• What you see as “inspiring”, the way we do things, the way we lead our lives, is not a superpower. It is just our way of navigating this – still – very inaccessible world . Amy Sequenzia on Ollibean

Disabled Lives and Respect

I thought I wouldn't write about this case . I've been following it and the developments have been a sad reminder that disabled people are, in 2015, still seen, talked about and treated as less than human.   Emily Brooks has been writing about it and her analysis is so comprehensive, I don't have much to add. But the rhetoric used by people involved in the case is making my heart hurt.   If you don't know about it, you can read the articles linked above and here . I will not talk about Anna Stubblefield, if she raped an adult

  • Faded Image of ocean and waves and rocks. Text reads WILL THE SELF-ADVOCACY SKILLS WE TEACH OUR YOUTH TODAY SERVE THEM WELL IN THEIR ADULTHOOD? Judy Endow ,MSW, Ollibean logo

Autism, Transition Programs and the Impact of Poverty on Self-Advocacy

I am an autistic woman who has lived both in poverty and as a middle-income person during my adult life. I am noticing how self-advocacy is typically geared toward middle-income status. This could be problematic since many autistic adults live in poverty. Based upon my experience I have come to realize that middle class self-advocacy works fine if in fact you are a middle-income person, but doesn’t work well if you are a poor person.   I will explain this more using an example from my life as a poor person versus a middle class person.   Dental Experience as

On Not Being “Pretty”

My friend Cara wrote this awesome article about being "ugly" disabled. You should click on the link and read it. Go on, I'll wait.   Isn't it great? The article got me thinking.   Like Cara, I also have cerebral palsy. I sometimes use a transport wheelchair because I have poor balance and I can't stand for too long. When I sit down, my body "flops", or it slowly leans to my right side until I am almost lying down. When it doesn't lean to the side, it tends to relax too much, sliding down the chair. An upright position

Accommodations – They Make All The Difference

Accommodations are important and they work. I should not be making a big deal about it. The ADA is 25 years old. Sadly, getting the accommodations we, disable people need, is often the opposite of simple.   If you have been reading my posts, you know that I am very visibly disabled. I am also proud, and I don't try to be someone other than myself. I do require a lot of supports, and once I have them, I can do anything I set up as goals. I have goals, or simply things I want to do, that most people

  • Will Chuck Forget?

Will Chuck forget?

Will Chuck Forget? Chuck is terrified to go to school. He has stuttering. Others laugh when he says something. He has a breakdown at school. Some boys do feel bad but have no courage to tell and stand up for him. The teacher pretends nothing is wrong. Chuck went missing. Questions: Who is responsible? What can his friends do if he is found? What does it mean to watch and look the other way? Will his teachers take initiative and how? What can his family do? Will Chuck forget? End of  the story. I wrote this story when I

Autonomous Press

Autonomous Press (also known as AutPress) is an independent publisher focusing on works about disability, neurodivergence, and the various ways they can intersect with other aspects of identity and lived experience. We are a partnership of  disabled workers including writers, poets, artists, musicians, community scholars, and professors. Each partner takes on a share of the work of managing the press and production, and all of our workers are co-owners. Our Mission “Autonomous Press seeks to revolutionize academic access.” But what does that mean? Does it mean access to academic work, so that the public can better understand scholarship? Does it

  • Image of group of students and Professor standing with arms crossed looking at the camera.Text reads: "Princeton University students Stand By Henry. We are inspired by you and your family. Thanks. The Spring 2015 Student from Seminar "A History of Disability as Told By Personal Narratives" taught by Professor Wurzburg Anschutz Distinguished Fellow in American Studies."

Now you know . You cannot unknow .

I  told  Professor Wurzburg's class in March and April  about my life and advocacy for inclusion, communication and civil rights. The class asked me questions and I answered. On April 8 I talked to the class on Skype. "This is good. Princeton thank you for this class. Learning about disability experience and discrimination from people who are disabled is the only real way.   I share my experience to change my reality and the reality for my neurodivergent brothers and sisters. No person should experience the abuse. All people deserve respect, inclusion and communication.   Now you know . You cannot unknow

Ableism and Pity. Reject Them, Be Awesome

I have written about how I had to unlearn ableism.   I have written about my uncooperative body.   I always state how generally happy I am, and that I am comfortable being me.   All this is true but frustration shows up, and grows, every time I meet ableism.   I meet ableism a lot.   Ableism brought forth by pity. Pity directed at me by people who seem to believe I am “trapped” inside my body, that I suffer, or that my life is so hard, they can’t understand how I can even have goals and aspirations.  

Being Comfortable In My Skin

When I shared my post "Celebrating My Life" one commenter pointed out that “very few people are as comfortable in their skins” as I am. This got me thinking about what makes it possible for me to not only be ok being me, but to be proud of who I am. What makes me an unapologetic, unabashed, proud disabled woman? According to followers of the medical model of disability – most doctors and all the self-proclaimed “experts” – I have a long list of “devastating”, “severe” and even tragic deficits and impairments. Their “deficits list” would look like this: Non-speaking

Celebrating My Life

Celebrating My Life  Amy Sequenzia won't stop celebrating her autistic, disabled life. le I am writing this prompted by something John Elder Robison (I will refer to him by his initials, JER) wrote about Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month, in particular this quote:  “We may have gifts too, but disability remains the basis for diagnosis. Some autistic people are rendered non-speaking by their    condition, and I can’t imagine who would celebrate that. Others live with significant medical complications like epilepsy. I’ve yet to meet anyone who celebrates that either.” I commented that JER does not have to “imagine”. I am here, I celebrate being non-speaking, I celebrate

The Reason I Blog

This blog (The Autism Wars), and all the other blogs and projects associated with it, are for my autistic son, Mustafa. But this blog is actually not talking about him without him or about daily life with him with some rare exceptions for times when his daily displays of empathy, kindness, and love towards me move me to write. When I say it is for my son, I mean it is part of my activism and my exploration of what it means to try and ally myself to his cause. This cause is something that too many of us are aware of

I Don’t Want Your Awareness

I don’t want Autism Awareness. Actually, I fear Autism Awareness because it only makes the world fear, hate and ignore us, one blue light, one puzzle piece at a time.

Take ASAN’S Pledge to Include Autistic Voices

Please join us and take The Autistic Self Advocacy Network's pledge to include Autistic voices in organizations, conferences and panels on autism. Would you support an organization that advocated for women or attend conferences about women if they failed to include women ? Of course not. Then, please, take a minute, sign this pledge and share widely. Join: Colin Meloy, Lead Singer, The Decemberists, Linda Walker Fiddle, Executive Director, Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Mike Elk, Labor Reporter, In These Times Magazine, Steve Silberman, Investigative Reporter and Author, Wired Magazine, Cecilia Breinbauer, Executive Director, Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders

Autism, Inflexibility and Diversity

A universal assumption about autism is that autistic people tend to be inflexible and it is NOT GOOD to be inflexible. Let’s take a look at that assumption. Neuro majority people talk a lot about the inflexibility and the rigidity of autistic people. Seems like they get stuck in that train of thought. Isn’t it quite a narrow perception to believe that everyone should be just like you and should conform to your ways? And yet, as an autistic, if I want to get anywhere in the world I need do just that - to conform to the ways of

“Autistic People Should…”

Feb. 23, 2013 was this flash blog day. Autistics were asked to complete the phrase "Autistic people should..." as a way to make a positive difference in light of the suggestions given by search engines when that phrase is typed in the search bar. This was my contribution: Autistic people should take and keep a seat on the bus, just like Rosa Parks did in 1955 when fighting for social justice for blacks. I was born in 1955. I am glad black people no longer have to fight so hard for the chance to be seen as part of the


My life through the years I've been listening to this It's enough to bring out tears I need it to immediately cease.   They talk about my existence About my right to be I'm running out of patience I know who I am, I am me.   Cure, treat, fix, change Words that hurt deep in my soul If I do all that they demand My essence is lost, nowhere to go.   They know what to say to scare They do this intentionally But now it is my turn to dare I'm not backing down silently   Not backing

Drop, Settle + Train

The Supreme Court has a case that affects all disabled people, and the decision can be very damaging for us. We need to trust the police, and the police must “Connect, Respect, Protect” disabled people as they do with all people, not command, advance, hurt , kill.

Talking to Autism “Advocacy” Organizations

I had the opportunity to speak, as a public comment, during a meeting of the Autism Society, Florida Chapter. It applies mostly to the National leadership because I think it is past time for some things to change. What I said might not have pleased everyone, and it might have made some angry. But I stand by the words - compliance is not my goal. It needed to be said though, not only to the Autism Society but to all organizations that say they “advocate” for autism. If an organization wants to help, it should not advocate for things Autistics

  • #FreeNeli


by Amy Sequenzia  Reginald "Neli" Latson was an 18 year-old Autistic high school student, a good student, a wrestler, when he was arrested while waiting for the library he often visited to open.     Neli was, as teen fashion dictates, wearing a hoodie. He is black, and as bigotry, discrimination and ignorance dictate, he was profiled and reported as a criminal, "possibly carrying a gun".   He did not "comply" with the officer who approached him, already with baseless suspicion, since there was no gun. An altercation sent Neli to jail, trial and prison. He served his time, and

  • "I am more like you than autism can ever make me different." Judy Endow, MSW on Ollibean

An Autistic Weighs in on Friendship

I am a professional person who works as an autism consultant to various school districts when I am not speaking and writing. I have an autism neurology myself so I enjoy the privilege of being able to see and experience autism from a variety of viewpoints. One thing that greatly pains me is the continuing wrong assumptions professional people make about autistics and how those wrong assumptions often get interpreted as fact.

Autism and Sorting Out Sensory Snags

All my life I have been easily overwhelmed by sound and motion.  I can hear things nobody else even notices such as the hum of electric devices that are plugged in even when the appliance or device is not in use such as the coffee maker on my kitchen counter.  I can hear fluorescent lights hum, the steady grind of ventilation systems in buildings and the crackling from inside my television when it is muted. When I am in the midst of much movement I tend to get dizzy.  This is really distracting because I am in busy places when

Communication Supports for Speaking Autistics?

As an autistic, I know first hand how my communication abilities are different from the neuro-majority people around me. Most people do not understand my differences because I can speak. On the surface my communication abilities appear normal. This make it very difficult for people to understand when I need accommodations they are just that – accommodations – not personal preferences. For example, even though I can speak to crowds of thousands of people my neurology does not permit me to engage in telephone conference calls in a meaningful way. The most I can do is listen, but after a

Why I Don’t Like “Awareness”

Awareness campaigns of disabilities are only effective if they are planned and run primarily by the groups that are the subjects of the campaign. This is because such campaigns are not “awareness”, but “acceptance” campaigns. We welcome support, with focus on respect, equality and access. We don’t need “awareness” of deficits and tragic rhetoric.

Attitudes – Information and Education

This is especially directed at parents, family members and all who spend a lot of time with disabled children. It also applies to adults, even if the way things happen when an adult is diagnosed or needs supports are different from how they happen with children. But we, disabled adults, also deserve to have supportive and informed people assisting us in navigating and participating in the world. When a child is diagnosed with a disability, or born disabled, it is said that parents, and family members, grieve. That's probably because the general perception of any disability is a negative one.

Attitudes – Grading People

Parents and family of disabled people should start demanding that everyone who is part of their children lives stops using functioning labels. We don’t need to be graded. We already have value.

Attitudes – Communication

Communication is not only speaking, typing, texting or signing. Communication is also being able to listen and understand, being accommodated to make interaction possible.

Attitudes – Introduction

When you are disabled there is a lot going against you. Not that disability is the worst thing someone can experience. It is not. Disability can be hard and some things can be very difficult to deal with. Some of us need medication and managing this can be difficult; some of us experience pain and this can be energy draining; others might have trouble with sensory processing; some might even need hospitalization from time to time. Different disabilities require different approaches, and different types of accommodations. What non-disabled people should remember is that we either learn how to live as

Lizzie Velasquez: Inspiring & Empowering a More Positive Online Environment

At only 25, Lizzie Velaquez is a motivational speaker, the subject of an upcoming documentary and author. In her viral TedX Talk, How Do YOU Define Yourself , Lizzie asks the audience to consider what defines them, and whether they're going to choose to give up in the face of negativity from others, or whether they're going to choose to be happy. After finding a video on Youtube which called her the ugliest woman in the world, Lizzie decided she was not going to let someone who had never met her, bully her – much less, define her. Lizzie has

On Disparity in Education: The Risks and Bravery of Being First

Being one of the first or the only students with any discernible divergence in any characteristic is dangerous, difficult, and involves tremendous courage. Over 50 years ago, at the beginning of a school year, the Little Rock Nine walked with angry white mobs behind them into their local high school to exercise their right to a public education with their white peers. Initially, the Arkansas national guard blocked their entrance by order of the Arkansas governor. Eventually, President Eisenhower ordered my stepfather's unit, the 101 airborne division, excluding my stepfather and all black soldiers, to escort the students to and

  • "Why would I want to grow out of my skin? Of my veins ? Because they grew so well with me. Jamie Sanders

I have Tourette’s. Please tell everyone.

This powerful performance by Jamie Sanders, spoken word poet and actor with Tourette's, covers bullying, shame, self-acceptance and empowerment in the best 150 seconds you'll watch this week.

Is Autism a Disability or a Difference?

So many ideas in the larger autism community often become a debate. As an autistic this black-or-white, choose-your-side sort of thinking is very neurologically friendly to me. I like clear choices. But I also believe we are often unwittingly duped into believing we need to choose a side only because the idea is presented as a dichotomous choice. “Is autism a disability or a difference?” is one of these questions posed as a dichotomous choice in the autism community. The way the question is posed gives the impression that there is one correct answer. When Autism is a “Difference” Many

Losing an Autism Diagnosis

I am an almost 60-year-old autistic woman who can navigate the world in a way that surprises some people when they find out I have autism. My teen years were spent in an institution because people did not know what to do with my “behaviors” or with me. Today I am a self-employed author, speaker, consultant and artist with a master’s degree in Social Work. Question: Did I lose my autism diagnosis? Official Answer: Yes and No No, an Autism Diagnosis Cannot Be “Lost” Technically, once a person is diagnosed with anything that diagnosis becomes part of their medical records.


Some call him a kid Others say he is a young man But whatever you call him You need to know this: He is courageous Brave and resilient He will fight and he will win   It can be a fight for his rights When enemies come disguised as condescension It can be a fight for his dreams He will mobilize an army of friends To Stand With Him   He is an example to many He showed other students the possibilities Henry does not fight for himself He is changing perceptions, changing the world   Henry is a leader

April is Over!

Another April has passed – big sigh of relief! As an autistic I have a love/hate relationship with April – the AUTISM month. I love that increasingly more people over time have become aware of autism. I hate that Autism Awareness month contributes daily to many negative stereotypes of autism, most of it by people meaning to do something good on behalf of autism. As an autistic, I am meant to be grateful to all these wonderful people who are sacrificing their time, talent and money to be helpful to people like me. Some of the time I am grateful, but

FDA Advisory Panel Recommends Banning Aversive Shock Therapy at the Judge Rotenberg Center

Thursday, April 24, was a day that I'd been waiting for that day for a long time. An FDA advisory panel finally got to thoroughly hear both sides of the story of what goes on at the Judge Rotenberg Center, and to deliberate, based on testimony, whether what happens to the students there needs to be stopped. And they made the right decision. I just hope that they act on it quickly. I found out about the Judge Rotenberg Center by accident two years ago, doing some research for another post on my blog. I came across an article about

Young Autistics Making Me Happy – Expressions of PosAutivity: #AutismPositivity2014

This poem is for my young friends: Evie, Ty, Max, Fallon, Mu, Jack, Emma, H., Philip, Oliver, Brooke, Henry, Miri, Cody, MissG, MasterL, and many others I cannot name here but I know are going to grow up to change the conversation. You make me very happy!

  • It is the children with OI-the future of our community-who are particularly vulnerable to these messages, especially when they come from their very parents. Kara Ayers on Ollibean

Hashtag Hate and How Pride Can Prevail

Guest blogger Kara Ayers is the Advocacy and Dissemination Coordinator for The University of Cincinnati University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UC UCEDD) and has been featured on Disability Blog the official blog for Disability.gov. As a child, my family considered "hate" to be a bad word. We're teaching my preschool daughter the same. Someday I will teach her the tragic impact of hate and the freedom that it has stolen and continues to steal from so many. For now-I don't want her vocabulary or her mind limited by slurs and hate-filled language. As someone who works in social

Depositions Related to the Death of 7 Year Old Isabella Herrera

Isabella died on January 26, 2012, a day after choking on a Hillsborough County School bus. Bella, a 7 year old student at Sessums Elementary, drove her power wheelchair onto her Hillsborough County School bus at 2:07 pm. Once on the bus, Isabella, who had a neuromuscular disorder, relied on an aide who was supposed to be trained to position her wheelchair with her head tilted back to allow her to breathe. "They were supposed to be trained by physical therapists at the school to slightly tilt her chair so her head would not bobble," says Isabella's mother, Lisa Herrera.

More Than An Autism Diagnosis

I am an adult with autism. My thinking is visual rather than word-based. Autism gifts me with a literal and concrete way of thinking. My thoughts are all in full moving color. You can read about this and about my life in my book called Paper Words, Discovering and Living With My Autism. (Endow, 2009a) “Always, I have a front row seat to watch the show! Each color, with its infinite variety of hues and brightness, has its own movement patterns and sound combinations. Even though spoken words are the medium most often used by people to communicate with me, I

Sesame Street, This is an Autistic Speaking

Sesame Street knew nobody was missing, or lacking, anything. I was perfect! Everyone is perfect! But in real life, as I grew older, doctors and teachers convinced everyone that I was too broken to be worthy of any effort toward education and a future. Nobody saw me the way I was seen by my friends at Sesame Street.

