Living My Disabled Life: My Story Is Mine to Tell Part 3
How I Tell My Story by Amy Sequenzia. Living my disabled life: My Story Is Mine to Tell Part 3. (Part 1 Autism: My Story Is Mine to Tell and Part 2 Love, Respect and “Autism Parents” ) By living my life. Unapologetically. Fiercely. With pride. I am me. I am disabled and I am a perfect being, despite the bias and oppression imposed on me. I am a perfect being despite my human flaws. My story is mine. The life I live is the one I have. I like my life. I don’t like what non-disabled people believe my life to
When Disabled Students Are Abused
This is the second in a series of posts about trauma due to criminalization of disabled students by Amy Sequenzia. Content Warning: ableist slurs, description of abuse. I write this post based on the case linked here, NC Boy With Autism Slapped: Former Teacher Gets Jailtime , and on similar cases that make the news when they happen but after that we don’t hear about the victims. I will tell what happened to me, how I reacted to the abuse, and the lasting trauma that might have gone unnoticed to many. The case in the link had a better ending than most.
The Criminalization of Disabled Students
This is the first of a series of posts about trauma due to criminalization of disabled students by Amy Sequenzia. The Trauma Is Real Everyone has heard of the school-to-prison pipeline. It is the system that criminalizes students' minor infractions of school rules. It is the result of "zero tolerance" policies, of the presence of cops (School Resource Officers - SRO) in schools. It has become so extreme that a student kicking a trash can, due to frustration, can lead to a criminal record, detention in a juvenile facility and criminal charges instead of a school disciplinary action, like after
Disability Policy: Clinton versus Trump
In a few weeks will have elected a new President of the United States. Many of us get our information from watching TV. The trouble with this is we only get the information the TV decides is news worthy. Unfortunately, most things concerning disability are not newsworthy. This means that rather than seeing a candidate’s disability policy on the evening news we are more likely to see a candidate’s latest purported scandal whether it is about deleted emails or admitted past sexual abuse. While these things can be informative, I think it is helpful to also understand where the two
Disability, Safety, and Value
Disability, Safety, and Value by Amy Sequenzia This post will mention the attitude of some parents. This post is not about love or wanting the best for a child. It is about being conscious that ableism exists, and that you might be, even if unwillingly, contributing to the systemic ableism in our society (I urge you to read the links. Click on the highlighted words throughout the post). I am a very disabled non-speaking Autistic woman. I need many supports. Many of you already know that. Some of you also know that the supports I needed throughout my life weren't
Parents, Are You Listening To Your Child?
As a non-speaking Autistic, I pay special attention to comments and statements made by parents of other non-speaking Autistics, especially children. Many times I see parents lamenting that they will never listen to their Autistic child say "I love you", or how much they long to hear those words.
Six Questions Before Publishing About Children
Blogging About Children with Disabilities Protecting a child's privacy when parents write about their family's experience . How much information is too much when blogging about children with disabilities? The discussion revolving around #CrippingtheMighty, the hashtag created by Disability Visibility Project's founder, Alice Wong, is so important when considering writing or blogging about children with disabilities. It's imperative to listen to disabled people about their lived experience and the very damaging affects of content that objectifies and marginalizes disabled people like Inspiration Porn. At Ollibean, we believe in full inclusion and acceptance of all people and stories that objectify disabled people can’t exist in the same
Privacy Versus Popularity
Your child's disability is not about you. Your child’s disability is not your story to tell. If you do it in public at your child’s expense, you are not doing your job, which is parenting. - Amy Sequenzia on Ollibean By Amy Sequenzia The title could also be: Privacy of Disabled Children versus Popularity of Parents of Disabled Children. Which one is more important? The answer is clear to me. As I wrote before, a child's disability is not about the parents. Neither is the disability something the child has done to the parents. I know many parents
Disability, Ableism, and Assumptions
by Amy Sequenzia The title of this article probably isn't about what you think it is. This title refers to a couple of events that made me think about how we should never assume that ableism is something pervasive only in non-disabled circles. I am talking about more than internalized ableism, the need some disabled people have to distance themselves from disabled people they consider not worthy of any respect. I am talking about ableism that easily resembles, sometimes becomes, hate. I recently experienced this kind of ableism. It was hurtful, and it got worse than I described in
