self determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society. The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) envisions an American society in which all individuals, aided by an enabling government, have the freedom and opportunity to exercise individual decisions concerning their own lives, welfare and personal dignity. CCD envisions a society in which communities are fully accessible to all individuals with disabilities and their families, where (formerly was launched in an effort to provide citizens with easy, online access to government benefit and assistance programs. The program's mission is to reduce the expense and difficulty of interacting with the government while increasing citizen access to government benefit information. The site's core function is the eligibility prescreening questionnaire. Answers to the questionnaire are used to evaluate and compare with the eligibility criteria for more than 1,000 Federally-funded benefit and assistance programs. Each program description provides citizens with the next steps to apply for any benefit program of interest.
Autism Support Network
The mission of Autism Support Network is to connect, guide and unite. Their goal is to short-cut the uphill battle individuals and families undertake when faced with autism – whether that means the initial diagnosis, the day-to-day living and coping needed, relationship and therapeutic strategies and the latest information. Their support community collectively pools global knowledge and support from all those touched by ASD. Designed as a place by those living with ASD, for those with ASD, and those seeking social connection, peer guidance, and a feeling of community with those that understand.
Autism Society of America
The Autism Society, the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, exists to improve the lives of all affected by autism. They do this by increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the lifespan, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy.
Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs
The Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) is a national, member-based organization, comprised of state Assistive Technology Act Programs funded under the Assistive Technology Act (AT Act). ATAP was established in 1997 to provide support to state AT Program members to enhance the effectiveness of AT Programs on the state and local level, and promote the national network of AT Programs. ATAP facilitates the coordination of state AT Programs nationally and provides technical assistance and support to its members. ATAP represents the needs and interests of the state AT Programs and is the national voice of the AT Programs.
ADA Portal
The ADA Document Portal Allows users to search a collection of ADA-related documents that have been produced by federal agencies and organizations receiving federal funds.
American Association of People with Disabilities
The American Association of People with Disabilities is the nation's largest cross-disability organization. They promote equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, and political participation for people with disabilities. Their members, including people with disabilities and their family, friends, and supporters, represent a powerful force for change. Over 50 million Americans with disabilities and their supporters have the power to achieve full civil rights for all. They are powered by their vision of a community whose voice is heard through the halls of government, in our culture, and in our communities.
Ad Hoc Developmental Disabilities Task Force
The Ad Hoc Developmental Disabilities Task Force monitors the Developmental Disabilities Bill of Rights Act and the administration of the program through the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. The Act is authorized every three years and regulations and policy guidelines are developed based on the statute. The Task Force also reviews other developmental disability related issues.
The American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities promotes progressive policies, sound research, effective practices, and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Advocacy Center
The Advocacy Center empowers individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for themselves and realize their personal goals. Together we build strong, inclusive communities by increasing the ability of community members to support and value all individuals.