  • Goodnight Autism Puzzle Pieces by Judy Endow on Ollibean. Picture of crescent moon on night sky.

Goodnight Autism Puzzle Pieces

You may like lighting it up blue or using puzzle pieces as a symbol of autism awareness. I personally no longer like either of these things for lots of reasons and I post various blogs and articles about these topics in social media venues. My opinion, even though it may differ from yours, does NOT mean my autism is preventing me from understanding your point of view. It simply means we have different points of view. Yesterday I had a conversation in social media with a woman who explained all the reasons the puzzle piece symbolism was important to her

What Good Does Autism Awareness Do? It Doesn’t

I know most people want to do the right thing and believe “Autism Awareness” helps. But it doesn’t and it is time for some blunt truths, it is past time to stop walking in circles and move forward with Autism Acceptance.

Treat Others As THEY Want to Be Treated

I was taught to treat other people the way I want to be treated. This works out great when I am with autistic friends because we share an autistic neurology. It does not always work out well when I am with everyone else who populates this world from a neuro-majority place of being. Therefore, the onus has been on me to figure this out for myself. It has taken many decades, but I have finally worked it out in a way that allows me to live more comfortable in a world largely populated by folks who do not share my

#DearFutureMom Video Spreads Awesome Message From People with Down Syndrome

by Emily Ladau Have you seen this #DearFutureMom Video? We love it here at Ollibean and in honor of World Down Syndrome Day, we think it's definitely worth a moment of your time to watch. It's a great reminder of why people of all abilities must work together to celebrate and advocate for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome today and every day - because we are all people just the same.  

Stop Combating Me – Why I Am Against Euthanasia

Today is “Stop Combating Me” flashblog. We are not the enemy but the way legislation is written puts us in real danger.

Being Disabled and in the Hospital

Being disabled and in hospitals is always scary because our lives is not valued as the lives of non-disabled. I was, in a way, lucky but the policies still need a lot of improvement.

  • Action Alert

Take Action to Keep All Students Safe at School! || Stop Hurting Kids

Stop Hurting Kids needs all supporters of the Keeping All Students Safe Act to take action and urge members of the U.S. Senate to co-sponsor this bill.

Who Should Speak For The Disability Community? – Think Inclusive

In a recent post for Think Inclusive, self-advocate Emily Ladau explores the idea of advocate-allies who work with self-advocates towards disability rights. She emphasizes the importance of putting the voices of self-advocates at the forefront of disability advocacy movements: "Don’t get me wrong – allies, or what I refer to as advocate-allies, are incredibly important to advocacy efforts. “Ally” implies being supportive, while “advocate-ally” paints a more accurate picture of people who join in along with self-advocates. And true advocate-allies deserve the utmost respect. But a real advocate-ally is someone who doesn’t overshadow the voices and efforts of the people

  • Image description: Black square with white text "Sneaky words said with a smile While holding a piece of chalk To draw the dividing line Made by words Sounding alright on the surface But laden with Otherness Less Than Different Not US And sometimes Not Quite Human. Judy Endow on Ollibean."

Chalk Word Lines of Separation

Words are used in many ways Sometimes they are my friends Others sometimes use their words That sound like love and friend Extending from them To me But in reality These words only sound like love and friend But in the end the sound of them Does not ring true and good And is not of love and friend But instead these words draw lines Dividing Their group of US From my group of THEM Society says it is ok In fact it is perfectly fine And noble Even though self-serving Entirely acceptable To divide out those THEMs From USes

  • A dark blue outline of a person with no distinguishable facial features curled up with arms resting on bent knees. Figure is surrounded by text that reads: "Am I okay? Am I really that different? Sometime I struggle. Do others struggle? Weaknesses? Strengths? Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. What makes me different? Are there others like me? I want to be me, and find what works for me. I am unique, and that is okay. I may have different needs, but I am not a burden."

Welcome to the Autistic Community

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network and the Autism Now Center have created "Welcome to the Autistic Community! " It is a must read for anyone who wants to learn about autism.

A Mother’s Open Letter To President Obama and Secretary Perez

February 10, 2014 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW Washington, DC 20500 The Honorable Thomas Perez Secretary of Labor U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Ave.,NW Washington, DC 20210 Dear Mr President and Secretary Perez, Thank you for all that you are doing to ensure workers are paid fair wages with your upcoming executive order to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 for government contractors. I implore you to include workers with disabilities, workers currently making sub-minimum wages under the antiquated Fair Labor Standards Act, 14 (c), in this executive order. After the State of the Union address,

  • Image description: White square with salmon text that reads " I am talking about how a privileged majority can oppress a minority simply to keep a status quo that devalues human lives. Amy Sequenzia " Ollibean logo in bottom right corner.

A Message to Suzanne Wright and Autism Speaks

I will soon write about posAutive messages but I had to write this first. I know my rights and I will fight against oppression at the same time that I spread the messages of acceptance and respect.

Life for Lief ~ “See Me As Smart”

“Some people think that kids who are autistic can’t handle getting a transplant. Kids with autism can handle it.” Lief O'Neill

The Scarlet A: Why I Don’t Want My ID to Broadcast My Autism

A few days ago I read the article 'Law Allowing Autism to be Listed on IDs Moves Through Legislature'.

Celebrate Ed Roberts Day 2014 with YO! DISABLED & PROUD

In 2014 YO! Disabled and Proud would like to honor Ed Roberts legacy by posting photos of you and Ed enjoying your independence together.

Judith Snow ~ Relationships & Inclusion

"The research shows that when a child who is not academically gifted is included in a regular school, not only do the academics improve across the school, and I did say that, I didn’t say “in the classroom”, I said “across the school”, not only do the academics improve, but drug use and violence goes down."

  • 2014 Joint Letter to the Sponsors of Autism Speaks

2014 Joint Letter to the Sponsors of Autism Speaks

January 6, 2014 To the Sponsors, Donors, and Supporters of Autism Speaks: We, the undersigned organizations representing the disability community, are writing to urge you to end your support for Autism Speaks. We profoundly appreciate your interest in supporting the autism and broader disability communities. Our work is about empowering and supporting people with all disabilities, including adults and children on the autism spectrum, to be recognized as equal citizens in our society and afforded all of the rights and opportunities that implies. Unfortunately, Autism Speaks’ statements and actions do damage to that work and to the lives of autistic

  • Image description: Light turquoise , salmon amd fuscia rectangle colorblock. White text reads: Thanks to you information has been recorded in this thread that others may find valuable if they would like to know what some of us autistic adults think and write about in regards to the use of person first language versus the use of the word autistic. Judy Endow Ollibean"

Are You a Bully in Sheep’s Clothing?

On Dec. 16, 2013 I wrote a blog titled “Autistics Can BE Friends” and posted the link on social media sites. Regardless of how often or how many of us autistics write about why many of us choose to call ourselves autistic many in academia and in the medical fields continue on to let us know we “should not” be doing this. I am including in this blog a public conversation I had with a Linked In reader on this matter. The entire conversation had nothing to do with the blog I had posted – only the fact that I


I might be too optimistic for the reality, but I need HOPE to be able to keep demanding the rights taken away from me, just because I am me.

Worth A Second Look: Haben Girma’s 2010 Speech on 35th Anniversary of IDEA

"One of the treasures of IDEA is that it provides children with disabilities the luxury of just being students. Unfortunately there are still many school districts where students with disabilities are denied their right to an education." Haben Girma

Real Consequences

Autism Speaks has been hurting autistics for too long. We are fighting back and we are stronger. It is time to say things like they are. This post is because I feel offended by people defending hateful speech.

  • Image description: Photograph of screenshot of C-SPAN a light skinned man with black hair. He is wearing glasses and a dark grey suit, light shirt and maroon tie. Ari Ne'eman Autistic Self Advocacy Network

The Importance of Supports

"If we invested a mere one-tenth of the amount of money that we currently pour into causation into empowering Autistic people to communicate, that young man and hundreds of thousands more like him would be able to communicate their needs to us today. I am not here today to speak for every Autistic person – that’s impossible. What I am here for is to argue for every Autistic person to have the same opportunity to communicate that I have come to enjoy thanks to the support that I have been lucky enough to receive in my life." Ari Ne'eman

  • Image description: photograph of light skinned man with light hair using sign language . He is wearing a black blazer, blue shirt, and dark tie. Captioned white text on a black background reads" we work to further equal opportunity".

Meet the Members of the 2013 National Council on Disability

The National Council on Disability works to further equal opportunity, self-sufficiency, independent living, inclusion and full integration of people with disabilities into the civic, social, and economic fabric of American life.

Supporting United States Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Why Every Voice Counts!

CALLING ALL SENATORS .It’s time for the U.S. To take their seat at the table In support of global disability rights . RATIFY THE CRPD I have a confession to make: I can only vaguely recall skimming the e-mails that made their way to my inbox in late November and early December last year that called upon the disability community to contact their senators in support of U.S. ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It's not that I didn't realize the importance; I just thought to myself "Oh, I should help.

A Typical Son’s mom on “the r-word” and Chuck Klosterman’s apology

Kari Wagner-Peck ,the author of  A Typical Son blog, and twitter friend @atypicalson wrote a letter to find out why Chuck Klosterman , of the Ethicist used the r-word. Kari who is 'like Erma Bombeck - in that I write funny about the ordinary and not so much in that I am angry, I swear a lot, and we have a kid who has Down syndrome' wrote an eloquent, thoughtful letter to Klosterman , reached out to folks on twitter and used social media for social good. Pretty cool.  You can read the  response from Klosterman  here,It's fabulous- CK, sincerely apologizes

  • a teenage light skinned boy with freckles, wearing a black jacket, blue and white striped sweater, pink collared shirt is standing in front of large columns and steps that lead to the Lincoln Memorial

All the people saw my intelligence. No test first.

My family saw. I had hopeful times . Tracy invited me home to Vermont to learn . I went to ICI to learn. All the people saw my intelligence . No test first. It was very free. I never had many people understand. To wait. To listen. Not outside home. I did not want to go back to people unknowing. I read more words from typers watching my movie to feel community. Full presentation here

This Is Autism by Amy Sequenzia

Today we are flashblogging to counter Autism Speaks’ wrong view of autism. We are showing what autism really is. We speak for ourselves, even if Autism Speaks refuses to listen. The rest of the world will.

  • All disabled people need to know we are together fighting. Not just adults. All kids need to know the big community . Meeting people like me who made the choices of life changed all. Then I am knowing I want this life. It is hard to not have once you see.

This Is Autism by Henry Frost

Best place for all autistic people, all disabled not disabled people, all families to speak together. Speak together for acceptance, inclusion, communication, and rights for all people. I am thinking when you look closely, this is what autism is.

You are not wrong.

Know you are not a burden or trouble for being. You are a person who has every right to be. A family that is saying love but saying you are so hard so wrong for not being as they wanted. The family is wrong. Not You. A school segregating is wrong. Not You.There are many if the disability community that are here for you.

Inclusion, Communication and Civil Rights

"Learning is easy when the teacher knows you can learn. " Henry Frost

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman on the DOE’s New Stance on Bullying Prevention

Comments from Autistic Self-Advocacy Network President Ari Ne’eman, delivered on August 20th, 2013 during a call with with stakeholders from the education and disability communities on the Department of Education’s new guidance on bullying prevention and IDEA. Presenters on the call included OSEP Director Melody Musgrove and White House Associate Director of Public Engagement Claudia Gordon.

Jobless rate for disabled Americans still high 22 years after landmark law

Twenty-two years after passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, the employment rate for people with disabilities is still dismally low, and advocates want to change that. “The ADA … has made a difference in the lives of people with disabilities … but [for employment] the needle hasn’t moved,” says Helena Berger, executive vice president of the American Association of People with Disabilities in Washington.

I Am Disabled and I Am Proud

‎"Polite society often tells us that we need to take the 'dis' out of disability, but maybe... just maybe, we should spend some time putting it back in. Take the "dis" out of disability and you remove the core of what has shaped my life. Disability puts the "D" in diversity, but in order to make that a real difference we've got to own that spot. It took me 35 years to respect and honor that truth. Others shouldn't have to wait that long..." Lawrence Carter-Long

Words for Autistics Speaking Day By Judy Endow

It isn't right that autistics are in the position of needing other people to allow us our place in this world. We need to be able to take our own ticket when others refuse to give it to us. It is wrong that we have to be dependent on the benevolence of others and at their whim to merely being granted permission to participate in everyday life on planet earth. People need to learn about inclusion. Autistics need to learn to steal tickets when others can't be depended upon - some teachers in schools I consult to still don't "believe


I do not know if you have ever thought of it this way, but it is a step up that today autistics have the opportunity extended to prove themselves human. As bad as that is and wrong in ever so many ways it is a step up from 50 years ago when I was a kid and we were not even given any chances to try to convince anybody of our worthiness as a human being much less our intelligence. It is all so wrong and such a slow moving shift it is sometimes difficult to remain positive. This past

Autistics Speaking Day – My Fingers Speak

Today is Autistics Speaking Day, a day to remind the world that we actually speak every day, even if we do it with our fingers.

How to Ignore the Media and Learn to Love Autism

Here are some suggestions on how to tune out the media's negativity and learn to love autism: 1)  Read Jim Sinclair’s “Don’t Mourn for Us”. 2)   Tell your parents, family and friends that are close (maybe even your boss) about your child's diagnosis, as you are going to need support. 3)   Let go of any preconceived ideas for birthday parties, trips to the supermarket and vacations.  Don’t worry if an event doesn't turn out exactly as planned. Sometimes the unexpected is just as wonderful. 4)   Discover what motivates your child and learn as much as you can about those topics.

Wanting More and Finding Disability Justice

White House Champion of Change recipient Mia Mingus is writer, organizer, and member of the Bay Area Transformative Justice Collaborative. Disability was always framed as a sad or bad thing, as something unfortunate that happened to me, a tragedy, a flaw. My experience with the medical world was one about “fixing” me and making me more “normal” and less disabled. This of course, echoed my experience of the world at large. I never saw disabled women in the media being desired or living whole complex lives, let alone disabled women of color. The messages always boiled down to: disability is

From “Severe and Low Functioning” to “Kind of a Big Deal”

Some people consider it so abhorrent to entertain the possibility of having a child with autism they are willing to do a sperm screening that allows doctors to selectively choose only sperm that will produce female children to impregnate the mother. Since there are currently four times as many autistic boys than autistic girls the thinking is that only allowing sperm that will result in girl babies at least reduces the risk of autism. Read the article Baby Sex Checks here. There are ever so many areas to address in this article and others have done so here , and here, but

14 Year Old Advocates for His Civil Rights

My name is Christian Ranieri and I am a 9th Grader at Northport High School. You should know that I have a developmental disability called Autism. I have come a long way in life as I could not talk in the beginning but now I am able to express my message to you in words. When I was 5 I cried a lot and would throw myself on the floor when I got frustrated. I am proud to say that now I can speak clearly and to the best of my ability try to deal with my frustration in words.

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network’s Third Annual Gala Honoring Henry Frost and Dr. Anne Donnellan

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network’s third annual gala and celebration at the National Press Club is November 12th. Henry Frost is the recipient of the 2013 Award for Service to the Self Advocacy Movement. Dr.  Anne Donnellan  will receive the 2013 Outstanding Ally Award. Henry Frost is a young Autistic student and Florida native who launched a successful, nationally recognized campaign to gain access to the public school in his own neighborhood .The campaign, I Stand With Henry, collected thousands of petition signatures and supporters across multiple social media platforms expressing support for Henry’s right to an equal education. Henry won

Open Letter To Jon Stewart

When I met Jon Stewart I was very disappointed by his lack of knowledge and sensitivity toward autism. During a recent interview, while still a bit condescending, his views seem to have evolved. This is my open letter to him.

Don’t Mix Up Empathy and Civil Rights

Many times in the autism community parents of autistic children do not like autistic adults weighing in on situations that have to do with their autistic children. I am an autistic adult and often have parents telling me that I should not judge situations if I have not lived it – the “until-you-walk-a-mile-in-their-shoes” is told to me nearly every week as I post the latest news articles along with my comments on social media.

How Will the Affordable Care Act Affect People With Disabilities?

The Thinking Person's Guide To Autism interviews Ari Ne'eman of The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network about specific advantages, opportunities, and sticking points of the Affordable Care Act for People with Disabilities

  • .There’s none exempt from this disability community, and as a matter of fact we’re the cool community, because we accept everybody.” Keith Jones

Disability Activist Keith Jones on Community

"So let us remember that when we teach, when we educate, we make policy, we make decisions that we do it with a conscience and that we remember that we are leaving fingerprints on forever." Keith Jones

Judith Heumann: Changing the System

Her activism is clearly rooted in a strong sense of justice. Early on she learned that if she wanted to be part of society she was going to have to fight for the right. "I had no choice because, as a disabled person, I was going to either have to get involved with changing the system that limited me or not participate in society," she says. In 2010, Ms. Heumann became the first-ever special adviser for international disability rights at the US State Department. Her job: Promote and protect the rights of people with disabilities internationally and ensure that US

11 Year Old Jacob On The Right Thing To DO

I said a long time ago that I would not only be an real student In a school that supports me but also a self advocate for those lost in segregated settings echoing the dreaded lives of people in the world that are like me without the right supports.

Issy Stapleton: Emergency Information and Autistic Community Response

Emergency information is on here, followed by commentary. Emergency information for disabled victims is first, since they are in the most immediate danger. Unfortunately, many disabled victims of violence are at the mercy of their would-be-killers. Emergency information for people who are concerned that they might murder or otherwise injure a disabled person follows. Some links are en español. Read More Here.