Autistic Patterns of Thoughts and Emotions
I use the movement of things outside of me for purposes of thinking and of processing feelings. Recently, autistic friends have let me know that most people in the world do not do this and that it is a rather common autistic experience. I have no idea how common so would very much appreciate autistic weigh in here. Thinking My thoughts are all in colors and pictures. Usually there are sounds attached, but not always. To think I need a way for the colors and pictures to move. When my sensory system is calm and integrated the thoughts
Autism, Transition Programs and the Impact of Poverty on Self-Advocacy
I am an autistic woman who has lived both in poverty and as a middle-income person during my adult life. I am noticing how self-advocacy is typically geared toward middle-income status. This could be problematic since many autistic adults live in poverty. Based upon my experience I have come to realize that middle class self-advocacy works fine if in fact you are a middle-income person, but doesn’t work well if you are a poor person. I will explain this more using an example from my life as a poor person versus a middle class person. Dental Experience as
Accommodations – They Make All The Difference
Accommodations are important and they work. I should not be making a big deal about it. The ADA is 25 years old. Sadly, getting the accommodations we, disable people need, is often the opposite of simple. If you have been reading my posts, you know that I am very visibly disabled. I am also proud, and I don't try to be someone other than myself. I do require a lot of supports, and once I have them, I can do anything I set up as goals. I have goals, or simply things I want to do, that most people
Now you know . You cannot unknow .
I told Professor Wurzburg's class in March and April about my life and advocacy for inclusion, communication and civil rights. The class asked me questions and I answered. On April 8 I talked to the class on Skype. "This is good. Princeton thank you for this class. Learning about disability experience and discrimination from people who are disabled is the only real way. I share my experience to change my reality and the reality for my neurodivergent brothers and sisters. No person should experience the abuse. All people deserve respect, inclusion and communication. Now you know . You cannot unknow
Ableism and Pity. Reject Them, Be Awesome
I have written about how I had to unlearn ableism. I have written about my uncooperative body. I always state how generally happy I am, and that I am comfortable being me. All this is true but frustration shows up, and grows, every time I meet ableism. I meet ableism a lot. Ableism brought forth by pity. Pity directed at me by people who seem to believe I am “trapped” inside my body, that I suffer, or that my life is so hard, they can’t understand how I can even have goals and aspirations.
Autism and Hiring Help
I recently moved. It involved working with a realtor, a banker, and numerous other people. Today I am contemplating sorting out what to put into my new desk drawers and have a literal pile of paperwork from various aspects of my moving adventure. As each person representing each faction of moving began working with me they explained what they would do, how they would do it and the expected outcome. For example, the furniture store guy explained how the sale worked, the ordering and delivery of the furniture and the return policy. I asked my questions which were answered
Why The Lie We’ve Been Sold About Disability Is The Greatest Injustice
Stella Young of Ramp Up explains the Social Model of Disability, Inspiration Porn, and the lie we've been sold about disability in this nine minute TED Talk. Stella Young Transcript I grew up in a very small country town in Victoria. I had a very normal, low key kind of upbringing. I went to school, I hung out with my friends, I fought with my younger sisters. It was all very normal. And when I was 15, a member of my local community approached my parents and wanted to nominate me for a "Community Achievement Award". And my parents
Being Disabled and in the Hospital
Being disabled and in hospitals is always scary because our lives is not valued as the lives of non-disabled. I was, in a way, lucky but the policies still need a lot of improvement.
Who Should Speak For The Disability Community? – Think Inclusive
In a recent post for Think Inclusive, self-advocate Emily Ladau explores the idea of advocate-allies who work with self-advocates towards disability rights. She emphasizes the importance of putting the voices of self-advocates at the forefront of disability advocacy movements: "Don’t get me wrong – allies, or what I refer to as advocate-allies, are incredibly important to advocacy efforts. “Ally” implies being supportive, while “advocate-ally” paints a more accurate picture of people who join in along with self-advocates. And true advocate-allies deserve the utmost respect. But a real advocate-ally is someone who doesn’t overshadow the voices and efforts of the people
How to Figure Out If an Autistic Needs Fixing
I have autism. I am autistic. Both these statements describe me and both are true. However, these two statements are NOT equal.
Walk In My Shoes
I want you to walk in my shoes Not because I want you to feel what it means To be disabled But because I want you to understand How it feels to be excluded I would like to see you walk in my shoes Not because I need your pity I don’t need it I don’t want it I want you to experience The uselessness of feeling pity for others Like me I would like to see you walk in my shoes And experience what I feel When my rights are denied When I am silenced Ignored Mocked Bullied Abused
30 Second Message for Bullies
AAPD's PSA features three real students sharing a simple message: people with disabilities are powerful, self-determined individuals—not victims.
I Got 99 Problems..Palsy Is Just One- Maysoon Zayid on Ted
“People with disabilities are the largest minority in the world and we are the most under-represented in entertainment.” Maysoon Zayid
Autistics Can BE Friends
Just like people in the neuro majority do not automatically understand social norms of autistics so it is that autistics do not automatically understand the social norms of the neuro majority. This is not complicated. Our different neurologies sort us out to have different norms when it comes to behaviors around friendships. As a society we seem to operate on an assumption that the social ways of the majority are the right ways. We do not think about this or talk about this. We all define the standard by a majority rules mentality. Then, anyone who deviates from this standard
Out of the Goodness of Your Heart
I have nothing against the goodness in the hearts of other people. However, I would like to explain how it feels to be on the receiving end when I am befriended out of the goodness of your heart. First of all this doesn’t a friendship make because authentic friendships are reciprocal. This means that giving and receiving go both ways. The benefits are mutual. When you befriend me out of the goodness of your heart - and then tell me so - I understand that you are assuming the role of a kind benevolent person while I am perceived as
The Importance of Supports
"If we invested a mere one-tenth of the amount of money that we currently pour into causation into empowering Autistic people to communicate, that young man and hundreds of thousands more like him would be able to communicate their needs to us today. I am not here today to speak for every Autistic person – that’s impossible. What I am here for is to argue for every Autistic person to have the same opportunity to communicate that I have come to enjoy thanks to the support that I have been lucky enough to receive in my life." Ari Ne'eman
Helping the Poor and Disabled
Will your attitude draw circles of holiday meaningfulness where you include yourself in what already is or will your attitude draw lines that allow you to help those poor and disabled people on the other side?
All the people saw my intelligence. No test first.
My family saw. I had hopeful times . Tracy invited me home to Vermont to learn . I went to ICI to learn. All the people saw my intelligence . No test first. It was very free. I never had many people understand. To wait. To listen. Not outside home. I did not want to go back to people unknowing. I read more words from typers watching my movie to feel community. Full presentation here
Inclusion, Communication and Civil Rights
"Learning is easy when the teacher knows you can learn. " Henry Frost
Jobless rate for disabled Americans still high 22 years after landmark law
Twenty-two years after passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, the employment rate for people with disabilities is still dismally low, and advocates want to change that. “The ADA … has made a difference in the lives of people with disabilities … but [for employment] the needle hasn’t moved,” says Helena Berger, executive vice president of the American Association of People with Disabilities in Washington.
Inclusion: The Right Thing for All Students – WNYC
We have reached the tipping point where it is no longer educationally or morally defensible to continue to segregate students with disabilities. We shouldn’t be striving to educate children in the least restrictive environment but rather in the most inclusive one.
Don’t Define Me By My Deficits
My advice for younger autistics and for those who love and support them would be to look at who you ARE as a human being.
How AAC and assistive tech make classrooms better for all : Paula Kluth
In 2009, I published an article in The Reading Teacher with my colleague, Kelly Chander-Olcott, titled “Why Everyone Benefits from Including Students with Autism in Literacy Classrooms”. One of the points we make in the article is that students with disabilities often bring assistive technology and augmentative communication into classrooms and, therefore, make them richer places to learn. Students with and without disabilities who are in classrooms that use AT and AAC regularly and creatively not only may get access to unique materials, but also get to learn about learning itself. They may be able to generate ideas for using
The Reality Behind Those Walls
The Judge Rotenberg Center is recruiting disabled students in the Midwest to be legally tortured with electric shocks. Help us stop this inhumane treatment of disabled people.
Thank You, Ed Roberts
"And we’re going to develop leadership, that has a fundamental difference and that is, it's inclusive . It believes in people, and in our strengths together . And we are going to change our society. " Ed Roberts
Intersection of Law, Education and Civil Rights
As a deaf-blind student with very limited sight and hearing, Haben Girma '13 learned that you must be a self-advocate and come up with creative solutions to the problems you face. If that fails, she says, then the law can be a strong ally.