Dear Issy

You don't know me but I have seen your pictures. You don't know me but I know parts of your story. Soon you will wake up and a lot will have changed. You will be in a hospital because your mother did something terrible to you. I know you love your mom and things are going to be very confusing because people are going to say things that will not make sense. And you will not be able to see or talk to your mom. This is a good thing, and you will understand it later. But I don’t want

Again, We Mourn

My soul hurts and I am naming names. And I am saying, if you have a drop of sympathy for the murderers, or almost murderers, you have blood on your hands too.

Judith Snow

Judith Snow, MA is a social innovator and an advocate for Inclusion – communities that welcome the participation of a wide diversity of people. Inclusion is an opportunity for EVERYONE!

The Reality Behind Those Walls

The Judge Rotenberg Center is recruiting disabled students in the Midwest to be legally tortured with electric shocks. Help us stop this inhumane treatment of disabled people.

Thank You, Ed Roberts

"And we’re going to develop leadership, that has a fundamental difference and that is, it's inclusive . It believes in people, and in our strengths together . And we are going to change our society. " Ed Roberts

We Are Not In Our Own World

We need to be careful about how we think about and talk about people with disabilities. One example is the reference that those who are autistic or deaf or blind or have some sort of movement differences are “in their own world.”

EveryBody: An Artifact History of Disability in America

The Smithsonian's Web exhibit of the history of people with disabilities in America shown through photos.

Being Where I Can Simply Be

After a three-day conference, I needed to sleep. I needed to sleep because I was dreamy, trying to keep the feeling of being in a place where I can be myself and also be a little bit like a star. Also, building community.

Senator Harkin Delivers Speech in ASL Upon ADA Passage in 1990

Upon passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 13th, 1990, Senator Tom Harkin delivered a speech on the Senate floor in American Sign Language. Harkin, whose brother Frank was deaf, was the lead Senate author of the ADA, which was enacted later that year. His speech is the first in American Sign Language to be delivered from the Senate floor.

  • There is a big difference between HEARING what you are saying & UNDERSTANDING what you are saying. Linda Tossoonian on Ollibean

Deaf Parent Advocates for Communication Supports She Received from Same School 40 Years Ago

Deaf mother goes before Hillsborough County School District Board to advocate for son's necessary services. The 8th largest school district in the country has an operating budget of $ 3 billion. Despite being notified in advance of her attendance, the district was unable to provide any access .

National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA)

National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA) is a national cross-disability coalition that represents the authentic voice of people with disabilities. NDLA is led by 14 national organizations run by people with disabilities with identifiable grassroots constituencies around the country. The NDLA steering committee includes: ADAPT, the American Association of People with Disabilities, the American Council of the Blind, the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, the Hearing Loss Association of America, Little People of America, the National Association of the Deaf, the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery, the National Council on Independent Living, the


ADAPT is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom. The ADAPT Youth Summit will take place on in Chicago, Illinois.  We are training young people with disabilities on direct action and nonviolent civil disobedience.  If you are interested in supporting this year’s event or participating in next year’s group, please email Josue at adaptyouthsummit@yahoo.com.

J.Cole Writes Apology Letter to Autism Speaks

J.Cole offended many over the lyrics "I’m artistic, you is autistic, retarded" in his Jodeci Freestyle rap number. He was called on this.  The Anti-Bullying Alliance created a petition and asked for a formal apology from each rapper, as well as the offending words be removed from the song. Read the original article and letter on Complex Music here http://www.complex.com/music/2013/07/jcole-writes-apology-letter-autism-speaks.   Kuddos to J.Cole for writing an apology letter that sounds sincere. The disheartening thing about his letter is that it is addressed to Autism Speaks. J. Cole offended autistic people, not an organization – in this case an organization that

  • I fear that Hillsborough County School Board is standing on the wrong side of history.

Disabilty and Civil Rights: Standing On the Right Side of History

"If we were to go back to the 1960s and we were to talk to those leaders who were vehemently against desegregation, we would hear the conviction in their voices of them stating why they believe their decisions and what they were doing to those children were just. Just as I believe that some of you and some of the board members that have spoken believe that their decisions are just. But, I fear that the Hillsborough County School Board is standing on the wrong side of history."

Inclusion is a right not a privilege.

Inclusion is not only socially just, but research shows it improves academic outcomes for all students.

  • Teenager with brown skin and dark brown hair smiling and wearing a "got inclusion" t-shirt.

I Am Here To Make A Difference For My People

"I am here to make a difference for my people. I hope that you listen to what I have to say. I want people like you to stop judging me." Tres Whitlock

Seattle Children’s Hospital Pulls Bus Ads After Community Outrage

“Autism is a disability, but it is not a disease. It is not a life-threatening illness,” said Matt Young, co-leader of ASAN-WA. “The idea it’s a state to be wiped out has much negative impact on our lives.”

  • Boy with gray shirt running in grass

Advocacy Groups Call for Autistic Teen’s Killers to Be Charged With Hate Crime

How does it make you feel when you hear a story about a mother killing her child? Does hearing that the child had a disability change how you feel? For some people, it does. It changes how they feel enough so that they'll start speaking as if they support the parent's actions, citing unbearable stress and lack of supports and not being able to take the pain to see of seeing a child with disabilities in pain. We heard the media and public talk about this in Canada when Robert Latimer put his 12-year-old daughter Tracy, who had cerebral palsy,

  • op one fourth of book cover is a white background" Black and White" written in black text with capital letters in large font "A Colorful Look at Life on the Autism Spectrum"Beneath also in black text with capital letters written in small font . Middle section contains a color photograph of blonde light skinned woman in profile . Text in right hand corner reads A Book by S.R. Salas Bottom quarter of bookcover has a black background with white text, small font that reads "Renee provides a fascinating insight to autism, I highly recommed (her) book..."- Dr. Tony Attwood "Black and White provides an inside positive view of autism..." - Dr Temple Grandin

Ollibean Spotlight: Renee Salas

" Talk to people with disabilities. As many as you can: Adults, adolescents, kids. These people are the real experts on disabilities. These are the people that can tell you what life with a disability is like." Renee Salas

Much Needed Resource: “We Are Like Your Child”

"We are like your child. Your child is like us. And we may have difficulties, we are disabled--but there is no denying that we are also awesome."

  • White Rectangle With ASAN logo in left corner, large black text reads "ASAN " underneath smaller black text "Autistic Self Advocacy Network" . A narrow blue line separates the grey text that reads "Nothing About Us Without Us"

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run by and for Autistic people.


This is not directed at anyone in particular. It is about several people I’ve met throughout my life. I sometimes need to remind myself that being me means following my own agenda and not pleasing the ones who will not be part of my story.

Stop Hurting Kids

Join the Stop Hurting Kids campaign to end restraint and seclusion abuse in schools.The easiest way to make a meaningful contribution is to take a stand.

Ariane Zurcher: Non-Speaking Autistic Woman Writes Book

Barb Rentenbach's funny, poignant and beautiful must-read book, I Might Be You: An Exploration of Autism and Connection, is now available as an audiobook.

Hi @KatieCouric I am #autistic & would like to talk to you about #inclusion, #communication & #civilrights #KatieAutismChat

Katie Couric will have a Twitter Chat with Autism Speaks on Wednesday May 29th at 1pm EST . Autistic people should be in the chat. hashtag #KatieAutismChat. This is my message. Hi @katiecouric I am #autistic & would like to talk to you about #inclusion, #communication & #civilrights #KatieAutismChat .    

Amy Sequenzia: Does it matter?

Should it matter that some of us are labeled intellectually disabled? Read the definitions, look at us in a realistic way and ask yourself; Does it matter? Aren’t we all worthy?

Autistic Hoya: Ordinary Lives

When I demand equal access, equal opportunity, equal rights, I'm not insisting on my superiority, innate or acquired. I don't want special treatment. I want to see the removal of cultural paradigms about what types of bodies and minds should be valued and what types of bodies and minds should be deigned for marginalization. I don't want a world that advantages me over you. I want a world where oppressive systems that ultimately hurt everyone have been overcome, dismantled.

2013 Top Ten Signs of Special Ed Advocate Burn Out

Subtitle: Why you may need a trip to a COPAA conference to relax. 1. You thought the OSEP’s MOU on NCLB’s AYP came from CDC and was about another STD. 2. You are were actually able to follow #1. 3. You asked the Advocate Committee to research OCR guidanc

Ostracized for Autism

"The reason for this article is to spread awareness about why people shouldn't believe everything they see or hear from powerful people and companies. Respecting authority is great, but believing everything they say may make you a brainwashed, horrible person. Also, this article was written to remind people to treat others how they'd like to be treated, and not act cold to them regardless of how different they are."

By |May 6th, 2013|Categories: Advocacy, blog, General|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Shouldn’t New Disability Awareness Course Be Mandatory for Police?

Kudos to New York State for making train-the-trainer disability sensitivity training available to its law enforcement officers as of April 2013, with the stipulation that police officers that take the course must take it back to their respective police agencies. But why not make the training mandatory instead of just "available"? The First Responders Disability Awareness Training Course augments the very basic curriculum in disability sensitivity offered to New York state police officers as part of their core training: 14 hours on mental illness, but only two on autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and blindness and deafness , and none on intellectual

  • AUTISM ACCEPTANCE, A HUMAN RIGHT. The Ollibean Equal sign is in the middle,

Autism Rights Are Human Rights

Autism Rights are Human Rights Autism Rights are human rights. That’s something every Autistic activist knows. It is printed in t-shirts we wear and it is something we have to keep reminding the world because our rights are violated on a regular basis. We have to fight for the right to be heard, for the right to participate in the conversation about us. Young Autistics have to fight for the right to go to their neighborhood school, with their friends, to learn the same curriculum a non-autistic child learns. That’s why we say that the fight for autism rights

  • a teenage light skinned boy with freckles, wearing a black jacket, blue and white striped sweater, pink collared shirt is standing in front of large columns and steps that lead to the Lincoln Memorial

Listen Up

Listen Up! the PSA from the Autistic Self Advocacy Network and Autism Acceptance Month has been released!

Autistic Hoya: Fighting ableism with ableism doesn’t work

Fighting ableism with ableism doesn't work. In fact, it's just bad policy. Yet that's precisely the tactic that Disability Scoop, "the premier source for developmental disability news," decided to use in its criticism of the latest episode of Glee, in wh

Must Have Autism E-book

Great e-book for Autism Acceptance Month !

  • Autism Acceptance Month, Acceptance Is An Action

Autism Acceptance Month

"Acceptance is an action." Autism Acceptance Month from the brilliant folks at ASAN, is beyond incredible. We could read the About page again and again- and probably will. Check it out. Take the Pledge. What is Autism Acceptance Month? Autism Acceptance Month is about challenging ignorance, prejudice, fear, and hysteria about autism and autistic people. Autism Acceptance Month spreads the word that autism is both a neurological disability and a natural part of human diversity, and centers the voices of autistic people in the conversation about us. Autism Acceptance Month promotes acceptance of autistic people as family members, sons, daughters, spouses, friends, classmates, co-workers,

April and Autism Acceptance at Tampa Theatre

Get your advocacy on. April and Autism Acceptance is in Tampa. The rock stars of disability advocacy- Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette- are back.

Ollibean Art for Change at USF: April. Autism. Advocacy. Acceptance.

A day of inclusive education, community acceptance, and self-advocacy at USF with Academy Award Winning Director and Stars of the Acclaimed Documentary Wretches & Jabberers, NCIE's Mary Schuh, PhD, and Tampa advocate Henry Frost. CARD (The Center for Autism and Related Disorders) at the University of South Florida) will host at USF's Marshall Hall.

Why did Robert Ethan Saylor die?

Where is the public outrage over the death of Robert Ethan Saylor , killed in January while being taken into police custody in Frederick for the crimes of petty larceny and, perhaps, disorderly conduct? Saylor, 26, had Down syndrome, a genetic defect tha

Autistic People Are Everywhere | Musings of an Aspie

This post is a part of today’s “Autistic people are . . .” flashblog. You may have seen the news this week that Google has promised to eliminate the problematic “Autistic people should” autocompletes in response to last week’s flashblog. They’ve said it will take time to engineer, so while the hateful autocompletes are still appearing, hopefully they’ll soon be gone. We can make a difference by speaking up. ——- Autistic people are everywhere. We sit next to you at school and on the bus. We give your dog his rabies shot, teach your kids, make your latte and sweep

People With Locked-In Syndrome Happier Than We Assumed

Locked-in syndrome leaves people awake and aware, but unlikely able to move or talk. But does it leave them unhappy? The largest study of locked-in syndrome to date says, "Not necessarily." Locked-in syndrome is caused by major brain injury, often from some sort of accident. People that have locked-in syndrome are usually totally paralyzed and move their eyes to communicate. It sounds like a very difficult existence, but a "surprising number" of people in the study reported being happy in spite of their disabilities. Researcher Dr. Steven Laureys of Belgium's University of Liege and his colleagues sent a survey to

Sexual Assault and Ableism in Martin de Porres Academy

K.J. told police that she said "No" and "Stop" when the three ninth grade boys sexually assaulted her. She had to be physically assaulted to keep from escaping. But, because K.J. and her attackers were labeled with IQs below 50 the sex is considered "consensual".

  • Photograph of three teenagers at the Obama rally.

Autistic People Are

Autistic people are people. Autistic people are complex. Autistic people are happy. Autistic people are kind. Autistic people are accepting. Autistic people are helpful. Autistic people are mentors. Autistic people are doctors. Autistic people are engineers. Autistic people are writers. Autistic people are leaders. Autistic people are accountants. Autistic people are heros. Autistic people are artists. Autistic people are models. Autistic people are film makers. Autistic people are backpackers. Autistic people are musicians. Autistic people are teachers. Autistic people are sherpas. Autistic people are trainers. Autistic people are neighbors. Autistic people are brothers. Autistic people are sisters. Autistic people are

  • autistic people speaking, The Loud Hands Project

“Loud Hands – Autistic People, Speaking” A Review

The title of the book should be enough for anyone who wants to know, know more or know anything, about autism and Autistics to buy it and read it.

  • EmmasHopeBook dot com

We Love Emma’s Hope Book

Ariane Zurcher is definitely one of our favorite writers. She writes with exceptional honesty, insight, and beauty.

Deaf Teenager Gets AMC to Offer Closed Captioning

Johnny Butchko, 14, is hearing impaired. Tired of being unable to watch a movie at his local theatre, he stood up and got AMC to provide Closed Captioning in Santa Monica. But he's not stopping there.

Breaking News from Autistic Hoya: The End of Torture at the JRC?

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick filed a motion to vacate (render null) the 1987 settlement agreement that has permitted the Judge Rotenberg Center to use aversives, including the notorious electric shock GED devices.

How Should We Rebuild the U.S. Education System?

Three learning enthusiasts share their blueprints for rebuilding the U.S. education system. In the 2nd century A.D., Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius penned a series of personal writings and reflections known today as “Meditations.” In Book 1, the emperor s

Planet of The Bind: Why Do Banks Still Lag In Basic Service To Blind Customers?

It seems like a natural: keypads with Braille, audio prompts and the like. And advocates for the seeing-impaired have been working with the industry since 1999 to provide just such adaptations.

I Feel Tired

Some parents understand that autism is a natural part of some children’s lives and they fight the societal attitudes toward autistics. That’s love. Some parents don’t, and they fight, and hurt, their own children. This is not love and is one of the things that make me very tired.

Love is in the Air – Media Profiles People with Disabilities

Bill’s and Shelley’s path to marriage is not unlike many others who fall in love, lose touch as life takes its turns, and reconnect later in life when the time is right.

  • woman with black and gray hair speaking at podium

Karen Clay Defines Inclusion for Hillsborough County School Board Member Olson

"I fought for him to remain in the classroom, I fought for him to attend his neighborhood school. I did not have to fight for him to be fully included, because Principal Vince Sussman at Plant High School knew that students with disabilities have value, have worth."

Including Students with Food Allergies in the Classroom – 02/08/2013

Food allergies are becoming a very common concern in schools today. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Association, approximately 6 million children under the age of 18 have a food allergy. With these numbers of children, schools need ensure t

Autism Acceptance – Leading the Conversation

I want to talk about Autism Acceptance again. I want to talk about Autism Acceptance because soon we will be, again, referred to as tragedies, burdens, afflictions. This will go on, more than usual, for the whole month of April. April is the month chosen

Krip-Hop Nation: Music, Advocacy and Education

"Where were the other people who looked like me as a Black disabled young man? With this continuous question of race and disability along with my love of poetry and music, I started to question the arena of music and performance around the representation of musicians with disabilities, especially disabled musicians of color." - Leroy F. Moore, Jr.

‘Impaired Perceptions’ – Photographer Brian Steel Fights Ableism

"The overall message is that you cannot tell what a person is capable of or what their life is like simply by looking at them. " Brian Steel

A Child With Down Syndrome Keeps His Place at the Table

IT’S rare that our daily lives adhere to dramatic form. But as reported on Today.com/Moms (“Waiter hailed as hero after standing up for boy with Down syndrome”), among other places, a little morality play took shape a few days ago in a Houston restaurant

By |January 26th, 2013|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Worth Repeating: Ed Roberts’ 504 Sit-In Victory Rally Speech

Editors' Note: Following is the text of a speech by Ed Roberts, one of WID’s founders, at the 504 sit-in victory rally in San Francisco, April 30, 1977. We have chosen to reprint it to celebrate Ed Roberts Day, which was January 23. Ed’s speech captures his spirit, his vision and his commitment to the disability rights movement that was in its infancy in 1977. The San Francisco sit-in, still the longest such action in a U.S. federal building, was part of a national cross-disability protest to force the Carter administration to sign regulations to enable the enforcement of section

When Autistics Grade Other Autistics

“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree…”We know how functioning labels are not helpful, despite being largely used by neurotypicals. But some autistics also grade members of our community and I want to understand why.