We Are Not In Our Own World
We need to be careful about how we think about and talk about people with disabilities. One example is the reference that those who are autistic or deaf or blind or have some sort of movement differences are “in their own world.”
I Fall and I Rise Again
My life is in constant motion So different from a few years ago Back then I could not easily climb The wobbly ladders put in front of me I would rise and immediately fall Today I fall, I fall and I rise again The wobbly ladder still there I found my way around it I see words guiding my way I find hands that support my journey No longer I rise and fall I fall and I rise again My life like the ladder Not always in firm ground But friends won't let me down They will reach out and
EveryBody: An Artifact History of Disability in America
The Smithsonian's Web exhibit of the history of people with disabilities in America shown through photos.
Ollibean Baseball Camp
Great week at Ollibean Baseball Camp! Thank you to all the great Ballplayers and Counselors who made it so much fun. We still have some spots for this week- August 12 through 16, 8:30 am to 11:30 am. It's free!
Being Where I Can Simply Be
After a three-day conference, I needed to sleep. I needed to sleep because I was dreamy, trying to keep the feeling of being in a place where I can be myself and also be a little bit like a star. Also, building community.
Senator Harkin Delivers Speech in ASL Upon ADA Passage in 1990
Upon passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 13th, 1990, Senator Tom Harkin delivered a speech on the Senate floor in American Sign Language. Harkin, whose brother Frank was deaf, was the lead Senate author of the ADA, which was enacted later that year. His speech is the first in American Sign Language to be delivered from the Senate floor.
J.Cole Writes Apology Letter to Autism Speaks
J.Cole offended many over the lyrics "I’m artistic, you is autistic, retarded" in his Jodeci Freestyle rap number. He was called on this. The Anti-Bullying Alliance created a petition and asked for a formal apology from each rapper, as well as the offending words be removed from the song. Read the original article and letter on Complex Music here Kuddos to J.Cole for writing an apology letter that sounds sincere. The disheartening thing about his letter is that it is addressed to Autism Speaks. J. Cole offended autistic people, not an organization – in this case an organization that
Ollibean Inclusive Baseball Camp August 5-16
Hope you can join us for our 2nd Annual Ollibean Inclusive Baseball Camp at Palma Ceia Little League. 2 sessions August 5- 9, and August 12-16.
Ollibean Spotlight: Renee Salas
" Talk to people with disabilities. As many as you can: Adults, adolescents, kids. These people are the real experts on disabilities. These are the people that can tell you what life with a disability is like." Renee Salas
Much Needed Resource: “We Are Like Your Child”
"We are like your child. Your child is like us. And we may have difficulties, we are disabled--but there is no denying that we are also awesome."
AAC Helps Learners with Complex Communication Needs Reach Their Full Potential
" A lot of these kids end up not reaching their full potential because they suffer from low expectations. People think they don't speak well, so we shouldn't have them in the regular classroom, but a lot of the kids I work with, they're cognitively fine. They're perfectly capable. They just need a viable means of communication to really help them through that." Cathy Binger
PrAACtical AAC | Presuming Competence and Using The Least Dangerous Assumption
PrAACtical AAC's latest post on the importance of presuming competence.
Believing in Your Child and Why It Matters
"No one affects a child's day, dreams and future like a mother. Of course we are never perfect, but perfect is never the goal." Tonya Whitlock
Ollibean Mama Spotlight : Ariane Zurcher
"It means living in a society that embraces the diversity of human beings. It means inclusion is a way of life and manifests itself in every aspect of our culture, from the schools and education, to the work place and everything in between… It means paradise!" Ariane Zurcher
Yoga , Naturally Inclusive
Ryan McGraw is a 30-year-old yoga teacher who has cerebral palsy. He doesn't fit the mold, which is fine, because he's molding yoga routines to fit his needs.
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
Great resource promoting increased participation in physical activity among people of all abilities.
Dave Jacka: Up, Up and Away!