Understanding Hearing Ability

What does speech sound like to deaf and hard of hearing children? Do deaf children hear anything? Some deaf children do in fact have no measurable hearing, but most children have some degree of residual or remaining hearing. Every child is unique in the sounds he or she can hear and his or her ability to understand them. No two children are alike. Two children who perform similarly on their hearing tests may understand or use sounds in very different ways. It is important never to assume how a student should or will communicate because of hearing test results. Whether

The Inclusive Education of Adults with Autism

This week on The Inclusive Class Podcast, we will be talking about educating adult students with autism. To lead our discussion, will be expert guest, Rhonda Greenhaw. Rhonda J. Greenhaw, MA, BCBA, is a leading clinician and researcher in the field of au

  • Picture of a smiling woman with light brown hair in a pony tail,she is wearing a purple shirt with a black jacket. the text reads "It's the hardest thing to put up with."

No Limits: People With Cerebral Palsy v Condescending Tools

No Limits: People With Cerebral Palsy v Condescending Tools.

Grit Media

Grit Media promotes the rights and aspirations of people with disabilities by creating opportunities to be seen and heard in a range of media productions. Our productions bring disability awareness into peoples' homes through the depiction of realistic, compelling and entertaining content, that encourages audiences to see disability as a natural part of life. The organisation provides training opportunities for people with disabilities and aims to encourage the wider media industry to join our battle against a culture of harmful misconception and ignorance about disability. Welcome to Grit Media.

Ido In Autismland

We love Ido In Autismland, a blog by Ido a young autistic advocate who types to communicate.

People Are Watching Mr. Hughley

Mr. Hughley, we think you can do better than using the r-word. You said your son doesn't mind you using the word, but there are so many people that do. Words like the r-word perpetuate negative stereotypes about people with disabilities, please don't use it.

I Am Autistic and I Know What Autism Is

Autism is not a set of deficits. Autism is complex and all of us can self-advocate despite the difficulties we might face. Autism is life. I am Autistic, I self-advocate and I am happy.

Awesome Resource : Tiny Grace Notes (AKA Ask an Autistic)

We absolutely love Tiny Grace Notes. Check it out, you will too. Elizabeth (Ibby) Grace is brilliant, kind, and all around wonderful. Got a question about autism? Send it to Dear Ibby! Ibby is an education professor, a researcher, a mom, and Autistic. There is something about Ibby. She is one of those people who are easily able to convey warmth, respect, goodness, and so much information in  just in a couple of paragraphs. Read her blog, you'll see. But, carve out some time, you won't read just one.  

Raising Rebel Souls

We are huge fans of Raising Rebel Souls. Heather  is an incredible writer and advocate, and stood firmly with Henry:) Here's a bit about Raising Rebel Souls: Rebel Mommy: I am Rebel Mommy, also known as Heather. I have been given a lot. I am lucky in love. Yes, my hands are full, yes, I drink too much coffee, yes, my dishes are currently piled up and no, I am not a good housewife, but yes, I am a damn good Mother. I was born to do it. I swear to you, my life before my sons, was just me

It is About Respect

Respect for one another is one basic quality if we want to have meaningful conversations and relationships with other human beings. The ableism that disabled people experience is a form of disrespect.

My Top Ten

These are the top 10, now top 18 things I need for teachers, therapists, doctors, friends and family to know.

My iPad Is Not a Toy

Please never refer to my iPad as a toy. It is not. It is my voice. Imagine if you could not speak with your mouth how important your iPad voice would be.

  • Boy with brown hair and blue and white checked shirt holds sign that reads The Civil Rights Act of 1964 granted equal rights to all people. I am a person. I want these rights.

Standing Together for Inclusion

Standing together for inclusion, communication and civil rights. Please include all kids in your classroom.

TPGA’s All Ages Holiday Book Guide

Do you love to give and receive books? We love to give and receive books. So for you and for us, here's a short selection of recommended books by, for, about, and enjoyed by autistic people and their families. If you have additional suggestions for books

UNH IOD Standing With Henry

But after watching Wretches and Jabberers, a film about autism and self-advocacy, Henry’s way of interacting with the world changed radically. He realized that he had a voice, could use it, and had a right to participate in discussions about his education and life.

Shatter the Myths About Autism

"No Myths". Must see PSA by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network and the Dan Merino Foundation. Change the conversation about autism.

  • boy wearing a turquoise tshrt that reads "Not being able to speak is not the same as not having anything to say" sitting on couch one hand on iPad one hand on his dog . The dog is yellow lab/golden mix .

Henry Frost on Inclusion on the Autistic Self Advocacy Network

Henry wrote about inclusion for the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, read the entire article here. Ari Ne'eman, president of the ASAN, had an enormous impact on Henry's decision to speak out about his desire to attend his neighborhood school. "I met Ari at theAutism Summer Institute. I wrote to him about my school and he understood. He helped me advocate for my rights. ASAN helped with the petition. He is also autistic. He is also my friend. I did not read about a person who liked being in a separate school away from their friends learning cooking for life skills

Use Your Words: Non-Verbal, Speech, and AAC

I see a little girl every week at events that my child attends. She's great. She's nine years old, has a fantastic laugh, and a mischievous sense of humor. She loves puddles, chocolate cake, and apples. She has a small crush on my son. She's also non-ver

Editorial: Disabled Senate rejects U.N. rights treaty

Former Senate Republican leader Bob Dole is wheeled into the Senate on Tuesday.(Photo: CSPAN2 via AP) Dole, a former party leader and a disabled veteran, tried to champion the treaty in the Senate. The opponents persuaded 38 Republican senators to vote n

Shouldn’t Every Day Be International Day of Persons with Disabilities?

We are committed to removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all. Not just on December 3rd, but each and every day.

I Am

How do you talk to someone who uses AAC?

  • I Stand With Henry

Autistic Student Wins the Right to Go to School

Henry Frost had a pretty simple goal: he wanted to go to school like any other kid.

Emily Willingham “Autism Bingo: The Congressional Hearing Version”

Our science editor Emily Willingham live-tweeted Thursday's Congressional autism hearing from the perspective of a scientist, autism parent, critical thinker, and human. She Storified and annotated the experience, turning offensive keywords and laughable

Autism on CSPAN Washington Journal

Hi. My name is Henry Frost. I am a 13 year old Autistic self advocate. I agree with Ari Ne'eman. This is a civil rights issue. Communication and inclusion are basic civil rights. I made this video about civil rights. I made a FB page and petition so I could go to school in my neighborhood. Ari and ASAN helped me advocate. http://www.facebook.com/IStandWithHenry , change.org/henry People all over the world wrote this is a civil right. We want the same things in life. We are not so different. Please watch to understand how much we need support for

ASAN Statement on Upcoming House Autism Hearing

“We’re profoundly concerned by the decision by the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform to convene a hearing on autism next week without the inclusion of any Autistic witnesses or representatives from organizations run by Autistic people. Jus

Inclusion in Tampa

' With a little help from his friends'. Henry's inclusion is truly a group effort led by this determined 13 year old self advocate .

Amy Sequenzia: I, Too, Want to Understand.

Why would a parent of an autistic child decide that it is better not to listen to other autistics? Why? I, Too, Want to Understand.

Now, It’s Our Turn!

Tonight, Terri and I had the tables turned on us! It was our turn to be on the "hot seat" when we were featured guests on HuffPost Live. Interviewed by host, Nancy Redd, we appeared live (and on camera - much more stressful than a phone interview!!) to d

Adding the I to IEP: H is at the table

We worked with the wonderful team at H’s Distributed Learning School to update his Individual Education Plan (IEP) and for the first time ever H was there to take part. He wasn’t completely interested – but we built-in other options for him so he could p

Paula Kluth on The Inclusive Class Roundtable

Paula Kluth's strategies for teachers who might be reluctant or don't know where to begin with inclusion on The Inclusive Class Roundtable, as well as some of our favorite things from her website, PaulaKluth.com.

Amy Sequenzia: To You, Young Autistic Friend

Autistic advocate and poet Amy Sequenzia's message of acceptance and respect for young autistics for 2012 Autistics Speaking Day. "There is nothing wrong with being who you are. You are perfect in your uniqueness."

  • National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE) a priority area the University of the New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability

The National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE)

The National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE) at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability is a leader in the transformation of schools so that students of all abilities are successfully learning in their home schools within general education settings. Vision When students with disabilities are provided appropriate instruction and supports, they can learn grade-level general education curriculum, communicate in ways that are commensurate with their same-age peers without disabilities, have meaningful social relationships, and graduate from high school—college and career ready.  

Listen to The Inclusive Class Roundtable – 10/26

Inclusive Education, as defined and described by education experts, is a philosophy. It is not a program, nor does it happen in is... Parents of school-age children can often become bewildered by today’s education system and it’s expectations. Its quickl

For collegians with disabilities, success linked to mentoring, self-advocacy

(Phys.org)—A Rutgers study of recent New Jersey college and university graduates with disabilities has found that students attributed their academic success to a combination of possessing such strong personality traits as self-advocacy and perseverance,

Th Inclusive Class Roundtable :”When Schools Say ‘NO’ to Inclusion”

This event brings together experts in the area of inclusive education to discuss and respond with practical techniques when schools say 'NO' to inclusion.

  • Ollibean Think Tank Amy Sequenzia Advocacy on turquoise and green background

Supporting Young Autistics

We hope that young autistics today will be proud of themselves and without shame. The message that boy received at that moment was the opposite of acceptance. It was ableist and it came from someone who is part of our own community.

Inclusive Education: It’s Great If You Can Get It

Inclusive schools need to become a reality for all students across the nation regardless of abilities, socio-economic background and geographic location. Unfortunately, many school districts do not see the inclusive classroom as the Least Restrictive Environment and an appropriate placement for children with special needs. Thus, what one child has free and appropriate access to, another one doesn’t. And then inclusion , which has been proven by experts to be the gold standard of special education, becomes an ideal situation…if you can get it. The lack of universal practice of inclusive education in our school system creates an overall discord in

Justice Department Settles with Florida Bus Companies Over Accessibility Violations

The Justice Department reached four settlement agreements with over-the-road bus companies in Florida in the last month, to ensure that bus transportation is accessible for people with disabilities. The settlements under the Americans with Disabilities A

Wendy’s Franchisee to Settle Lawsuit for Refusing to Hire Applicant with Hearing Disability

DALLAS - CTW L.L.C., a Wendy's franchisee, has agreed to pay $41,500 and provide other significant relief to settle a disability discrimination lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today. The EE

Landmark Decision Promoting Accessible Books for the Blind

Baltimore, Maryland (October 11, 2012): The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) today applauded a decision issued on October 10, 2012, by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, which permits the distribution of millions of book

Why is a 13 year old protesting in order to go TO school?

How did we get here? How did we get to a point that our 13 year old son has to fight for the rights that are already his under federal law? How did we get to a place where a pretty reserved kid has the courage, the will, to do this?

Netflix pledges to caption all content by 2014

Netflix will offer closed captions on all TV and movie content by September 2014 as part of a settlement with a deaf Massachusetts viewer who sued the company. The on-demand Internet streaming service agreed to the settlement Tuesday in U.S. District Cou

Social Media Helps Student With Autism Find His Voice

Henry Miles Frost and his service dog, Denzel, protest outside a downtown Tampa building during the Republican National Convention. Since he posted the photo to Facebook, he’s found global support in his effort to enroll in his South Tampa neighborhood s

National Council on Disability (NCD) Releases Report on Rights of Parents with Disabilities & Their Children

WASHINGTON, DC -- On Thursday, September 27, the National Council on Disability (NCD), an independent federal agency, released “Rocking the Cradle: Ensuring the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children” -- a groundbreaking policy study, inf


You look at me But you don’t see me You talk about me but not to me You think you know all about me But you deny my humanity You think I don’t have wishes You believe I don’t have plans You don’t respect my basic rights According to you I should be grateful That I have a place to sleep That I have three meals a day If I say I want to go out You ignore me To you I am only a burden Too disabled to have an opinion To you I don’t count as a person

Presume My Competence

Really, this is number one. Please presume my competence.

  • Top 10 things I need you to know

Focus on My Strengths

#4 Please focus on My Strengths. I have many. We all do.

I Stand With Henry

What Henry is doing is advocating for his rights, at the same time that he reminds us of our own rights and about how far we still have to go.

Top 10 Things Autistic Self Advocate Needs Teachers to Know : # 3

Top ten things I want you to know. Number 3: Please talk directly to me, not to my support person.

  • boy wearing a turquoise tshrt that reads "Not being able to speak is not the same as not having anything to say" sitting on couch one hand on iPad one hand on his dog . The dog is yellow lab/golden mix .

Autistic Student’s Top 10 List for Teachers of Students with Special Needs #2

Top ten things Autistic student wants teachers, therapists and friends to know about students with special needs... they may be shocking to some of you, but hopefully to most they are exactly what you expect. Here's number 2.

  • Girl with brown hair , blue tshirt is holding an iPad out in front of her. Her face is obscured by the iPad. Boy with Brown Hair holds a white sign that says " The Civil Rights Act of 1964 granted equal rights to all people. I am a person. I want these rights.

A Sister Stands with Her Brother: I Am Heard, I Am Important, and I Am Included

No one wants to be the excluded one, the one to stand alone in silence, the one left out of the conversation. No one wants to be forgotten. So why are some individuals treated this way? Luckily it just takes one person to stand up and include, and the rest will follow. Be that person, take a stand, make a difference.

A Poem About Pain

Other people have written better articulated articles about the same things I write in this poem. It is hard for me to elaborate beyond the words in the poem. It could have easily been me in some cases, it can happen to any of us.

StateImpact Florida A Finalist For Innovative, Investigative Journalism Award

From our investigation: Tres Whitlock types on the DynaVox tablet that serves as his voice. Whitlock, 17, has cerebral palsy and can’t speak on his own. He tried to enroll in a Hillsborough County charter school, but the school had concerns about the the

I am the 20 % and the RNC

Henry takes his bi-partisan message of inclusion and civil rights for all to the Republican National Convention.

Looking to November, Disability Advocates Call for Accessible Polling Places

A Federal Court Judge will hear testimony Monday about how to make city polling sites more accessible for people who use wheelchairs or have vision impairments. Earlier this month, U.S. District Judge Deborah Batts ruled there were pervasive barriers at

By |August 27th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General, Politics|Tags: , |0 Comments

My Civil Rights

Inclusion, Martin Luther King, Jr, The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and education.

National Federation of the Blind Applauds National Council on Disability Report

Dr. Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the Blind, said: “We applaud the National Council on Disability for its strong affirmation of the value, equality, and dignity of workers with disabilities, and for its recommendation that Section

First Day of School

Today is the first time that Henry has not had a First day of School. He is not allowed to go to his neighborhood school that is about 200 yards from our home.

  • Ollibean Think Tank Amy Sequenzia Advocacy on turquoise and green background

Amy Sequenzia : Friendship and Respect

It is a mistaken idea that we, autistics, lack empathy. It is also a myth that we are not social. My friends and I, we understand and respect differences. And we understand that we all have a lot to contribute, in a diversity of manners.

Amy Sequenzia: “Storm”

"Storm" a poem by autistic self-advocate Amy Sequenzia.

Mom seeks heart transplant for autistic son

A Pennsylvania woman whose autistic adult son was not recommended for a heart transplant because of his illness and the complexity of the process, among other factors, said she wants to bring more attention to the decision-making process so that those wi

WEBSITE WEDNESDAY: The Accessible Principal

I am so thrilled to share the with you, which is a new blog that was launched this summer by one of the best administrators I have ever met. Marilyn is a school and district leader in a suburb here in Chicago and she has interests ranging from technology

Disability in an Ableist World

Disability as a constructed concept is not a commonly understood or propagated idea in the mainstream of an ableist society. The average non-disabled person, and frequently even disabled people who’ve had limited or no exposure to disability rights theor

How to Make Inclusive Practices a Reality For Your School

The new school year is fast approaching and The Inclusive Class Podcast is set to help you prepare! On Friday, August 10, 2012 we will kick off our "Back to School" series which is 3 podcasts that will discuss tips, strategies and resources for helping y

  • Change Leader in pink capital letters. AMY SEQUENZIA in brown capital letters with brown line on top and bottom of text. poet. advocate. human. lower case text

Change Leader: Amy Sequenzia

"Presume competence. The same way I want people to assume I am competent, I also assume that others are competent".

  • Ollibean Think Tank Amy Sequenzia Advocacy on turquoise and green background

Amy Sequenzia:Dear Mainstream Media

I am an autistic woman, non-speaking and I have many needs.Yes, dear mainstream media, I am the autistic supposedly too “low-functioning” to deserve to be heard. You pity me and you ignore the facts.

  • Because we are all human beings and ‘disability’ does not define a person. And I hated social injustice and inequality from a very young age. I dislike ‘disability labels’ and I feel that children deserve something better than to be segregated and denied an equal education and a means of communication on grounds of disability. Richard Attfield activist. author. human.

Change Leader: Richard Attfield

Richard Attfield, a contributing author to "Autism and the Myth of the Person Alone", is passionate about the rights of children with disability labels to have equal access to education and communication supports.

  • Change Leader Richard Attfield author.activist.human.

Change Leader Questionairre: Richard Attfield

Change you would you like to see in your lifetime? "The end of discrimination towards children/people with disability labels. And the human right of communication implemented fairly. " Richard Attfield

  • Self-advocacy Road trip 2012 all of a kind

Self-Advocacy, Inclusion, Communication, and Friendship Roadtrip 2012

Our three week Roadtrip has begun. Syracuse, then on to New Hampshire and the Autism Summer Institute.