Dave Jacka just began his quest to become the first quadriplegic to fly solo around Australia. Family and friends saw the 44-year-old Fairfield resident off from the airport in Tooradin, Australia on April 28. A wheelchair user since a car accident 25 years ago, Jacka only has a small amount of control of his shoulder, wrist and bicep. He never gave up on his childhood dream of learning to fly, however, starting lessons with a pilot in 2006. He controls the plane by sucking and blowing into a tube, and makes use of enlarged switches and levers in a modified
Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Strength-Based Strategies t – Apr 29,2013
A new concept on human diversity has emerged over the past 10 years that promises to revolutionize the way educators provide services to students with special needs: neurodiversity. Just as we celebrate diversity in nature
“The Story of Luke” Brings Autism to the Big Screen
But my question is, where are autistic people in the creation of the movie and the movie itself? The representation of autism and disability in film should include the actual voices of autistic people.
A Generational Shift in Understanding Life With Down Syndrome
"You cannot know if someone else's life is worth living without asking them and without even knowing them."
Disabled surfers brave the waves in Brazil
Renata Glasner doing her thing in Brazil.
Reason # 202 Why You Should Come to See Wretches & Jabberers Next Weekend..
The incredible soundtrack. J. Ralph, recently nominated for an Academy Award for his song, Before My Time, for the documentary Chasing Ice, composed and performed the songs in this incredible documentary, He is joined by some of the most talented folks in music.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Stand Up for Inclusion
Presented and discussed will be the importance of inclusion and friendship for youth with disabilities. The cast and of the acclaimed feature documentary, Wretches & Jabberers will be joined by The National Center on Inclusive Education’s Mary Schuh, PhD, and Tampa advocate, 13 year old, Henry Frost.
Doctors across America turning away patients with disabilities, study finds
by Sarah Levis Disabled people in several American cities are going without specialist care because of medical facilities that aren’t physically accessible, says a study that recently appeared in the Annals of Medicine. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, it’s illegal for a medical service provider to turn away someone because of physical disability. Yet in Boston alone, more than one in six doctors refused to schedule appointments for people posing as patients in wheelchairs. Similar findings were reported in three other cities. The study reported similar findings in in Houston, Texas, Dallas, Texas, and Portland, Oregon. The study
April and Autism Acceptance at Tampa Theatre
Get your advocacy on. April and Autism Acceptance is in Tampa. The rock stars of disability advocacy- Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette- are back.
Ollibean Art for Change at USF: April. Autism. Advocacy. Acceptance.
A day of inclusive education, community acceptance, and self-advocacy at USF with Academy Award Winning Director and Stars of the Acclaimed Documentary Wretches & Jabberers, NCIE's Mary Schuh, PhD, and Tampa advocate Henry Frost. CARD (The Center for Autism and Related Disorders) at the University of South Florida) will host at USF's Marshall Hall.
Child Positive Impact:The Disability-Culture Connection
This study examined mothers' perceptions of the positive impact of having a child with an intellectual disability. Trajectories of positive impact from 7 time points were developed using latent growth modeling and 2 predictors: culture (Anglo, Latino) and child disability status (intellectual disability, typical development). Data were from 219 mothers of children from age 3 to 9 years. Growth trajectories reflected a general decline in positive impact on Anglo mothers. On average, at age 3, Anglo mothers reported significantly lower initial values on positive impact when their children had an intellectual disability, but Latino mothers did not. Across all time points, Latino
10-year edition of ‘Riding the Bus’ comes subtler understanding of intellectual disability
Rachel Simon knew that having a sibling who has a serious intellectual disability had changed her life. But she had no idea that writing a book about the experience would change her life again. Recalling those early days, Simon says, “I allowed myself on
Time for a Paradigm Shift in Special Education
Thomas Armstrong's piece on neurodiversity and education.
Neurodiversity IS the Next Civil Rights Movement
"When we talk about inclusion what we're talking about is diversity." Audra Zucherman, co-founder, The IDEAL School .The IDEAL School practices full inclusion while nurturing their students abilities to create real change in the world through compassion and self- empowerment.
Family wants answers in son with special needs death
A lawyer for the family of a 26-year-old man with Down syndrome who died while being escorted from a movie theater by security guards says the grieving family is looking for answers after the death was ruled a homicide. Robert Ethan Saylor died Jan. 12 a
Abuse and Cover Up of Students with Special Needs In Ohio
Special Education teacher from Kings Local School District accused of seclusion, restraint, physical abuse , verbal and emotional abuse.
Abuse of 7 Year Old with Special Needs Recorded by School Intern
School intern videos abusive physical therapist shoving seven year old with special needs to the ground and saying, "Get down now. I said down. No.Stand up you little b----, stand up."
Sara Winter,Founder of Squag™ Had Me at :)
Sara Winter answers our Change Leader Questionairre. Sara is the founder of Squag™ - a wonderful curated, online space that offers kids on the autism spectrum as well as other disabilities (and their siblings) a safe, beautiful corner of the web.
Wright’s Law: Why Schools Usually Say “No!”
My son is going to middle school. Same district, new school, just blocks apart. His 1:1 (same para for 3 years) has been the best thing that has come into his life ever. We want his para to follow him to middle school. The Special Education Director says
Karen Clay Defines Inclusion for Hillsborough County School Board Member Olson
"I fought for him to remain in the classroom, I fought for him to attend his neighborhood school. I did not have to fight for him to be fully included, because Principal Vince Sussman at Plant High School knew that students with disabilities have value, have worth."
NCIE Webinar: Creating Inclusive IEPs
This February 20th webinar will focus on IEPs that target students’ full participation in inclusive general education classrooms and specify the supports needed for success.
‘Impaired Perceptions’ – Photographer Brian Steel Fights Ableism
"The overall message is that you cannot tell what a person is capable of or what their life is like simply by looking at them. " Brian Steel
MCIE Workshop on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Inclusive Education
How RtI Systems Work for Students with Intensive Support Needs With Michael McSheehan!
Advice from Someone Who Has Been There
I love Larry Bissonnette- artist and disability rights activist. If you have seen Wretches & Jabberers or My Life as an Artist, or seen Larry present- I'm sure you are right there with me. His paintings are extraordinary, his words brilliant, and his wit and personality beyond wonderful. He is an exceptional person I feel privledged to call friend. We have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with Larry; a weekend at our home in Tampa, a week in Vermont (where we were able to visit Larry's studio and watch him create his paintings) and numerous conferences
Disability on the Florida Senate’s 2013 Agenda
The most important would eliminate the requirement that students enroll in a traditional school before becoming eligible for a McKay scholarship. McKay scholarships allow students with disabilities to use the money for tuition at a private school of their choice. One, SB 226, creates a two-week “disability history and awareness” instruction program starting in the 2014-2015 school year. The bill creates a committee to help the Department of Education design program curriculum. SB 150 creates a “Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children’s Educational Bill of Rights,” and requires state and local school officials to recognize the needs of hard-of-hearing students. Another bill,
Shatter the Myths About Autism
"No Myths". Must see PSA by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network and the Dan Merino Foundation. Change the conversation about autism.
Ollibean Creed
The Ollibean Creed, our parenting true north for raising children with and without disabilities.
International Day of Persons With Disabilities
Theme: Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all. How will you take part?
The National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE)
The National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE) at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability is a leader in the transformation of schools so that students of all abilities are successfully learning in their home schools within general education settings. Vision When students with disabilities are provided appropriate instruction and supports, they can learn grade-level general education curriculum, communicate in ways that are commensurate with their same-age peers without disabilities, have meaningful social relationships, and graduate from high school—college and career ready.
Inclusive Education: It’s Great If You Can Get It
Inclusive schools need to become a reality for all students across the nation regardless of abilities, socio-economic background and geographic location. Unfortunately, many school districts do not see the inclusive classroom as the Least Restrictive Environment and an appropriate placement for children with special needs. Thus, what one child has free and appropriate access to, another one doesn’t. And then inclusion , which has been proven by experts to be the gold standard of special education, becomes an ideal situation…if you can get it. The lack of universal practice of inclusive education in our school system creates an overall discord in
I Stand With Henry
What Henry is doing is advocating for his rights, at the same time that he reminds us of our own rights and about how far we still have to go.
I am the 20 % and the RNC
Henry takes his bi-partisan message of inclusion and civil rights for all to the Republican National Convention.
My Civil Rights
Inclusion, Martin Luther King, Jr, The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and education.
First Day of School
Today is the first time that Henry has not had a First day of School. He is not allowed to go to his neighborhood school that is about 200 yards from our home.