The Americans with Disabilities Act: CEC Celebrates 22nd Anniversary

On July 26, 2012 the United States will mark the 22nd anniversary of key landmark legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as ADA (Public Law, 101-336). Signed into law by President George H.W. Bush, this historic legislation resulted

By |July 25th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General, Politics|Tags: , |0 Comments

Dole, Coehlo Urge Congress To Ratify Convention On Rights Of Persons With Disabilities

(The Hill) July 18, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC-- [Excerpt provided by Inclusion Daily Express] As two individuals with disabilities who served in Congress, the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 was not only a proud moment in our careers, it

By |July 19th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General, Politics|Tags: , |0 Comments

“We Want Respect”: Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Address Respect in Research

Abstract Respect is central to ethical guidelines for research. The scientific community has long debated, and at times disagreed on, how to demonstrate respect in research with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. To illuminate the v

  • Ollibean Think Tank Amy Sequenzia Advocacy on turquoise and green background

Ollibean Think Tank Member Amy Sequenzia

Amy Sequenzia is a poet and autistic self-advocate. Her writing is as beautiful and powerful as she is. She is an extraordinary voice in the disability rights community .

Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology ( FAAST)

About FAAST Our Mission is to improve the quality of life for all Floridians with disabilities through advocacy and awareness activities that increase access to and acquisition of assistive services and technology. We value each individual's right to achieve their highest potential and the possibilities that can be realized through collaborative efforts focused on the goal of improving life for Floridians with and without disabilities. FAAST has worked with thousands of people with and without disabilities throughout the state to provide: Hands on assistive technology demonstrations and trainings Financing for assistive technology purchases Assistive device lending programs Community outreach to rural and

  • “I can’t speak for my friends, but labels hinder my life. I reject labels. I am just me.” Amy Sequenzia

Amy Sequenzia: “Just Me”

Amy Sequenzia writes about rejecting society's many labels. Perceptions such as “super spectacular” autistic and “low-functioning” are equally harmful .

Support the Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD)

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is an international treaty that outlines the obligations of ratifying countries to promote, protect, fulfill, and ensure the rights of persons with disabilities. It embodies the American id

Change Leader: Larry Bissonette

Our first Change Leader is artist and disability rights advocate, Larry Bissonnette. Larry's art, writing, presentations, and films are changing perceptions about disability around the world. His quote in Wretches & Jabberers, "More like you than not" says it all.

National Council on Disability (NCD) Honors Life of Justin Dart

Listen to the heart of this old soldier. As with all of us the time comes when body and mind are battered and weary. But I do not go quietly into the night. I do not give up struggling to be a responsible contributor to the sacred continuum of human life

Christine Ashby appointed director of School of Education’s Institute on Communication and Inclusion

School of Education Dean Douglas Biklen has announced the appointment of professor Christine Ashby as director of the Institute on Communication and Inclusion (ICI), effective June 1. The ICI, formerly the Facilitated Communication Institute, conducts re

  • ollibean think tank inclusion advocate. talk show host. human. Nicole Eredics

Top 3 FAQs About Inclusive Education

Parents naturally want what is best for their child, particularly when it comes to education. If a parent is not very familiar with inclusive education or had a child in an inclusive school, they have many questions and concerns. While too numerous to list, here is the top 3 frequently asked questions about inclusive education: Why isn’t there an inclusion program in my child’s school? Inclusive education is not considered a program that can be offered by schools. Inclusive education is a philosophy that the entire school district must believe in and support. The belief that all children should have

  • Amy Sequenzia

Amy Sequenzia: Respect How I Choose to Speak

I type my words because I am non-speaking. One of my disabilities, or one characteristic of my disability, is that my body does not move like my brain wants. That of course, includes my arm. And I use my arm, my hand and my fingers to communicate. I also need the support of someone to help me coordinate and synchronize my brain and my finger. I need to define support. It is the physical support of helping me type slower than my brain works, being able, at the same time, to feel my movement, knowing when to let go, when

Larry Bissonnette featured on National Geographic

The amazingly talented artist Larry Bissonnette, of Wretches Jabberers, will be featured on an upcoming episode of the National Geographic TV program, Taboo.Check it out.

Thirty national disability organizations blast “Deadly Consequences” segment of the Dr. Phil show

“This segment was such a horrific assault on people with intellectual disabilities that ignoring it would be a dangerous mistake.” According to the letter, the segment “presented the idea that parents should be able to euthanize their children who have i

By |May 30th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General|Tags: , |0 Comments

Report: Disabled Face Transportation Barriers

WASHINGTON, DC -- Two civil rights organizations are highlighting disparities in transportation access for people with disabilities. "Equity in Transportation for People with Disabilities," a report by The American Association of People with Disabilities

Facebook blocks NC mom’s pictures of Special Olympics event

Diane Cornwell said her seven year old, Cole, who happens to have Down Syndrome had a great time at his first Special Olympics event last Friday. She uploaded an album of 40 pictures to share and says Facebook blocked it for inappropriate content and locked her account.

Inclusive Solutions

Together they have a combined experience of over 50 years experience as educational psychologists working across the UK. Previously as Principal and Senior strategic Educational Psychologists in Nottingham City LEA, they bring a wealth of practical, applied solutions and processes from their work with children and young people with exceptional needs aged between 0-19. Between 2001 and 2008 together they have written several books such as 'Keys to Inclusion' (2011) and published a number of books including: Incurably Human,Seeing the Charade and Dear Parents. Most recently they have set up a Community Interest Company  together with Cat Wilson called "A Place in the

Outing The Prejudice: Making The Least Dangerous Assumption

We highly recommend this brilliant article by Zach Rossetti and Carol Tashie on their interpretation of Anne Donnellan's concept of presuming competence, the least dangerous assumption.

OT students on reliability of ADA-Compliance Assessment Toolkit

Misericordia University student researchers recently had their findings about the reliability of the Americans with Disabilities Act-Compliance Assessment Toolkit (ADA-CAT) presented at the California State University, Northridge Annual International Tec

Deaf Olympic hopeful uses social media to fight discrimination

Marcus Titus, top U.S. breaststroker, rallied for change and got it. USA Swimming will allow the use of hand signals to accomodate Deaf swimmers at the summer Olympic trials.

Presuming Competence

This issue is very important to me because so many events and breakthroughs in my life happened because I was presumed to be competent. On the other hand, some events in my life were not so good because of a presumption of incompetence. The message of presumption of competence is of encouragement and acceptance. The presumption of incompetence sends a negative message, a message that says no matter how much one tries, success is out of reach. For disabled people, especially the ones who need more support, who can’t communicate through speech or who have other communication difficulties, this negative

Inclusive education still best model, says advocate

Gordon Porter says there are now hundreds of specialized teachers and thousands of assistants in the province. (CBC) A long-time advocate for inclusive education maintains it is still the right approach for students with special needs. But Gordon Porter,

Spectrum Society

Mission Spectrum Society’s mission is to support people with disabilities to experience full citizenship and genuine belonging in community. We are committed to continuous learning and improvement through research into leadership and best practice. As a service providing agency, our focus is on strengthening the capacity of individuals and their personal networks, augmenting rather than replacing natural supports. Vision Spectrum Society for Community Living believes that community is enriched by the presence and contributions of its citizens with disabilities. We believe that together we can create a world where all people are valued, their voices heard, their choices respected. Values

Data Accountability Center (DAC)

This website provides public access to data about children and youth with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - Part B and C; technical assistance (TA) materials to support the collection, analysis and reporting of IDEAdata; and the forms and spreadsheets used for collection. DAC was funded in October 2007 by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), U.S. Department of Education to provide information and TA to improve the quality of all state-reported data required by the IDEA. Westat and its subcontractor, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center–Human Development Center, operate DAC as a 5-year cooperative agreement with

Technical Assistance and Dissemination Network

The Technical Assistance and Dissemination Network (or “TA&D Network”) is a network of approximately 45 Centers (this fluctuates as old projects end or new ones begin) funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). These projects provide information and technical assistance to states, schools, educational professionals and families, on topics such as autism, deafness, disproportional representation, dispute resolution, learning disabilities, parenting children with special needs, positive behavior support and transition. The TACC works with the TA&D Network to coordinate and support the work of these projects. ABOUT THE TACC The Technical Assistance Coordination Center (TACC) was formed in 2008 to facilitate coordination, collaboration,

RETHINKING AUTISM – Dana Commandatore

All too often in the world of autism, celebrity and sex appeal are used to promote pseudo-science and personal agenda. Rethinking Autism wants to change minds, change the current media conversation and help give autistic people a more prominent voice in

‘Seclusion rooms’ for autistic students raise questions

Andrew St. Vincent's parents pose questions around the coffee table as the middle-schooler with autism builds a Lego city. They want to know about the room. "So you were in there by yourself?" his mother asks. "When would you be in that room?" his father

Life After IEPs

  Welcome ! If you’re a parent or mentor of a young person with disabilities, Life After IEPs is for you. Whether your child is an elementary student or a high school graduate, you’ll find information, resources, and support you’ll need along the way. A challenging journey There’s joy on the path to adulthood. But it ain’t always easy. Perseverence, grace, and a good sense of humor are needed. It can be a bumpy road.   Supports available during the IEP years will end after high school Unfamiliar laws, systems and jargon lie ahead Resources exist, but they’re scattered in

Stereotypes of Children with Disabilities

Stigmatization is one of the greatest obstacles to the successful integration of people with Trisomy 21 (T21 or Down syndrome), the most frequent genetic disorder associated with intellectual disability. Research on attitudes and stereotypes toward these people still focuses on explicit measures subjected to social-desirability biases, and neglects how variability in facial stigmata influences attitudes and stereotyping.

Autism Cares Foundation

The Autism Cares Foundation (ACF) was founded by the parents of a child with autism and other concerned parents, professionals and friends. The foundation was started as a means of helping others through the “puzzle” that is autism. At virtually every level, there are “twists and turns” in one’s attempt to reach the answers that many parents are seeking. As the founders discovered with their own child, answers are few, frustrations are many, and there are few places to turn to for answers. It is the intention of the Autism Cares Foundation to assist in “unwinding” the twists and turns

Autistic Hoya: End the torture. Make this go viral.

The public must see what the Judge Rotenberg Center is doing. Their experts claimed that the public would not understand the content of this video without "proper context." There is no context that justifies the use of torture against anybody ever. The public has not merely a right but a responsibility to watch this video and share it everywhere.

Faces of Ollibean- We want to hear from you!

Every week we put the spotlight on another person out there making a difference. Share your story and inspire and motivate others to Be the Change.

Marlo Thomas: The Givers: What Inspires Michael J. Fox? A Very Personal Interview

Unbowed by his disease and still exhibiting his trademark energy, Michael reminded me not only of the single-mindedness that is fundamental to fighting for a cause, but also of the indestructibility of the human spirit -- one that looks at each new day as another chance to enjoy the magic and the gift of life. If only all of us could learn that lesson.  

Special Education and Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children (SERC)

Established in 2009, and located in a peaceful neighborhood of midtown Kathmandu, SERC has a goal of providing most effective education to its students. All our students are either differently able or have individual special education needs. Every pupil in SERC has a specific and complex education needs, and our goal is to provide them with the best possible education methodologies and environment for them to flourish and bring out the best buried deep within. We believe that a perfect match between proper education methodology and rehabilitation therapies is the only way to go ahead. We, at SERC, try to

Epidemic, Awareness and Us, Autistics

By now everyone knows about the new numbers on autism diagnosis. And we have already seen the media jumping in the alarmist train: IT IS AN EPIDEMIC! My friend and I decided to look up some definitions for this word that has been used to classify me. This is what I found in one on line dictionary: epidemic noun a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time: a flu epidemic. a disease occurring in such a way. a sudden, widespread occurrence of a particular undesirable phenomenon: an epidemic of violent crime. Am I a

Communicate with Me | Savarese

Last year Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN wanted to talk to me so much that he flew me to New York and got me a room at the fanciest hotel in the city, but ironically at my school, most kids choose not to talk to me at all. Why is that? Recently I surveyed some of my close friends and discovered that most people aren't sure how to talk freely to me, and I greatly decided to use their questions as the basis for this piece.  

School bans disabled girl from using walker

Kristi Roberts was stunned when school officials insisted that her disabled 5-year-old daughter switch to a wheelchair from the walker she’d been using for the previous two years. Little LaKay had battled cerebral palsy and epilepsy since she was born, a

OlliNepal Update – March 29

The Ollibean/OlliNepal team finished up their trekking outside of Pohkara, Nepal and are headed back to Kathmandu for 7 days where they will volunteer at a local school, meet with OLE Nepal ,Kanti Children's Hospital, and SEEDs Nepal. The team's internet access & email has been fairly limited, so we are all exicted hear their reports of working with children with a range of diffabilities and delivering communication tools/tablets. Can't wait to see the pictures and videos!  

Eric Dompierre barred from playing basketball with his high school team

Eric never let the fact that he was born with Down Syndrome stop him from playing. But now, he may have to cheer on his team from the bleachers. The association says because he's 19 years old, he isn't allowed to play in his senior year of high school. "I'd be sad if I couldn't play with them and not have them in my life. They want me to play, and I want to play with them," said Eric.

By |March 26th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General, Inclusive Education|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Ollibean Team Arrives in Nepal

The adventure begins! Beautiful start ! Greeted at Nepalese Airport by longtime friend, Topden Lama. Topden brought Tibetan scarves for the group

National Council on Disability (NCD) Releases New Recommendations & Guidance on Managed Care for People with Disabilities

The National Council on Disability appreciates the need to reform health care and life-long services and supports delivered through Medicare and Medicaid programs to all citizens, including those with disabilities. The role of state agencies is the lynch

Employer Best Practices for Workers with Caregiving Responsibilities

In 2007, EEOC issued guidance explaining the circumstances under which discrimination against workers with caregiving responsibilities might constitute discrimination based on sex, disability or other characteristics protected by federal employment discr

AT&T Accused of Improperly Billing for Service for Deaf

The Justice Department has accused AT&T of knowing that a calling service it offered for the deaf was being used by Nigerian swindlers and others to steal from American merchants. The department, which intervened in a whistle-blower lawsuit in federal co

Student with Down’s Syndrome wins right to challenge high school placement

Belfast's High Court has granted the girl leave to seek a judicial review of the original decision A girl with Down's Syndrome has won the right to challenge the denial of a place at the high school of her family's


Our aim is to ensure that every disabled child has an opportunity to be something special…a kid. There are an estimated 70,000 disabled children and young people in the UK waiting for a wheelchair that fits their young lives. That’s where we come in. Whizz-Kidz provides disabled children with the essential wheelchairs and other mobility equipment they need to lead fun and active childhoods.  

Hope Flies: Walk for Abby on Saturday, April 21, 2012

In Honor of Abby Sauerhoefer Date: Saturday, April 21, 2012 Time: Sign-in at 8:30 a.m.; walk starts at 10:00 a.m. Location: Broad Brook Elementary School, 14 Rye Street


NOAH is a U.S. based nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that offers information and support to people with albinism, their families and the professionals who work with them. NOAH is operated by its members on a volunteer basis and is funded primarily by dues and contributions of its members. NOAH has also received grants from foundations and organizations for specific projects.  

250 children living in nursing homes in Florida should get home care

Five year old Andi lives in a nursing home in Tampa because his family says the state won't pay for 24-hour care that would let him live with his two brothers and parents. A second lawsuit claims several thousand other children could end up in those facilities in Florida  because of decisions by the state about their care.

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World Down Syndrome Day March 21!

Down Syndrome International presents the Global Video Event "LET US IN - I WANT TO LEARN!" in partnership with 68 countries for World Down Syndrome Day 2012.

Autistic Man, Jesse Saperstein Free Falls to End Bullying

Best-selling author, autism advocate and motivational speaker Jesse A. Saperstein is spreading an Anti-Bullying movement across America with his “Free-Falling to End Bullying in 2012” YouTube video hoping to put an end to torment in and out of the classroom.

Jesse A. Saperstein

Jesse A. Saperstein is a best-selling author, autism advocate and motivational speaker. He is considered one of the most respected leaders in the Anti-Bullying movement of his generation. Jesse also has a form of autism called Asperger's syndrome (AS). Individuals with Asperger's are impaired by a profound lack of social skills, common sense, and resistance to change in routine.

Autism NOW: The National Autism Resource and Information Center

Autism NOW: The National Autism Resource and Information Center will be a dynamic and interactive, highly visible and effective central point of quality resources and information for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities, their families, and other targeted key stakeholders.  

Police need training on autism

The arrest of an autistic teenager who could face four years in a Michigan prison shows the need to train police on dealing with autistic people, advocates say. In Maxson's case, Dungan said, he only became violent Feb. 9 when officers tried to handcuff him, and he was then stunned with a Taser and pepper-sprayed.  

By |March 21st, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General, Parenting, Politics|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Lives Not Worth Living : by Amy Sequenzia

The title of this blog is an expression seen in many blogs written by disabilities advocates and self-advocates. Wasn’t his life worth living? Isn’t mine or the lives of all disabled people? The murder of 22 year-old autistic George Hodgins prompted the latest, very strong protests from the autistic community against the media coverage focused on the “reasons” for the killing, while ignoring George’s, the victim, life.

Differentiated Instruction in Today’s Classrooms

The IRIS Center is a national center that provides high-quality resources about students with disabilities for college and university faculty and professional development trainers. Visit IRIS’ website to find free, online, interactive training enhancemen

University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) Georgetown University

The mission of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is to promote self-determination, productivity, independence and inclusion of individuals with developmental and other disabilities across the life span, and in all aspects of community life. The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, P.L. 106-402, authorizes the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDD). The University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDDs) are funded through the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) to provide leadership, advise federal, state and community policy makers about, and promote opportunities for people

Autistic Student Advocates for Herself, Other Autistics

“Because we see autism and other neurodevelopmental or neurological differences, conditions or disabilities as a natural variation of human diversity in terms of neurological diversity,” Brown says, “that means there’s nothing defective, wrong or diseased or broken. Therefore there’s no reason for a fix or for a cure.”    

Nordic Network on Disability Research

NNDR is a multidisciplinary network of disability researchers interested in cultural, societal and environmental dimensions of disability and marginalization. The purpose of NNDR is to advance research and development in the field of disability. NNDR provides a forum for researchers, particularly from the Nordic countries, to meet, present and discuss their research,, as well as encouraging Nordic and international exchange and collaboration. NNDR was established in Fredrikshavn, Denmark in 1997. In just a few years it has grown into a large network of disability researchers, reflecting the growing interest in and importance of disability research in the Nordic countries. The

The Autistic Global Initiative (AGI)

The Autistic Global Initiative (AGI), a program of ARI, is comprised of a committee of adults diagnosed with autism spectrum conditions. Our members hail from all regions of the United States, representing the broad life span of autistic experience and expression. We are active as professionals and consultants in many fields within the autism community, including education, social work, medicine, employment, fitness and wellness, rehabilitation counseling and the visual and graphic arts.  

Understanding Our Differences

In 1978, a group of parents of children with disabilities in Newton, Massachusetts founded Understanding Our Differences (UOD) as a nonprofit organization to increase information, understanding, and acceptance of people with disabilities and individual differences. The Understanding Our Differences disability awareness curriculum has grown rapidly in recent years and has been disseminated to more than 200 schools and youth organizations nationwide. More than 27,000 elementary school students and some 8,000 adult, high school and college students have participated as trained, volunteer instructors. The nationally recognized, award-winning program uses a hands-on, participatory curriculum to foster respect, tolerance, and compassion in elementary

Deaf children four times more likely to be mistreated at school and have mental health issues

Researchers found that deaf children who cannot make themselves understood within their family are four times more likely to have mental health disorders and more likely to suffer mistreatment at school than deaf children who can communicate with their family members, according to a report published in March 15th issue of The Lancett.

The Lancet:The health of deaf people: communication breakdown

Andrew Alexander discusses how deaf people are often alienated from accessing the UK health-care system and what needs to be done to change this.

Best Buddies Friendship Walk, April 21, 2012 : 12:00 pm-4:00 pm

The Best Buddies Friendship Walk is a fun-filled community fundraiser to support your local Best Buddies programs of inclusion. 4/21/2012 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm . Our friendship, integrated employment and leadership programs educate people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to be advocates for social inclusion in your community. Walk Registration: No Fees Register for the Friendship Walk and begin fundraising for Best Buddies Florida! Cotanchobee Fort Brooke Park 601 Old Water Street Tampa, FL 33602 For more information Participant Registration Form Join Ollibean's Friendship Walk Team  

The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies

The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies (CHPLDS) is an expansion of the Center on Human Policy, which was founded by Dr. Burton Blatt in 1971. The Center is a network of academic programs, centers, student organizations, and affiliated faculty whose research, teaching, and advocacy seeks to promote the rights of people with disabilities locally, nationally, and globally, and to facilitate a critical examination of disability as an aspect of diversity in society.  

National Disability Rights Network

NDRN’s mission is to promote the integrity and capacity of the P&A/CAP national network and to advocate for the enactment and vigorous enforcement of laws protecting civil and human rights of people with disabilities. The Protection and Advocacy (P&A) network was created by Congress after the Willowbrook scandal unearthed the horrible conditions in that institution. Read more about the Network's history here. The newly created P&A agencies began to realize that in order to be able to advocate for their clients, they needed a national voice in Washington, DC for their own protection, survival and growth. This was especially true, as soon

TASH Responds to AASA Position Supporting Restraint and Seclusion in Schools | TASH

Last week, the American Association of School Administrators issued an unsubstantiated, ill-informed and reckless report in which it voiced support for restraint and seclusion use on children in our schools. This report gained much attention through e-mail circulation and national news reports. TASH has responded in order to bring clarity and truth to the conversation. http://tash.org/tash-responds-to-aasa-position-supporting-restraint-and-seclusion-in-schools/ via TASH Responds to AASA Position Supporting Restraint and Seclusion in Schools | TASH.

University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at Georgetown University

The mission of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is to promote self-determination, productivity, independence and inclusion of individuals with developmental and other disabilities across the life span, and in all aspects of community life.  

A dark legacy of forced sterilizations

Sterilization victims seek compensation STORY HIGHLIGHTS California forcibly sterilized 20,000 people from 1909 to 1963 The goal was to rid society of people labeled "feeble-minded" or "defectives" California's response to victims stands in stark contras

Police assaulted boy with autism

Metropolitan Police (Met) officers assaulted a 16-year-old boy with severe autism by forcing him into handcuffs and leg restraints during a school trip, the High Court has ruled. The judge said the boy, now 19, also had his human rights breached. The boy, who also has epilepsy, was subjected to disability discrimination and false imprisonment, it was ruled.  

Institute on Human Development and Disability

The Institute on Human Development and Disabililty (IHDD) has been Georgia’s University Center for Excellence in Disability Research, Education and Service (UCEDD), and ranks as one of The University of Georgia’s oldest continuously-funded federal programs. The IHDD works with people who have disabilities and others, to ensure that all people can achieve their highest capacity and quality of life.  


Welcome new Ollibean writer, Amy Sequenzia! We know you're going to love her blog and her poems........ "Accepting myself is an on going process. A few days ago I wrote a poem about acceptance. It is easier for me, sometimes, to write about my life in verses. But after I write about what bothers me in verses and stanzas, I can talk about it in any format. I freed myself when I wrote the poem. In a way, I accepted myself a little more." It is very hard to have confidence in my abilities when all my life, when people

Activists Seek To Curtail Restraining Students

WASHINGTON (AP) — Tens of thousands of students, most of them disabled, are strapped down or physically restrained in school, and disability advocates hope that a new Education Department report detailing the practice of "seclusion and restraint" will sp

Burton Blatt Institute chairman to testify before National Council on Disability on future of disability law and policy

NCD is an independent federal agency that makes recommendations to the president and U.S. Congress to enhance the quality of life for all Americans with disabilities and their families. The public may join the meeting in a listening-only capacity (with t


The LADDERS program is under the direction of Dr. Margaret L. Bauman. Dr. Margaret L. Bauman is a distinguished pediatric neurologist, who is greatly respected for the outstanding clinical care she provides to children and adults, and for her research and teaching on developmental disorders.  

A D A Audio Conference Series

The ADA Audio Conference Series provides in-depth information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This program is designed to enhance an individual's existing knowledge base or facilitate continued learning regarding regulations and trends under the ADA.  

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia apologizes to Rivera family over kidney transplant flap

(CBS) The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has apologized to the family of Amelia Rivera, the girl whose family alleged she was denied a life-saving kidney transplant because she was disabled. "As an organization, we regret that we communicated in a m

Judy Endow

Judy Endow, MSW, maintains a private practice in Madison, Wisconsin, providing consultation for families, school districts and other agencies. Besides having autism herself, she is the parent of three now grown sons, one of whom is on the autism spectrum. Judy does workshops and presentations on a variety of autism-related issues, is part of the Wisconsin DPI Statewide Autism Training Team and a board member of both the Autism Society of America, Wisconsin Chapter and the Autism National Committee. In addition, Judy is a member of the Autistic Global Initiative (AGI), a program of Autism Research Institute.  

Accessible Leeds

Nathan Popple is a 14 year old, self-advocate and  editor of Accessible Leeds, this is the description of his incredible site. I have cerebral palsy so I use a wheelchair and I also use a communication aid to help me speak. I am a Whizz Kidz Ambassador and I support the charity 1voice. I believe strongly in fairness and do not think that the world should be able to disable people by not providing access to places.  

Lloyd Coleman, deaf teen composer’s Olympic theme

Lloyd Coleman, 18, who is also visually impaired, recently won a place at London's Royal Academy of Music. "It's called Breaking the Wall because, after Giles and I started talking about marathons and how runners hit the wall and have to overcome humungous challenges, we realised there were parallels with the kind of challenges disabled people face," he said.

KIT – Kids Included Together : Recognizing the Ability in Every Child

Kids Included Together (KIT) is a registered 501(c)(3) non–profit organization founded in San Diego, California in 1997. The mission of Kids Included Together (KIT) is to provide learning opportunities that support recreation, child development and youth enrichment programs to include children with and without disabilities. KIT’s goals are to enrich the lives of all who participate and to increase understanding and acceptance of disabilities as a natural part of life. We invite you to explore our site and learn more about our work with out–of–school time programs across the United States and internationally.

Hannah’s Buddies Charity Classic, Support the Fight Against SMA, March 30-31

The Hannah's Buddies Charity Classic began in 2000 with John Bell of Widespread Panic deciding to help his goddaughter Hannah and tens of thousands of children in their fight against SMA. Today, the golf tournament, silent/auction and concert lineup attracts more than 2,000 participants and has raised nearly $2 million for SMA research. What is SMA? Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a neuromuscular disease that affects between 1 in 6,000 and 1 and 20,000 births. Over time, SMA causes muscles to become weak and considerably smaller. On average, 1 in 40 people are genetic carriers. Sponsor/Donate If you are unable to attend the

Williams Syndrome Association

The WSA is the most comprehensive resource for people and families living with Williams syndrome as well as doctors, researchers and educators.  The WSA provides resources, support and the latest medical information to help your child today and throughout his/her life.  By joining, you’ll become part of the largest organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with WS. No matter the age or stage of your family member with WS, you are not alone.  The WSA offers support and will help you navigate the challenges from diagnosis through adulthood.

State Obligations | UNESCO

Like all human rights, the right to education imposes three levels of obligation on States: The obligation to respect, protect and fulfil each of the “essential features” (availability, accessibility, acceptability, adaptability) of the right to education. The obligation to respect requires States to avoid measures that hinder or prevent the enjoyment of the right to education. The obligation to protect requires States to take measures that prevent third parties from interfering with the enjoyment of the right to education. In turn, the obligation to fulfil incorporates an obligation to facilitate and to provide. Facilitation requires States to take positive measures

Extreme Kids & Crew

Extreme Kids & Crew is a parent-run non profit dedicated to causing a great scene for Brooklyn’s kids with disabilities, their families and friends. They are all about creating a warm and encouraging atmosphere where children and adults of every ability and disability can relax, have fun, and enjoy the experience of being deeply accepted and celebrated for the people that they are. We offer workshops in the arts and movement with insightful and practiced teachers, parent education nights, free family concerts, and much more.  

Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

A society where all people are valued and respected, and where all people have the knowledge, opportunity and power to improve their lives and the lives of others. MISSION The Institute on Disabilities leads by example, creating connections and promoting networks within and among communities so that people with disabilities are recognized as integral to the fabric of community life.    

The Arc of Pennsylvania

The Arc is the largest advocacy organization in the United States for citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families. The Arc of Pennsylvania is the state chapter of The Arc. For more than 60 years, The Arc has been working to include all children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their community. We promote active citizenship and inclusion in every community setting. The Arc of Pennsylvania has been dedicated to the inclusion of children with disabilities in regular education classrooms since its founding in 1949. Parents wanted to raise their children at home rather than institutionalize

UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO’S mission and activities. The broad goals and concrete objectives of the international community – as set out in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – underpin all UNESCO’s strategies and activities. Thus UNESCO’s unique competencies in education, the sciences,

Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society

The Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society is a British Columbia-based not-for-profit organization formed in 2002 for the purpose of promoting mutually rewarding friendships between children with autism spectrum and related social-communicative disorders and their peers, classmates and siblings. Our goal is to help children develop to the best of their abilities through the play and socialization that results from these friendships. We do this by providing direct services for children by visiting schools and other community settings to explain the sensory and communication challenges of autism spectrum and related disorders. We use a fun and interactive approach while teaching

Douglas Biklen: “Begin by presuming competence”

"Presuming competence is nothing less than a Hippocratic oath for educators. " Douglas Biklen

The Golden Hat Foundation

The Golden Hat Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating barriers for people with autism around the world, and creating an environment that holds these individuals as intellectually capable. The mission of the Golden Hat Foundation is the establishment of innovative campuses that offer people with autism the opportunity to learn to communicate effectively, receive an education, job training and enjoy recreational activities, all within a supportive social network. When given a suitable education and the means to communicate effectively, people with autism can truly realize their dreams.

On To College : Autism Research Institute

I want to live where I feel safe and free to be myself without the stress of having to act normal. Home is safe because my mom and dad make me feel hopeful that changing people's attitudes toward nonspeaking autists is possible. As I go to college, I am hoping to create a really supportive community of fresh-thinking people who view me as caring and created as equal.  

Ralph James Savarese | essayist, poet, scholar, and activist

Ralph James Savarese is the author of Reasonable People: A Memoir of Autism and Adoption (Other Press 2007), which Newsweek called a “real life love story and a passionate manifesto for the rights of people with neurological disabilities.” It won the Independent Publishers Gold Medal in the category of health/medicine/nutrition, and a chapter was selected as a “notable essay” in the Best American Essays series of 2004.    

Planet of the Blind: D.J. Savarese, My Friend, Our Ally in Disability Rights

I am a lucky man. Although I bear the emotional scars of a tough childhood—a disability childhood, one with bullying, cruel teachers, lots of loneliness—I have had the startling fortune to meet magnificent people throughout my life.  


Respectful and inclusive language is essential to the movement for the dignity and humanity of people with all disabilities. However, much of society does not recognize the hurtful, dehumanizing and exclusive effects of the word “retard(ed).” It is time to address the minority slur “retard(ed)” and raise the consciousness of society to its hurtful effects.

I Believe by Will Scheutze

They had no idea how much I know and I didn’t think they believed I was smart.   They thought that functional was more important for me to learn than academics. I didn’t like that, so I never did good work and so they thought I couldn’t sort forks. I know how functional is important in life, but nobody knows how important the academics are to me.   I just want to be able to learn more and be able to go to college. I think I can do that. My teachers made me believe I can do that. I never believed

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) is one of the Institutes that comprise the National Institutes of Health (NIH).NIH is the Federal government's focal point for the support of biomedical research. NIH's mission is to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone. Simply described, the goal of NIH research is to acquire new knowledge to help prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat disease and disability. NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Established in 1988, NIDCD is mandated to conduct and support biomedical and behavioral research and research training

CART Interpreting

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (A.G. Bell) filed two amicus briefs within days of each other in federal courts of appeal supporting the right of students who are deaf and hard of hearing to receive Communication Ac

Mock my pants, not my sister

The following was written by Brian Skotko , MD, MPP, a Physician at Children’s Hospital Boston’s Down Syndrome Program. It’s in response to a feature in GQ magazine that used insensitive language. Go ahead, GQ, and mock my blue whale-emblemed Nantucket-red pants. Laugh if you want at the loud argyles that I prefer to wear with my black suit. I don’t even care if you dismiss the sexy pink polka-dotted tie that I like to wear with my blue-checkered shirt in clinic. But, whatever you do, do not mess with my sister.  

Brian Skotko

A Board-certified medical geneticist at Children's Hospital Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham & Women's Hospital, and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Dr. Skotko has dedicated his professional energies toward children with cognitive and development disabilities. He is one of the specialists in theDown Syndrome Program at Children's Hospital Boston. In 2001 he co-authored the national award-winning book, Common Threads: Celebrating Life with Down Syndrome and, most recently, Fasten Your Seatbelt: A Crash Course on Down Syndrome for Brothers and Sisters. He is a graduate of Duke University, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard Kennedy School. Dr. Skotko recently authored major research on how physicians deliver


Trailblazers is a national network of more than 400 young disabled people who work together on a national and local level to highlight and address the issues that are important to them. We aim to fight the social injustices experienced by young disabled people and to ensure we can gain access to education, employment and the services we require. We are part of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, the leading UK charity focusing on muscular dystrophy and other related conditions. Our mission To fight against the social injustices experienced by young people living with muscle disease or a related condition. Our

World Institute on Disability

The mission of the World Institute on Disability (WID) in communities and nations worldwide is to eliminate barriers to full social integration and increase employment, economic security and health care for persons with disabilities.  

Partners in Policymaking

Nearly twenty five years ago, the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities created a ground-breaking, innovative training program called Partners in Policymaking® to teach parents and self-advocates the power of advocacy to change the way people with disabilities are supported, viewed, taught, live and work. During the past two decades, important issues have been confronted and dramatic changes have been made.    

Probe: Disabled patient abuse cases overlooked

California has assembled a police force to protect about 1,800 of its most vulnerable patients - men and women with cerebral palsy, severe autism and other mental disabilities who live in state institutions and require round-the-clock monitoring and prot

GCAC Presents: VSA Ohio at the intersection of art and disability

Since its founding in 1986, VSA Ohio has evolved to become a community that helps inspired artists connect with their passions. Bridging arts and disability, their programs and services focus on providing equal opportunity, full participation, independen

  • 4 members of OlliNepal team sitting on stairs

Sign up and Ollibean gives to a child in Nepal. It’s that easy.

Want to help kids in Nepal? We’re making it super easy. For every person that joins our community we will donate $2 to support children in Nepal.You can also enter for a chance to win an iPad**. Now share this with everyone you know and show the world how easy it is to make a difference.