Henry’s video for his friend Sebastien, please help by sharing
Thursday Henry decided he wanted to write something to help his friend. We decided to video the process, as you can see, typing one letter at a time is a very long and arduous process. It took Henry hours to type and edit that paragraph. It was hard and Henry decided to not to share the parts that were too emotional. Sebastien is one of Henry's best friends, he loves him dearly and he has watched his body get weaker and weaker each day. I am so proud of H for writing this, it was very, very hard for a
Ollibean Mama Spotlight
Connect and learn with other parents like Tonya who presume competence and celebrate their children for being exactly who they are. #allofakind
Got Questions? Get answers from our disability-centric community.
We’ve organized Ollibean so members can support each other in a very organic way. You will connect with others based on mutual interest in diffability related content.
Self-Advocacy, Inclusion, Communication, and Friendship Roadtrip 2012
Our three week Roadtrip has begun. Syracuse, then on to New Hampshire and the Autism Summer Institute.
Outing The Prejudice: Making The Least Dangerous Assumption
We highly recommend this brilliant article by Zach Rossetti and Carol Tashie on their interpretation of Anne Donnellan's concept of presuming competence, the least dangerous assumption.
OlliNEPAL at the SERC School
OlliNEPAL at the SERC School in Kathmandu
OlliNEPAL team at HDCS, Asha Bal Bikash Sewa (“Children’s Hope Development Service”)
OlliNEPAL team at HDCS, Asha Bal Bikash Sewa ("Children's Hope Development Service")
Lives Not Worth Living : by Amy Sequenzia
The title of this blog is an expression seen in many blogs written by disabilities advocates and self-advocates. Wasn’t his life worth living? Isn’t mine or the lives of all disabled people? The murder of 22 year-old autistic George Hodgins prompted the latest, very strong protests from the autistic community against the media coverage focused on the “reasons” for the killing, while ignoring George’s, the victim, life.
Nordic Network on Disability Research
NNDR is a multidisciplinary network of disability researchers interested in cultural, societal and environmental dimensions of disability and marginalization. The purpose of NNDR is to advance research and development in the field of disability. NNDR provides a forum for researchers, particularly from the Nordic countries, to meet, present and discuss their research,, as well as encouraging Nordic and international exchange and collaboration. NNDR was established in Fredrikshavn, Denmark in 1997. In just a few years it has grown into a large network of disability researchers, reflecting the growing interest in and importance of disability research in the Nordic countries. The
Extreme Kids & Crew
Extreme Kids & Crew is a parent-run non profit dedicated to causing a great scene for Brooklyn’s kids with disabilities, their families and friends. They are all about creating a warm and encouraging atmosphere where children and adults of every ability and disability can relax, have fun, and enjoy the experience of being deeply accepted and celebrated for the people that they are. We offer workshops in the arts and movement with insightful and practiced teachers, parent education nights, free family concerts, and much more.
GCAC Presents: VSA Ohio at the intersection of art and disability
Since its founding in 1986, VSA Ohio has evolved to become a community that helps inspired artists connect with their passions. Bridging arts and disability, their programs and services focus on providing equal opportunity, full participation, independen
Team Hoyt
Team Hoyt is an inspirational story of a father, Dick Hoyt, and his son, Rick, who compete together in marathons and triathlons across the country. Team Hoyt strives to help those who are physically disabled become active members of the community. .
Geri Jewell: Geri-ism #2: Unmasking the Real Disabilities
It involves the beating of a 16-year-old girl with cerebral palsy. The perpetrators were the girls' parents -- primarily her father, Judge William Adams, who serves as a family law judge in Texas. It was very graphic and painful to watch, but I forced myself to see the whole thing through. via Geri Jewell: Geri-ism #2: Unmasking the Real Disabilities.
More on Students With Disabilities and the Law
By JOHN O’CONNOR Tres Whitlock is trying to enroll in a charter school. The school has said they can not provide needed services. Last week we ran a story talking to attorneys about what the law requires for students with disabilities. One expert we spoke with, Joy Zabala with the Center for Applied Special Technology, responded to clarify her position.
United Cerebral Palsy
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) educates, advocates and provides support services to ensure a life without limits for people with a spectrum of disabilities. UCP and its nearly 100 affiliates have a mission to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with a spectrum of disabilities by providing services and support to children and adults every day—one person and family at a time. UCP works to enact real change—to revolutionize care, raise standards of living and create opportunities to ensure the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in every facet of society. is a federal government website that provides an interactive, community-driven information network of disability-related programs, services, laws and benefits. Through the site, Americans with disabilities, their families, veterans, educators, employers and many others are connected to thousands of resources from federal, state and local government agencies, educational institutions and non-profit organizations.