A boy’s talk about his Asperger’s resonates in his school

Since Jack Lebersfeld told the entire sixth grade he has Asperger's syndrome and explained what that meant, his speech has taken on a life of its own that Jack and his parents could have never imagined. Asperger's is one of the autism spectrum disorders

Aid for Autistic Children Foundation

Aid for Autistic Children Foundation, Inc.™ mission: Reduce the financial burden on poverty stricken and disenfranchised families and caretakers coping with autism, through debt forgiveness, so attention and resources can be focused on creating a proper living and learning environment for their autistic loved one. How the Program Works After thorough evaluation of your completed application and assessment from our board and an independent consumer credit counseling service, the debt forgiveness will directly target the financial burden the family deems most obstructive in allowing them to focus solely on giving their autistic loved one the best tools and skills for

The Coffee Klatch

The Coffee Klatch started on a whim. I often speak and write about the isolation, stigma and confusion of parents raising a special needs child. Many of those 
parents are on twitter to share information, seek support or find a friendly ear. Twitter is where it all began. It is where I met my incredible team of moderators and thousands of special needs parents. It is where we created a morning chat for parents both newly diagnosed and those who have navigated the muddy waters to meet and share. It became very apparent to me, very quickly, that many of

Advocates Incorporated

Advocates is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) parent-directed organization providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.  As an organization, we were started by parents of children with developmental disabilities with the goal of full inclusion for their children.    

New Voices Foundation

New Voices is a short-term, intensive, individualized educational program for elementary-aged children with physical and communicative disabilities. Inclusion in all aspects of school, home and community life with transition back to a local school is our guiding philosophy. New Voices will: · Provide an educational program to increase literacy and communication skills (following the NC Standard Course of Study) · Equip and support students in the most advanced communication technology appropriate to their unique needs · Provide specialized, in-depth assessment and intervention · Provide supplemental healthcare maintenance and support, and ensure each child has a medical home · Maximize student’s

OlliNepal: Why Nepal ?

You can help kids with diffabilities in Nepal. We’re making it super easy. For person that joins our community we will donate $2 to support children in Nepal.You’ll also be entered for a chance to win an iPad at the same time. Now share this with everyone you know and show the world how easy it is to make a difference.

Six Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning (PBL) naturally lends itself to differentiated instruction. By design, it is student-centered, student-driven and gives space for teachers to meet the needs of students in a variety of ways. PBL can allow for effective differentiat

Self-Report Computer-Based Survey of Technology Use by People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Abstract Advancements of technologies in the areas of mobility, hearing and vision, communication, and daily living for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities has the potential to greatly enhance independence and self-determination. Prev

CEC Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities

The Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities is an organization composed of persons committed to enhancing the quality of life of individuals, especially children and youth, with autism, intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities. The Division seeks to further the knowledge base of the field, thus ensuring the continued advancement of positive educational and life outcomes for those with autism and developmental disabilities.

An Update on Amelia

By Tim Shriver Several weeks ago, I wrote about a young girl named Amelia Rivera who was denied consideration for a kidney transplant at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia because she was, according to her doctors, “mentally retarded.” Amelia is now in the process of being considered again for a transplant. Our lesson is that we cannot let Amelia’s story be an isolated call to arms. We must continue to seek change and advocate for the dignity of every human life.

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist who experienced a severe hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of her brain in 1996. On the afternoon of this rare form of stroke (AVM), she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life. It took eight years for Dr. Jill to completely recover all of her functions and thinking ability. She is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey (published in 2008 by Viking Penguin). In 2008, Dr. Jill gave a presentation at the TED

Advocates for Children of New York

At Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), we are dedicated exclusively to protecting every child’s right to an education, focusing on students from low-income backgrounds who are struggling in school or experiencing school discrimination of any kind. For more than 40 years, our staff of attorneys and education specialists have successfully helped hundreds of thousands of families by providing free legal and advocacy services, including representation at school-related hearings and appeals, and teaching families what they need to know to stand up for their children’s educational rights. AFC also works to change education policy so that the public school

Amy Sequenzia “Be Proud of Who You Are”

"Feeling sorry for our disabilities means not accepting ourselves. I feel sorry because disabilities rights are still lacking, not because I am disabled. My message is, hopefully, about our strength and similarities". Amy Sequenzia

38 Disability Organizations Oppose House ESEA Proposal

The organizations oppose the draft Student Success Act because “it abandons accountability for the achievement and learning gains of subgroups of disadvantaged students who for generations have been harmed by low academic expectations.

Letter from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali

Dear Colleague: This year, we will celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101-12213.  We at the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the United States Department of Education (Department) recognize the progress our country has made toward ensuring that educational opportunities are provided free from disability discrimination.  As Secretary Arne Duncan has stated, the Department is “strengthening our efforts to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have the tools they need to benefit from a world-class education that prepares them for success in college and careers.”1 Pursuant to a

By |January 24th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, Inclusive Education|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Creators of Halo & Star Wars Renew Student’s Dream after Charter School Rejection

Self-advocate Tres Whitlock on how the NPR story, "Florida Charter Schools Failing Disabled Students" has impacted him.

“Le Mur” , French analysts who still blame the mother..

Three of the analysts in the shocking "Le Mur" are contesting future US showings and suing filmaker Sopihe Robert in France. They feel they have been unfairly represented in the film. I have seen this film and cannot imagine how they have been misrepresented. There's an abundance of material in the film expousing their archaic and controversial views that prevent so many French with autism from receiving proper treatment. Here are some quotes: "(Dr Aldo Naouri) Most of the time, the symptom of the child is no more no less than the symptom that allotted to have by the maternal unconscious

By |January 23rd, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, blog|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Minnesota Gov’s Council on Dev. Disabilities: Organ Transplants

 The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities  Lives Worth Saving: Organ Transplantation and People with Disabilities   In 1995, Sandra Jensen was denied a heart/lung transplant. The transplant had been recommended by her attending physician. It was the only way to save her life. The transplant had even been approved by her insurer, MediCal. The problem - two California transplant centers refused to save Sandra's life.The good news - Sandra got her heart and lung transplant. She was the first person with Down Syndrome in the world to do so. With the help of friends and supporters, Sandra attracted national

  • book cover "My Voic: Autism, Life, and Dreams" by Amy Sequenzia

My Voice, My Life : A Poem by Amy Sequenzia

This powerful poem from the book "MY VOICE, Autism, Life and Dreams" by self-advocate Amy Sequenzia says so much. We were fortunate enough to get to know Amy at ICI's Summer Institute at MIT and are very grateful to her for allowing us to publish "My Voice, My Life" here. If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Amy's book, you can find her on Facebook. My Voice, My Life Look at me. Go ahead, take a good look. What do you see? Weird? Silly? Pitiful? Can’t do anything? You might feel sorry for me You might pity me

Todd Drezner: Nickels, Dimes and ‘High-Functioning’ Autism

As Justin Canha's story shows, the autistic person who needs a lot of support in one area may become a person who needs much less support in that same area. Justin barely spoke before age 10. Now he's verbal. He didn't suddenly change from "low-functioning" to "high-functioning." Rather, he received the support he needed and developed his skills.

E.A.S.E. Sri Lanka

E.A.S.E. Sri Lanka  E.A.S.E. campaigns to educate the public on the rights and the abilities of people with disabilities. They do presentations to interested groups, workshops targeting parents and professionals and disseminate knowledge of alternative communication techniques. Most importantly E.A.S.E. changes people's minds about what is possible for a person with significant disabilities. Chandima is a powerful voice for the hidden competencies of people with disabilities. After his presentation “On Autism” Dr. Shavindra Dias, Psychiatrist and Lecturer, Dept. of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya said; “We have been walking in darkness you have enlightened us. You are

The Loud Hands Project

Love this video published by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Share it, Post it, Donate at http://www.indiegogo.com/The-Loud-Hands-Project?a=351448 so they will make more:)

Brick Walls

“Oh, that’s ok! We plan on donating. If we aren’t a match, we come from a large family and someone will donate. We don’t want to be on the list. We will find our own donor.” “Noooo. She—is—not—eligible –because—of—her—quality– of –life—Because—of—her—mental—delays” He says each word very slowly as if I am hard of hearing. “STOP IT NOW!” The anger is taking over. Thank God. Why did it take so long to get here? The social worker is writing some things down.

Florida Charter Schools Failing Students With Disabilities

Tres Whitlock is stuck in a public school where he feels ignored. He wants out. The 17-year-old would-be video game designer researched his options online and found his perfect match – Pivot Charter School. “It’s computer-based and I think I will do better,” he says. But when Whitlock tried to enroll the school he found a series of barriers in his way.

They call me Barney Fife

One out of four people that use accessible parking spaces, should not be using them. One out of four people think it's ok to park in a spot specifically designed and strategically to make it easier for someone who uses a wheelchair to have enough space to actually open the door to their van? Ok to park in a space designated for someone who has a heart condition so they don't have to walk quite as far?

Charter Schools

Charter schools are an idea dreamed up by an obscure education professor in the 1970s which have grown into a primary alternative to traditional public schools. One in 17 Florida students attended a charter school last year, a number that has increased almost six-fold in a decade. The original charter school model focused on local leaders forming an oversight board and spelling out the school’s mission, goals and methodology in a contract or charter.

ASAN disappointed with President Obama’s choice for committee on disability

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network, the nation's leading advocacy group run by and for Autistic adults, today expressed concern and disappointment over President Obama’s announcement Tuesday of his intent to appoint anti-vaccine activist Peter H. Bell as a member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. “Bell’s appointment shows such contrast to the forward motion the Obama administration has shown in the areas of autism and disability as a whole..

Supreme Court Says NO to IDEA Case

In the special education case, Compton Unified School District v. Addison (Case No. 10-886), the justices had asked the U.S. solicitor general's office for its views last April on a question under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: whether a parent may bring a claim in a due-process hearing that a district violated the law's "child-find" provision.

Children Across Borders

Children Across Borders is a charitable organization that paves the way for children of the world to a brighter future by providing sustained support in the form of education, health, housing, and wellness to under-privileged children while enabling the educational and cultural enlightenment of all children. They create a network of support for under-privileged children around the world by partnering with people and organizations who have chosen to dedicate their lives to helping these children lead healthy, fulfilling lives.Their work is personally driven with adherence to high standards and accountability, leading to a positive impact on our community and country.

The Global Genes Project

Rare Disease affects over 350 million people worldwide, and the largest percentage are children. There are over 7,000 rare diseases that have been identified all with very unique needs, but many with little to no support. Although each individual disease may only impact a few, together the impact is in the millions. Rare disease is not so rare. The Global Genes Project is broadly promoting the needs of the rare disease community, engaging the general public, garnering corporate support, under the "unifying symbol of hope" – the blue denim ribbon. The Global Genes Project is a program of R.A.R.E. Project, a

Autism Support Network

The mission of Autism Support Network is conveyed in our tagline: connect, guide and unite. Our goal is to short-cut the uphill battle individuals and families undertake when faced with autism – whether that means the initial diagnosis, the day-to-day living and coping needed, relationship and therapeutic strategies and the latest information.  

Disability and Abuse Project

The Disability and Abuse Project focuses on individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities who are victims of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. This includes all aspects of crime, such as crime victimization, reducing the risk of becoming a victim, support to the individual and family members when crime does occur, as well as providing guidance for psychotherapy and legal support. The project works with those who respond to crime reports, including police and sheriff personnel at all levels (patrol, investigators, detectives, dispatchers), prosecutors, protective services professionals, SANEs, victims advocates, and any others. It provides technical assistance, training programs, and training

By |January 8th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, General, Resources|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Neil Young launches film of storied benefit concerts

(Reuters) - A concert DVD featuring Neil Young and a generation of music icons will launch this month with live screenings across the United States. The movie and related CD collection showcases rare live, acoustic performances by many of music's biggest names, all of whom have played over the past 25 years at the annual Bridge School benefit concerts organized by Young and wife Pegi via Neil Young launches film of storied benefit concerts | Reuters.

Operator of N.Y. Group Homes Thrived Despite Lapses in Care – NYTimes.com

The federation has amassed more citations for serious lapses of care than any other organization in the state licensed to run group homes for developmentally disabled people — those with autism, Down syndrome or cerebral palsy. An analysis by The New York Times of state inspection data from 2004 to 2010 found that the federation had been cited 27 times; via Operator of N.Y. Group Homes Thrived Despite Lapses in Care - NYTimes.com.

Geri Jewell: Geri-ism #2: Unmasking the Real Disabilities

It involves the beating of a 16-year-old girl with cerebral palsy. The perpetrators were the girls' parents -- primarily her father, Judge William Adams, who serves as a family law judge in Texas. It was very graphic and painful to watch, but I forced myself to see the whole thing through. via Geri Jewell: Geri-ism #2: Unmasking the Real Disabilities.

Senate Introduces Bill Limiting Restraints, Seclusion – On Special Education – Education Week

A U.S. Senate bill filed late last week would limit physical restraint and locked seclusion of students—measures often used with students with disabilities who are considered out of control, harmful to themselves or others, or in need of being calmed. Iowa Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin's "Keeping All Students Safe Act," via Senate Introduces Bill Limiting Restraints, Seclusion - On Special Education - Education Week.

More on Students With Disabilities and the Law

By JOHN O’CONNOR Tres Whitlock is trying to enroll in a charter school. The school has said they can not provide needed services. Last week we ran a story talking to attorneys about what the law requires for students with disabilities. One expert we spoke with, Joy Zabala with the Center for Applied Special Technology, responded to clarify her position.

UNH Institute on Disability Launches Person-Centered Planning Tool

Look Back, Plan Forward, a new website launched by the UNH Institute on Disability, will help individuals with disabilities and people who are aging to capture their life stories in ways that can inform caregivers and service providers about the individual’s history, values, preferences, and support needs during the person-centered planning process. via UNH Institute on Disability | News > Institute on Disability Launches New Online Person-Centered Planning Tool.

UNH Institute on Disability

The Institute on Disability/UCED (IOD) at the University of New Hampshire was established in 1987 to provide a coherent university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of persons with disabilities and their families.

Inclusive Schools Network

The Inclusive Schools Network offers a forum for educators, students, family, and community members to share experiences and ideas with each other. It is important for the Inclusive Schools Network to model an inclusive approach in welcoming and valuing all perspectives and opinions regarding the practice of inclusive education.  We hope you will communicate with us directly to improve this website and our services to you.

Disability is Natural

The mission of Disability is Natural is to encourage new ways of thinking about developmental disabilities, in the belief that our attitudes drive our actions, and changes in our attitudes and actions can help create a society where all children and adults with developmental disabilities have opportunities to live the lives of their dreams, included in all areas of life.

Broadreach Training and Resources

Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift have spent the last 25 years working to ensure that people with disabilities are able to take their rightful place in schools, workplaces, and communities. Although they are well known advocates within the disability rights community, they prefer to think of themselves as modern day storytellers, continuing the long held tradition of using humour and narrative to initiate self-reflection and social change.

Association on University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)

AUCD envisions a future in which everyone, including people living with developmental and other disabilities, are fully integrated, participating members of their communities. We envision a future in which culturally appropriate supports that lead to independence, productivity, and a satisfying quality of life are universally available across the life span. AUCD's mission is to advance policy and practice for and with people with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and their communities by supporting our members in research, education, and service activities that achieve our vision. AUCD values the participation of people with disabilities, family members, and a culturally diverse

Autism Society

The Autism Society, the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, exists to improve the lives of all affected by autism. They do this by increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the lifespan, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy.

International Rett Syndrome Association

The core mission of the IRSF is to fund research for treatments and a cure for Rett syndrome while enhancing the overall quality of life for those living with Rett syndrome by providing information, programs, and services.

The Foundation for Children with Microcephaly

The Foundation for Children with Microcephaly is the only 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States dedicated to helping children and adults diagnosed with Microcephaly, Polymicrogyria, Lissencephaly and other closely related neurological disorders often get overlooked as well.

  • Including Samuel

Including Samuel

Before his son Samuel was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, photojournalist Dan Habib rarely thought about the inclusion of people with disabilities. Now he thinks about inclusion every day. Shot and produced over four years, Habib’s award-winning documentary film, Including Samuel, chronicles the Habib family’s efforts to include Samuel in every facet of their lives. The film honestly portrays his family’s hopes and struggles as well as the experiences of four other individuals with disabilities and their families. Including Samuel is a highly personal, passionately photographed film that captures the cultural and systemic barriers to inclusion.

Inclusion Network

This wonderful resource provides resources for Training, Consulting and Networking Facilitators.foster the development of inclusion. The focus is the development of future leadership for inclusion through the creation of focused programs, materials and research that will create a world where Everyone Belongs.

The Inclusive Class

  We are crazy about the Inclusive Class! Nicole Eredics is pretty incredible, and her blog and podcasts are informative, interesting, and always just what we need. The inclusive classroom best demonstrates that message as it begins with the belief that all children belong. Each child can demonstrate and achieve success, in various ways, according to their abilities, strengths and areas for growth. Inclusive Class' Livebinder has an abundance of resources.


Wrightslaw's mission is to provide parents, advocates, educators, and attorneys with accurate, up-to date information about special education law and advocacy so they can be effective catalysts. * Information for parents about their rights and responsibilities * Information for teachers about professional training so they can meet the diverse needs    of their students * Information for advocates about laws, regulations, and advocacy strategies * Information for attorneys who want cases, pleadings, and tactics and strategies

United States International Council on Disabilities

The U.S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD) is a non-profit, membership, constituent-led organization committed to building bridges between American and international disability communities and cultures. Through a wide range of projects and programs, USICD promotes the inclusion of disability perspectives in U.S. foreign policy and aid and provides opportunities for domestic disability rights organizations to interface with their international counterparts. USICD’s major initiatives leverage a membership that spans organizations and individuals in more than 30 U.S. states and a number of foreign countries. USICD's Board of Directors includes leading experts in domestic and international disability issues.

United Cerebral Palsy

United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) educates, advocates and provides support services to ensure a life without limits for people with a spectrum of disabilities. UCP and its nearly 100 affiliates have a mission to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with a spectrum of disabilities by providing services and support to children and adults every day—one person and family at a time. UCP works to enact real change—to revolutionize care, raise standards of living and create opportunities to ensure the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in every facet of society.

Spina Bifida Association of America (SBAA)

The Spina Bifida Association (SBA) serves adults and children who live with the challenges of Spina Bifida. Since 1973, SBA has been the only national voluntary health agency solely dedicated to enhancing the lives of those with Spina Bifida and those whose lives are touched by this challenging birth defect. Its tools are education, advocacy, research, and service.

SABE – Self Advocates Becoming Empowered

Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) is the self-advocacy organization of the United States. Founded in 1990, we have been working hard for the full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in the community throughout the 50 states and the world for 21 years. Our non-profit advocacy organization is run by a board of self-advocates representing 9 regions of the country.

Rights Task Force

The Rights Task Force is part of The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities and focuses on civil rights and protections for people with disabilities, and for enforcement of rights provisions by federal agencies. Issues covered include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504, and protections secured through the Individuals with Disablities Education Act (IDEA)

By |December 28th, 2011|Categories: Advocacy, General, Politics, Resources|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities

The mission of PCPID is to provide advice and assistance to the President of the United States and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on a broad range of topics that impact people with intellectual disabilities and the field of Intellectual Disabilities. Undergirding the Committee’s mission is the goal to improve the quality of life that is experienced by people with intellectual disabilities, by upholding their full citizenship rights, independence, self-determination, and life-long participation in their respective communities.

NORD – National Organization for Rare Disorders

The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), a 501(c)(3) organization, is a unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service.

National Information Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities

NICHCY serves the nation as a central source of information on: ■disabilities in children and youth; ■programs and services for infants, children, and youth with disabilities; ■IDEA, the nation’s special education law; and ■research-based information on effective practices for children with disabilities.

National Fragile X Foundation

The National Fragile X Foundation unites the Fragile X community to enrich lives through educational and emotional support, promote public and professional awareness, and advance research toward improved treatments and a cure for Fragile X.

The National Down Syndrome Society

The mission of the National Down Syndrome Society is to be the national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. The National Down Syndrome Society envisions a world in which all people with Down syndrome have the opportunity to enhance their quality of life, realize their life aspirations, and become valued members of welcoming communities.

The National Down Syndrome Congress

The mission of the NDSC is to provide information, advocacy and support concerning all aspects of life for individuals with Down syndrome.The vision of the NDSC is a world with equal rights and opportunities for people with Down syndrome.It is the purpose of the National Down Syndrome Congress to create a national climate in which all people will recognize and embrace the value and dignity of people with Down syndrome.

The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed

NADD is a not-for-profit membership association established for professionals, care providers and families to promote understanding of and services for individuals who have developmental disabilities and mental health needs. The mission of NADD is to advance mental wellness for persons with developmental disabilities through the promotion of excellence in mental health care. NADD's Mission "To advance mental wellness for persons with developmental disabilities through the promotion of excellence in mental health care."

Will A $35 Product Change Multi-billion-dollar Indian Education System

Education has always been a high priority for the Indian government. Although the percentage of GDP (gross domestic product) spent by India on education lags behind the developed countries, it has increased over the past years. The Right to Education Act

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund

The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, founded in 1979, is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities. The mission of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund is to advance the civil and human rights of people with disabilities through legal advocacy, training, education, and public policy and legislative development.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Eight | “On Common Ground”

"On Common Ground": While in Houston to speak to teens at "Stand Up! For Inclusion" a conference aimed at inspiring youth to make a difference in the world, Larry takes time to exchange creative ideas with a young artist.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Thirteen | “The End Of The Road”

"The End Of The Road": Larry and Tracy take time to reflect on their spiritual journey of disability awareness as they prepare for the theatrical premiere if their film, "Wretches & Jabberers" in New York City.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Nine | “Lightning Rods”

"Lightning Rods": The Vermonters meet up with Stephen Kuusisto, author of "Planet of the Blind". He interviews Larry and Tracy about the journey they took while making "Wretches & Jabberers" and shares a few insights of his own about his disability.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Ten | “Apple Store Adventures”

"Apple Store Adventures": While in New York City to promote the theatrical release of the film, the Vermonters take an opportunity to visit the Apple Store and try out the new iPad 2.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Seven | “Stand Up! For Inclusion”

"Stand Up! For Inclusion": Larry, Tracy, Harvey & Pascal speak to teens in Houston at the 26th Annual BBYO Lonestar Convention. The theme of this year's convention is "Stand Up! For Inclusion" to inspire youth to make a difference in the world around them.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Twelve | “All That’s Newsworthy”

From our friends at Stories from the Road, "All That's Newsworthy": Larry and Tracy join director Gerardine Wurzburg on the WPIX Channel 11 Morning News to discuss the upcoming theatrical release of their documentary 'Wretches & Jabberers'. The guys get the star treatment as they share their experiences with anchor Jim Watkins.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Eleven | “Teaching The Teachers”

"Teaching The Teachers": The Vermonters are invited to speak at Teachers College at Columbia University. A subway ride brings them to their destination as they find open minds, caring hearts, and an invitation for beer!

Stories From The Road | Chapter Six | “Mile-High Marvels”

"Mile-High Marvels": Larry, Tracy, Harvey & Pascal are asked to speak about their experiences making "Wretches & Jabberers" at the 35th Annual TASH Conference held in Denver, Colorado.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Five | “A Small World After All”

More from the amazing W & J and State of the Art/Dan Curl. "A Small World After All": Tracy invites Finnish friends Henna and Antti to join him at his monthly task force meeting at Community Developmental Services in Barre, VT. Here other people with autism advocate for people with communication challenges, quality of life initiatives, and increase public awareness.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Four | “Breakfast at Larry’s”

From our friends at Wretches & Jabberers, "Breakfast at Larry's": Larry invites visiting international friends Chammi, Antti & Henna to his home for a traditional Vermonter breakfast. With the help of his sister Sally, Larry hosts a meal not soon forgotten!

Stories From The Road | Chapter Three | “Wretches Reunite”Stories From The Road | Chapter Three | “Wretches Reunite”

"Wretches & Jabberers" co-stars from Finland and Sri Lanka descend upon Burlington, Vermont to visit Larry and Tracy and discuss how the film has impacted their lives.

Stories From The Road | Chapter One | “A Night With The Stars”

"A Night With The Stars": Larry, Tracy, Harvey & Pascal take to the road to promote a new documentary titled "Wretches & Jabberers" following their recent "World Intelligence Magnified Tour". Their first stop is Syracuse, NY where they meet with the Disability Cultural Center Initiative at Syracuse University and answer questions about the film.

Stories From The Road | Chapter Two | “Syracuse International Film Festival”

"Syracuse International Film Festival": Larry, Tracy, Harvey & Pascal on the road to promoting "Wretches & Jabberers" following their recent "World Intelligence Magnified Tour". Their second stop was Syracuse, NY is to present the film and their personal narratives at the Syracuse International Film Festival.

On Beauty

We are in love with 'On Beauty" the documentary by Joanna Rudnick. She follows the talented Rick Guidotti as he challenges public perception of difference and beauty through the lives of three exquisite women.

The Miracle Project

Check out this trailer from the Emmy winning documentary, The Miracle Project. We should ALL have the opportunity to perform, participate, and find our gifts. Get involved with The Miracle Project ww.themiracleproject.org.

The Making of Sensitive

From The Miracle Project..the making of "Sensitive", a song about bullies. Wyatt Isaacs sings with Jack Black. Stephen Stills produces it a la sex pistols, with his signature guitar! Learn more about The Miracle Project at www.themiracleproject.org , you will love it as much as we do!

Carly Fleischman on 20/20

Carly Fleischmann, on 20/20 in 2009. Carly is diagnosed with autism and types to communicate. She is an incredibly intelligent self-advocate who is helping change how the world sees people who communicate differently. We are huge fans! Please check out her website for more information http://carlysvoice.com.

Institute on Communication and Inclusion

The Institute on Communication and Inclusion (ICI) is a research and training center that is part of the Inclusion Institutes of the School of Education at Syracuse University. Formerly the Facilitated Communication Insitute, our new name - the Institute on Communication and Inclusion - represents a broadened focus developed over the past 20 years, reflecting lines of research, training and public dissemination that focus on school and community inclusion, narratives of disability and ability, and disability rights, as well as research and training on faciltiated communication. Its initiatives stress the important relationship of communication to inclusion.   Led by Director

People First

People First is an organization run by and for people with learning difficulties to raise awareness of and campaign for the rights of people with learning difficulties and to support self advocacy groups across the country. People First promotes the social model of disability. This is a way of thinking about disability that says it is society that needs to change to include disabled people. We should not have to change to fit in with society. We are against the medical model of disability, which is the view that being disabled means there is ‘something wrong’ with you. Doctors and

National Association of the Deaf (NAD)

The NAD is the nation's premier civil rights organization of, by and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America. Established in 1880, the NAD was shaped by deaf leaders who believed in the right of the American deaf community to use sign language, to congregate on issues important to them, and to have its interests represented at the national level. These beliefs remain true to this day, with American Sign Language as a core value. The advocacy scope of the NAD is broad, covering a lifetime and impacting future generations in the areas of

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) is a national membership organization representing the 55 State and Territorial Councils on Developmental Disabilities. NACDD is a 501(c) 3 organization with the purpose of promoting and enhancing the outcomes of our member councils in developing and sustaining inclusive communities and self directed services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities.


Disability.gov is a federal government website that provides an interactive, community-driven information network of disability-related programs, services, laws and benefits. Through the site, Americans with disabilities, their families, veterans, educators, employers and many others are connected to thousands of resources from federal, state and local government agencies, educational institutions and non-profit organizations.

TASH- Disability Advocacy Worldwide

TASH is an international leader in disability advocacy. Founded in 1975, TASH advocates for human rights and inclusion for people with significant disabilities and support needs – those most vulnerable to segregation, abuse, neglect and institutionalization. TASH works to advance inclusive communities through advocacy, research, professional development, policy, and information and resources for parents, families and self-advocates. The inclusive practices TASH validates through research have been shown to improve outcomes for all people. TASH is governed by a board of directors and is supported by a network of members, volunteers, committees and chapter organizations. The TASH membership includes a diverse

Council for Exceptional Children

The Council for Exceptional Children is an international community of professionals who are the voice and vision of special and gifted education. CEC's mission is to improve, through excellence and advocacy, the education and quality of life for children and youth with exceptionalities and to enhance the engagement of their families. The Council for Exceptional Children is a premier education organization, internationally renowned for its expertise and leadership, working collaboratively with strategic partners to ensure that children and youth with exceptionalities are valued and full participating members of society. As a diverse and vibrant professional community, CEC is a trusted

The Council on Quality and Leadership

The Council on Quality and Leadership is leader for person-centered supports and services for people with disabilities, people with mental illness and older adults. Through our services, publications and public presence, we establish real connections between theory and practice and help organizations and systems take the important step from innovative ideas to everyday action. Our goal is to be partners and mentors to our customers, showing them how they can become even better at ensuring that all people lead lives of dignity and quality.

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities is a coalition of approximately 100 national disability organizations working together to advocate for national public policy that ensures the self determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society. The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) envisions an American society in which all individuals, aided by an enabling government, have the freedom and opportunity to exercise individual decisions concerning their own lives, welfare and personal dignity. CCD envisions a society in which communities are fully accessible to all individuals with disabilities and their families, where


Benefits.gov (formerly GovBenefits.gov) was launched in an effort to provide citizens with easy, online access to government benefit and assistance programs. The program's mission is to reduce the expense and difficulty of interacting with the government while increasing citizen access to government benefit information. The site's core function is the eligibility prescreening questionnaire. Answers to the questionnaire are used to evaluate and compare with the eligibility criteria for more than 1,000 Federally-funded benefit and assistance programs. Each program description provides citizens with the next steps to apply for any benefit program of interest.

Autism Support Network

The mission of Autism Support Network is to connect, guide and unite. Their goal is to short-cut the uphill battle individuals and families undertake when faced with autism – whether that means the initial diagnosis, the day-to-day living and coping needed, relationship and therapeutic strategies and the latest information. Their support community collectively pools global knowledge and support from all those touched by ASD. Designed as a place by those living with ASD, for those with ASD, and those seeking social connection, peer guidance, and a feeling of community with those that understand.

Autism Society of America

The Autism Society, the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, exists to improve the lives of all affected by autism. They do this by increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the lifespan, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy.

The Arc of the United States

The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by actively supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are entitled to the respect, dignity, equality, safety, and security accorded to other members of society, and are equal before the law. The Arc believes that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities belong in the community and have fundamental moral, civil and constitutional rights to be fully included and actively participate in all aspects of society and supports their self-determination and self-advocacy. People with intellectual and

ADA Portal

The ADA Document Portal Allows users to search a collection of ADA-related documents that have been produced by federal agencies and organizations receiving federal funds.

American Association of People with Disabilities

The American Association of People with Disabilities is the nation's largest cross-disability organization. They promote equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, and political participation for people with disabilities. Their members, including people with disabilities and their family, friends, and supporters, represent a powerful force for change. Over 50 million Americans with disabilities and their supporters have the power to achieve full civil rights for all. They are powered by their vision of a community whose voice is heard through the halls of government, in our culture, and in our communities.

Charter Schools Excluding Students with Significant Disabilities in Florida

A new report by the Miami Herald and StateImpact Florida – a National Public Radio initiative -  confirms CEC’s ongoing concern that many charter schools are failing to serve students with disabilities, particularly students with significant disabilities

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities is a Coalition of national consumer, advocacy, provider and professional organizations headquartered in Washington, D.C. Since 1973, the CCD has advocated on behalf of people of all ages with physical and mental disabilities and their families. CCD has worked to achieve federal legislation and regulations that assure that the 54 million children and adults with disabilities are fully integrated into the mainstream of society. CCD does this by: Identifying and researching public policy issues, developing testimony and policy recommendations and encouraging innovative solutions to public policy concerns. Educating members of Congress in an effort

Ad Hoc Developmental Disabilities Task Force

The Ad Hoc Developmental Disabilities Task Force monitors the Developmental Disabilities Bill of Rights Act and the administration of the program through the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. The Act is authorized every three years and regulations and policy guidelines are developed based on the statute. The Task Force also reviews other developmental disability related issues.


The American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities promotes progressive policies, sound research, effective practices, and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Hold My Hand

The documentary,"Hold My Hand", follows Eliza Schaaf, a young woman with Down Syndrome, who was raised under the principle of inclusion. Schaaf was dropped from her ceramics class by Southern Oregon University. SOU sited she required excessive supervision and limited her classmates time for instruction. Schaaf denies this and her classmates signed a petition refuting this fact and asked that she be reinstated. "Hold My Hand",made by four students at Chapman University, Ruby Stocking, Bobby Moser, James Parker, and Virginia Thomasi, looks at the impact of being excluded from her class, but also covers the importance of inclusion for all members of society. Schaaf's website offers

Best and Worst States for Disability Services

UCP's invaluable analysis of Medicaid for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities reports that progress is being made for community inclusion, but every state has room for improvement. According to the report Vermont provides the best services for individuals with disabilities and Missippi provides the worst. There are still approximately 58,000 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in facilities with 16 or more beds.Too much money is being spent isolating people in these large instititutions and the waiting lists for services has also increased dramatically, up 56% from 2005 to 2009. Top ten states in terms of quality of

Toronto Police Defend Handcuffing a 9 Year Old Child with Autism

CTV reports that a 9 year-old boy with Asperger's Syndrome was handcuffed by police officers responding to 911 calls from Toronto's Fairbank Memorial Day Care Center about an "uncontrollable autistic boy" . Toronto police officers are defending their decision to handcuff the 9 year old child. On July 28th the police received two calls from the day care center where the child was reportedly was throwing chairs, tables, and yes, even paint. Reports say the child was upset after being bullied by other children during lunch about his disability. The school placed him in an empty classroom after

Who’s Leading Your Individualized Education Program (IEP)? The Importance of Self Advocacy – Part 2 of 2

This is Part 2 in a two-part blog post by Emalie Fogg provides guidance and resources for youth on how to get involved and take a lead in their own Individualized Education Program (IEP).  When we’re growing up, our families, teachers, and adults make most of the decisions about our lives. As we become teenagers it’s important to start participating in the decision-making so that as we near adulthood, we’re ready to decide things for ourselves. No one knows better than you do what you want for your life today and in the future (your goals), what you’re good at

By |December 12th, 2011|Categories: Advocacy, Articles|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

The Advocacy Center

The Advocacy Center empowers individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for themselves and realize their personal goals. Together we build strong, inclusive communities by increasing the ability of community members to support and value all individuals.

Wretches & Jabberers Tampa Screening

The " World Intelligence Magnified Tour" took Tampa by storm. The screenings of Wretches & Jabberers the weekend of June 10 were an enormous success.

National Council on Disability Report Examines How to Improve Access to Health Care, Special Education and Services for USMC Family Members with Disabilities

WASHINGTON, Nov. 28, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On November 28, the National Council on Disability (NCD) will release "United States Marine Corps Exceptional Family Members: How to Improve Access to Health Care, Special Education, and Long-term Supp

By |November 28th, 2011|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, Politics|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Ollibean Art for Change: Wretches & Jabberers Screening and Q & A at Tampa Theatre

Academy Award winner, Gerardine Wurzburg's documentary, "Wretches & Jabberers ", Screening and Q & A at Tampa Theatre . The rockstars of self advocacy, Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette take Tampa by storm, shattering misconceptions of autism and intelligence.

Wretches and Jabberers at Tampa Museum of Art

Academy Award winner, Gerardine Wurzburg's documentary, "Wretches & Jabberers ", Screening and Q & A at Tampa Theatre . The rockstars of self advocacy, Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette take Tampa by storm, shattering misconceptions of autism and intelligence.

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