The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is a membership organization that supports and promotes a national network of university-based interdisciplinary programs. These programs are located in every U.S. state and territory and are all part of universities or medical centers and serve as a bridge between the university and the community, bringing together the resources of both to achieve meaningful change. AUCD programs also train the next generation of leaders in disability-related research, training, service delivery, and policy advocacy to insure that this essential work continues.
Charter Schools Excluding Students with Significant Disabilities in Florida
A new report by the Miami Herald and StateImpact Florida – a National Public Radio initiative - confirms CEC’s ongoing concern that many charter schools are failing to serve students with disabilities, particularly students with significant disabilities
The American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities promotes progressive policies, sound research, effective practices, and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Inclusion Movement Around the Globe
There's a great podcast and article about UNICEF in Russia's efforts to foster the right for all children to receive an inclusive education. UNICEF podcast moderator Femi Oke talked to Ms. Elina Lehtomaki, Researcher at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland and a pioneer in the field of inclusive education.
Washington Post E.W. — that’s how he is identified in the report — is an 8-year-old diagnosed with trauma and post-traumatic stress whom the District placed at Rock Creek.. That’s the private special education school in upper Northwest closed by OSSE earlier this month after an investigation revealed many problems, including staff members who improperly restrained or isolated exceptional education students. On May 23, according to a Rock Creek employee who came forward to OSSE, E.W. arrived at school without his medication, leaving him “running around aimlessly, knocking over chairs and books, and hitting the wall.” He was placed in a
Autism Now: MacNeil Interviews Director of Education
An extended transcript excerpt of , PBS' Robert MacNeil's interview with Jesse Mojica, director of education policy for the Bronx borough president, on treatment and education for children with autism.
Autism Now : MacNeil Interviews Principal at Autism Charter School
An extended transcript excerpt from Robert MacNeil's interview with Rima Ritholtz, principal of PS 176, charter school in the Bronx can be found on Ritholtz discusses the schooling and treatment options for those with autism. She says approximately 10 out 700 students are able to return to general education.
University Students Design Tray to Fit Most Walkers and Wheelchairs
THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS At 5 years old, Dakota Tomac wants to do things himself. He doesn’t want his cerebral palsy to require others to carry his book or figure out how he will get his lunch on the table. His independent spirit got a boost with a tool created by Grand Valley State University students, thanks to an idea from a physical therapist at the Kent Intermediate School District. The students made a tray that fits onto Dakota’s walker so he could move around at school and carry his iPad, which helps him communicate. “It’s so
For more information about incredible films related to disabilities, check out Sprout, programs for people with disabilities. Sproutflix features films from around the world that focus on the lives and accomplishments of people with developmental disabilities.
Best and Worst States for Disability Services
UCP's invaluable analysis of Medicaid for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities reports that progress is being made for community inclusion, but every state has room for improvement. According to the report Vermont provides the best services for individuals with disabilities and Missippi provides the worst. There are still approximately 58,000 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in facilities with 16 or more beds.Too much money is being spent isolating people in these large instititutions and the waiting lists for services has also increased dramatically, up 56% from 2005 to 2009. Top ten states in terms of quality of
The Pearls Project-Teaching Empathy
Students at Ridgewood High School were shown photos of young people with genetic disorders and told not to look away. The unusual lessons are part of a new effort, called the Pearls Project, to promote tolerance and empathy in a school culture where being different can mean social exile. Ridgewood teachers developed it this year in partnership with Positive Exposure, a nonprofit group in New York City founded by Rick Guidotti, a fashion photographer. “Genetic conditions are depicted as images of sickness and sorrow — it’s always a kid up against the wall in a doctor’s office,” Mr. Guidotti said.
Wretches & Jabberers Tampa Screening
The " World Intelligence Magnified Tour" took Tampa by storm. The screenings of Wretches & Jabberers the weekend of June 10 were an enormous success.
Wretches and Jabberers at Tampa Museum of Art
Academy Award winner, Gerardine Wurzburg's documentary, "Wretches & Jabberers ", Screening and Q & A at Tampa Theatre . The rockstars of self advocacy, Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette take Tampa by storm, shattering misconceptions of autism and intelligence.